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I walked away from Amanda and disappeared in my room. She was pissing me off. How dare she come up to me and blame me? She was the one who was gone and and didn't say anything - without a call or text.

I sat down at the edge of my bed.

I liked my room. It was much different from my dorm and my room back at my parents house. The bed was bigger and the room was spacious. It was pretty plain but in time it will look better. It was similar to Chad's room here, which was no longer his. He got kicked out of the fraternity a month ago. I don't think I've seen him around ever since.

I jumped when I heard a knock at my door. I sighed, feeling stupid for jumping at such a simple action.

"Go away.." I said. Why won't she just go away?

The door opened shortly after and my heart nearly stopped when I saw her. She was wearing a brown sweater that showed off her stomach and black jeans. She stared at me blankly, as if she didn't know why she just barged in my room.


I felt as if my eyes were to pop out of my head any second now. Was this real? Is she really standing there?

I tried to compose myself. "What are you doing here?"

Her eyes shot to the ground.

"I saw you fighting with your sister and I..."

I sighed. If I don't say it now, it won't be easier saying it later on. I can't hold it in anymore.

"Hayley.. I'm sorry.. for everything. All I wanted to
do was to love you and.. make you happy and I couldn't even do that."

I looked down feeling my eyes sting. I can't cry, not now. I've done that too many times now. Being without Hayley this whole time felt like dying. I've missed her so so fucking much. I missed holding her. I missed the feeling my stomach made every time I held her hand. Not waking up to her felt so empty. I was truly lost without her.

"You've always made me happy Taylor I've never been happier with anybody else."

The words set ease to nerves, but only for a second. I'll never make her happy like Chad has. He won her heart for almost six months, fucking six months and I can't even come close to that. I've failed her, that's all to it, and I will fail her again.

"Yes you have, Chad's made you happy and I'll never be like him." It's true, I'll never be like him. We're complete opposites, I'll never love her like he did.

Her jade eyes spilled in mine, pulling me in. They were glossy. I hoped to God she wouldn't cry.

"I don't need you to be like anyone Taylor. I want you to be you that's all I want you to be."

Before I could blink, she was on top of me. Her lips connected with mine and for the first time in months I felt.. okay. I kissed harder, grabbing on to her back. She quickly ran kisses down my chin to my neck, down my chest. She frantically unzipped my pants. I stopped her, connecting our lips again. Her tounge ran over my bottom lip and I kissed her again.

She went back to my pants and held me in her hands. I threw my head back when I felt her tongue run all the way up my length.

"Hayley... we should slow down-"

"But I want you," she purred, "do you want me?"

I couldn't believe she just asked that. "I've always wanted you Hayley.. it's been so long.."

I was literally on the verge of crying in her arms to getting my dick sucked. How the hell did this happen?

"I'm ready" I whispered out.

"What? You sure?"

I couldn't help myself, I leaned forward and pulled down her jeans. She threw them to the floor. I widened my eyes when I saw that she was wearing white lace panties this time. I watched as she pulled them down and tossed them to the floor as well. She pulled her sweater over her her head and shook her red curls out of her face.

"Fuck Taylor.. I've been wanting to do this ever since the night I met you.." she kept on talking as I watched her crawl towards me. She placed a kiss on my lips as I sat there.

I didn't know what to do next.

She pulled down my jeans further and started to stroke me. Her hand was soft and took me back. I began to breathe heavily. I felt myself reaching the edge but she stopped, climbing on top of me again.

"Are you sure?" she asked, biting down on her bottom lip.

I shook my head, reassuring her. I wanted this, more than even now. I missed her and I missed the way she made me feel. I was going to have her and I was nervous. I watched as she lifted her hips over me. Her pale skin seemed orange in the lighting that the lamp gave off. She had the most amazing body ever. She was thin but her curves stood out in the most sexiest way. I scooted up until my back hit the wall. She moved further up, kissing me before lifting over me again.

I could tell this wasn't her first time. She knew exactly what she was doing and she didn't look the slightest nervous. I kind of wished it was though, so I wouldn't feel as inexperienced and so god damn nervous right now.

She slowly, yet surely, lowered herself down the over the tip and down my shaft. I sucked in my breath, making sure to watch her. She then quickened the motion biting down hard on her bottom lip. She looked down, the lids of her eyes closed shut. Was I.. hurting her?

"Am I hurting you?" I asked. I just wanted to make sure before we go any further.

"No baby," her hand ran down my chest, "you're a lot bigger so I just want to start off slow. But don't worry, you're not hurting me."

She began to move faster and I felt the familiar burn at the pit of my stomach. This felt so much better than her mouth. She was warm around me and the combination of the feeling and her beautiful body made feel as if I was on fire.

"Fuck.. Taylor.." she frowned, quickly swiping the red curls out of her face. She was panting staring into my eyes with pure lust. She leaned forward, still moving her hips, and kissed me. Her tounge swirled over mine as my hands grabbed on to her face. I kissed her roughly yet passionately, running my fingers down her her sides to her waist. She shivered.

"Hayley . . " I felt myself reaching the edge, but this time, it was different. I closed my eyes as I felt her move at an incredible speed. My entire body grew numb and I felt myself twitch inside her. I released, uncontrollably and I felt her tighten around me. She moaned, rather loudly, falling beside me.

"Wow" she breathed out.

"What?" Did I do something wrong, fuck..

"That was... amazing Taylor. It was quick but so.. amazing" she stared up at the ceiling, a wide smile plastered on her face.

"Hayley," she turned to me and stared into my eyes. She bit down on her lip which seems like the one hundred time she did that tonight. "I love you so much.. and.. I'm so sorry for everything."

She furrowed her eyebrows then straddled my waist.

"You don't need to apologize for anything. It was my fault, I pushed you away when I needed you most. I'm sorry for letting you go."

"Being without you felt like hell. I need you, more than ever. You're the only one I care about now." I told her, grabbing on to her waist.

She held on to my collar. "I'm not letting you go again." our lips connected and I swore I heard her say "I love you too" between the kiss. I ignored it, holding on tight to her.

As I held her close and tight, I was relieved knowing I wasn't going to sleep alone tonight.

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