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I stomped towards Amanda as she stood by her room talking to him. Did they always have to be together?

"Taylor," Edward looked up at me from her and she turned to face me.

"Taylor, what are you doing here?" a confused look took over her face.

"I know what you did and you need to keep your mouth shut -"

"What is going on?" Edward asked, readjusting the glasses on his face. I wanted to punch him.

"I need you to stop telling dad every single bit of my fucking life.." my cheeks were burning and my fists were balled. I hated that look she gave me - like knew more than me.

"Dad? He's your dad. He asked me if you were at school. I texted and called you but you didn't answer.."

"Doesn't mean you had to tell him where I was-"

"I didn't, Taylor. Honest."

Edward shoved his hands in his pockets and frowned at me. My anger grew as I frowned back at him. What in the hell does she see in him?

"Mom and Dad wants you here. You know that."

"Whatever.." I mumbled as started to walk away. I was so sick of hearing the same thing over and over again. I didn't understand why she had to act so kind and caring in front of people. She is so full of bullshit.

Suddenly, I felt my body jerk back and a slur of profanity escape someone's mouth. I looked up seeing her horrified face.

"Um, watch where you're going?" the blue haired girl frowned as she picked up her water bottle.

"Sorry," I mumbled and rushed out the dorms.


I arrived to class and saw that I was the only one there. A kid wearing a blue cap sat at one of the tables at the far left of the class. I sighed as I sat at the table in the very back. If I had known that I had plenty of time before class started, I would've just stayed in my dorm. I could have been at the diner still, hanging with Brendon ..and Luke.

Had they wondered where I had gone?

I didn't want to be here and I was so mad at Amanda. I am so sick of her telling him every little thing. My neck still hurt from where he struck me and I touched it lightly with my fingers. Bastard.

My phone buzzed lightly in my pocket and I quickly pulled it out. It was probably Amanda. Ugh.

*Taylor, this is Kevin, your father. I expect you to be on campus and in class. I will be stopping by the diner later today so don't even think about going there. You know what will be waiting for you if you do.*

I squeezed the phone in my hand, wanting to chuck it across the room. How dare he try to tell me what to do? I hate him so fucking much. He will never get of my ass will he? I dropped my head on the desk trying to calm myself. If I didn't try to calm down then, it would have been bad. Really bad. I wanted to punch something. I wanted to punch someone.

My phone buzzed again. Ugh. Why couldn't he just leave me alone?

I checked the message, slightly relieved.

*what happened? where r u?* Brendon's horrible grammar made me smile.

*My crazy ass dad came and got me. I'm in class now :\*

*dam. u prob should b in class tho*

*I told my dad that I didn't want to be here so many times. He doesn't listen to me. Ever. Nobody cares so whatever.*

*i care. ur my friend.* Brendon quickly sent and my nerves eased slightly. It's nice to hear that at least someone cares.

*i hav to drop off Luke , text me later?*

*Sure* I put down my phone, looking up at the red head entering the classroom. Oh my god.

She had a black and white journal in her arms and her perfectly red locks stopped at her shoulders. She looked around quickly before finding a seat in the middle of class. We had the same class. My heart sped with excitement and anxiety. I had to say something, I had to talk to her but my feet couldn't move. They were glued to the floor. This was my chance but my goddamn feet couldn't move.

I sat and waited for my legs to cooperate. They shook, and I tried to stop them but it was impossible. I needed to talk to her. I couldn't just sit here. Goddammit.

The class started filling up with students and I prayed that none of them would sit by me. A girl with bright orange frizzy hair looked at me and twisted her face in disgust. She went to go find another seat. I didn't want her cruel energy by me anyways. I hated the looks they were giving me. I'm not some fucking alien. I scrolled through my phone to ignore the looks. Suddenly a lanky blonde haired boy strode in the classroom wearing all black. Like me. He smirked and sat down next to the girl, the red head. I grew angry as he was being very touchy feely with her. It was clear as day that she didn't like him touching her. Over the soft chatter of the students, I heard him say her name.

Hayley? Her name was just as pretty as her. My heart swelled.

The professor came rushing in, late as ever, setting down his books and papers quickly. Why was he in such a rush? As soon as he got settled he assigned us chapters. What the actual fuck? It was the first fucking day of fucking goddamn school and he fucking assigns us fucking chapters? This was highschool all over again. I wanted to hit something. I restrained myself and put my head down. I didn't have a textbook and I sure as hell wasn't going to do bookwork. Fuck that shit.

I jumped up when I heard the bell rang. What the fuck? Why was it so fucking loud? It's a school bell, not a fucking fire alarm. Even if it was a fire alarm, it shouldn't be that loud. I saw her walk away with the blond haired boy and I cringed. He was clearly a druggie. I could see his bones through his skin. That couldn't just be from smoking... perhaps he was on something else? Why would she want to hang out with a drugged out piece of scum like him?

Walking out the classroom, I felt ecstatic that she had a class with me but disappointed that I didn't say anything to her. I hope she didn't think that I was a creep. I almost followed her out of the diner, did she see me? I hope not. It wasn't like I was going to talk to her then especially with that douche around. I smiled, walking out of the glass doors.

There was no way I was going to endure another class without a smoke. I found a bench out in front of the school and leaned on the wall behind it. I looked around and saw that no one was around. I lit the end and took a hit. Better, so much better.

"Taylor, what are you doing?" I heard her say, approaching me with a pile of binders in her arms. Amanda.

Fucking hell.


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