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A/N: I apologize for the really late updates 🌸 Thanks so much for for the nice votes and comments! I never thought anyone would even notice my book when I first wrote this crap and it's almost at 200 votes! That's craazy. I know it's not a whole lot but it still is amazing to me. The bolded names in the beginning of the chapter is the character's POV if you didn't notice. Thanks so much, again y'all are awesome 💞

two months later..


"How you doing Hayley?" Rachel asked, handing me a red cup. I shouldn't be drinking this much, this will be my fourth cup. It was strawberry vodka. It reminded me of him.

"Good, you?"

"Ugh, Kyle is being an asshole as always."

I sat up. "What happened?"

"The usual. Flirting with other girls when he was the one who brought me here. Can you believe that?" she tucked a piece of her dark blue hair behind her ear. She had cut it shoulder length a few weeks back and it looks nice.

"Have you seen Taylor around?" I couldn't help to ask. It's been a few months since we broke up and it's been hell. Word went around that Taylor joined this fraternity a few weeks since I.. ended us. I missed him.

She rolled her eyes. "No, and that's the third time you've asked tonight. Why don't you just admit you were stupid to break up with him and get back together with him!"

"I can't. He probably hates me.."

"Are you kidding? Don't be ridiculous, he doesn't hate you how would you know? You've been avoiding him all this time but I know how he looks at you and I know you miss him."

She was right, I did miss him. It's been so weird not talking to him in class and waking up to him in his dorm room. I missed his round almond colored eyes I would find myself staring into. I missed running my fingers through the chocolate curls upon his head and I missed his arms, the feeling of his hand in mine. I fucking missed everything about him, his laugh, his smile. All this time I thought he was gonna come run back open arms to me, but now he barely takes a glance at me. He never comes to class. I see him occasionally in the halls if not, I don't see him at all. He's never around Kyle or Rachel or any of his friends - my friends. Sometimes I wonder if he's taking this as hard as I am. Maybe he's gotten over it and forgot about me completely.

Sometimes I feel like I'm just another stranger to him. Maybe I am.

"Where've you been Rach?" Kyle comes up out of nowhere, holding two red cups. Rachel stands up from the couch and takes a cup from his hand. Kyle snapped the black and white bandana on his head. His outfit was ridiculous and his blond hair was messy on top of his head.

"Waiting for you. I was sitting over here with Hayley waiting till' you got done flirting with those girls over there."

"Flirting? I wasn't flirting, I was conversating." his eyes were squinted, annoyed.

Sometimes I wonder why she is even "dating" him or whatever they're doing.

After they got done arguing over if he was flirting or not, they left, leaving me all alone on the couch. The place was getting tighter by the second as more and more people stumbled in. I felt a body squeeze next to me and eyes on me.

"Hey" the girl's blue eyes spilled in mine. "what's your name?"

"Hayley. ." I tell her and a smile cracks on her face.

"I'm Emma," she moves my hair from my shoulder. She looked me up and down, licking her lips.

I stood up and sat my cup on the glass table. The volume of the music grew and I felt the ground shake.

"Where are you going?"

"I have... to go find my friend.." I walked off. I've seen her around this frat house a lot and I try to avoid her. I've heard that she "gets around." Ever since Taylor I haven't really dated at all. There were a few boy toys but none of them lasted like I wanted them too. Of course I couldn't get him off my mind, hell he was on my mind ever since we parted. Has he dated since me? I couldn't imagine him being with anyone else, especially that Emma girl.

I left upstairs to the bathroom and checked my appearance. I looked like hell, the curls in my hair had flattened and I wasn't wearing any makeup. I looked .. dead. I should go home. Not campus, but my home back in Meridian. For the first time in life I miss my parents, I miss my room, in the town where I could call home. Everything has changed so much since I moved here. Maybe it was a mistake. I moved here thinking Chad would protect me, keep me safe. I wanted a life with him. I moved in with him, managing to create a life with him for only that short amount of time. All of that work and stress and love wasted just for him to betray me and leave me for some blond skank.

I can't believe I fell in love with him.

I took a long deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I hated that I ended up doing this. I should find Kyle and head back to my dorm. Yeah, that's the best option.

I left the bathroom and stopped suddenly when I saw him. At first I couldn't recognize him, he looked different. His hair was a lot longer and touched his shoulders. He wore all black and he was yelling - at his sister. She's...back? They were both going at it until he opened a door and disappeared inside. She stomped away, crossing her arms.

I wonder what that was for? She was already gone when I approached the door. Without thinking, I knock and I think I hear him say "go away" when I knock again. I should leave. Part of me believed that I should have gone a long time ago and the other was dying to see him. I opened the door and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hayley.." his eyes were wide and he was in complete shock. Was he really surprised to see me?

His shocked impression turned to concerned in seconds. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw you fighting with your sister and I..." just say it Hayley. I never thought it would be this hard. I couldn't force myself to. What if he doesn't feel the same way.

"Hayley.." he started, "I'm sorry.. for everything. All I wanted to
do was to love you and.. make you happy and I couldn't even do that."

"Taylor stop.." I come closer kneeling down in front of him. I held his hands and stared at his arms. They were littered with dark red scars and bruises. What the hell happened to him?

"You've always made me happy Taylor I've never been happier with anybody else." That was the truth. Ever since I met him I knew he was special. No one was compared to how I felt with Taylor. Not even Chad.

"Yes you have, Chad's made you happy and I'll never be like him."

"I don't need you to be like anyone Taylor. I want you to be you that's all I want you to be." I have cried in front of Taylor before and I don't want to do it again but I can feel the tears pushing stinging at the lids of my eyes. I've never seen Taylor like this and it hurt, so fucking bad.

I lifted my head and kissed him. I had to do something, I couldn't see him like this any longer. I climbed on top of him still holding the kiss.

This time, it was different. He wrapped his arms around my waist and for the first time, I didn't want him to let go.

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