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The diner smelled like fucking heaven, but I wasn't hungry. I just wanted to sit down.. and possibly see her. Where could she be sitting? "This one," I pointed to the booth and we all sat down. Brendon and Luke were sitting next to each other and I was opposite them. Of course they would be sitting next to each other and I would be sitting here like a total loser.

"You okay bro?" Brendon asked me with a frown scrunching his face.

"I'm cool -"

"Bullshit.." he retorted and I rolled my eyes. He pulled out another joint and lit it. The obnoxious sound of heels clicking came towards us. Not her again.

"Um.. don't you see the sign?" Danielle, the waitress narrowed her eyes at Brendon. He smiled. "You're not supposed to smoke in here."

"Fine," he groaned and dropped it on the floor, purposely. The tip of his boot crushed the joint and she sighed, rolled her eyes, and started to walk away. I noticed him catching a look at her behind before smirking disgustingly. "Mhm.."

"You do that every time.." I shake my head. "..you'll never have a chance."

"You don't know that.. but.. do you really think she doesn't like me?"

"You can't be that desperate." a smile crept on my face once I noticed how serious he was. She couldn't be older than seventeen and Brendon was much older than that. Idiot.

"You're just jealous she even talks to me.. "

"For all the wrong reasons.." I mumbled and he gave me the finger.

"You're one to talk. When's the last time you pulled a girl?" he challenged me and I rolled my eyes for the millionth time.

"Shut the fuck up.. I don't pull girls and I haven't found the right one. Yet."

He laughed, whispering something to Luke. Fuck him. I don't need to explain anything to him or Luke. I knew I was going to find the right one. All they do is hit and quit and that is something I do not want to spend my life doing. Especially Luke. He's the worst. Why not try to find a girl you want to build a future with? Treat her right? Love her?

I just didn't get the fuck boys these days, the ones I see walking around my neighborhood, the ones I saw at at my school. I don't know about them but I want to find a girl I want to spend my life with. Someone I can treat better than I treat myself. I don't want it, I need it.

"You're like a little brother to me Taylor and I just need to tell you this.. how're you gonna love somebody if you don't even love yourself?" the smirk on his face made me want to truly punch him. He's definitely one to talk.

"Just shut up, okay?" I said as the waitress came back. She filled my mug with the steaming coffee and sighed as she filled Brendon's. She left shortly, leaving me to sit and listen to Brendon and Luke's conversation about pulling the waitress. I rolled my eyes and drank my coffee. Looking over to my left, I saw the red head and my heart nearly skipped a beat. She looked up at me that did something to me I couldn't explain.. her eyes were like little green gems. But something was different. She looked upset. She quickly looked away, again and stared at the douchebag which I guess was her boyfriend. What had happened?

I had a sudden urge to walk over and find out. Instead, I sat and squeezed my mug that burned my hand. I tapped my foot uncontrollably - a thing I did when I get angry. I hated him, and I didn't even know him. He just looked like an asshole. Could had it been something he said that made her upset? I had to find out.

"Tay, can you stop that?" Luke looked under the table at my tapping foot.

"It's Taylor, never Tay." I hissed at him and his blue eyes widened. I didn't mean to sound so harsh but his face was annoying me and only my close friend's call me Tay. Never him.

"Drink your coffee and chill, okay?" Luke tried me and I squeezed the mug tighter.

"You know what Luke? You're an asshole." the words came out before I can stop them and his jaw nearly dropped.

"Yo, chill Taylor." I heard Brendon say but I refused to look over. My eyes were focused on Luke. A smirk played on his face and I had a strong urge to reach over the table and punch the smirk off of him. I hate him so much.

I turned my head to the red head and the douche leaving the diner. I stood quickly and Brendon told me to slow down.

"Hey what's your problem?" Luke asked me and I shook my head. I found my feet moving towards the glass doors and I stepped outside.

"Taylor!" I heard a familiar voice call my name. No fucking way.. how did he even know I was here? I heard a car door slam. Dammit, he was coming to get me.

"I know you hear me, Taylor" the scraping of my father's work shoes against the concrete made my stomach physically sick. "Why aren't you at school?" his voice was low and steady. That was his angry voice. Oh god, he's going to kill me. How did he know I was here?

"Come," he ordered but I didn't budge.

"No," I boldly said and I could already feel his hands at my collar. His hand gripped my pale arm and practically dragged me towards the grey car. He opened the door and I quickly got in. Fuck, fuck, fuck.. what was I going to say? I bet Amanda was behind this.

Once he got in, he stayed completely silent and sped out of the parking lot. Fucking hell, this was going to be fucking hell.

"Why aren't you at school?"

"I already told you this.. I don't want to go."

"I don't care what you want. Your sister told me you weren't at school and said you weren't answering your phone. Why?" he looked over for a quick second before looking back at the road. Of course it was Amanda, I knew it. Bitch.

"Could you slow down?" I asked as he sped through traffic.

Ignoring me, he turned a sharp corner. "I knew you were at that fucking diner, I could feel it. You can't keep doing this Taylor. I don't want you going back to that diner again -"

"But Dad I-"

"And stop smoking for God's sake.. I can smell it on you."

I slumped in my seat, dropping my hands on my lap. He took a double take at my arms and started breathing heavily.

"What is that? On your arms?"

"Nothing.." I shrugged but he touched the scars. He never stops does he?

"What have I told you about.. cutting yourself?"

"I haven't done it lately, can you get off my fucking case?" I snapped and I felt a strong sting slap on the side of my neck.

"I hate you.. you fucking know that?" I reminded him before looking out the door window.

We both stayed silent as he drove. I am so sick of him, I am so sick of him treating me like that. I don't deserve it and he doesn't see that at all. The car came to a slow stop and I mentally groaned as I saw the gates. Fuck. Without a word, I left the car and slammed the door. I pushed through the gates feeling the tears sting at the lids of my eyes.

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