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We talked about everything. From our parents, school, even to how shitty our parents were. We even talked about the douche - who's name I learned was Chad. What a douchy name, I thought as she explained him to me.

She cried, a lot as she talked about him. It was so clear that she was in love with him and for him to go out and do that.. god I wanted to punch him in the face. I told her that I wanted to, but she didn't want me hurting him.

I should though.

She told me how she was new here and how she wanted to get away from her parents. Her story was so deep, so moving and I knew I could relate to her. There was times where I wanted to run away from my family multiple times. I have gone close to it but never actually went through with it.

I've snuck out my house too many times to count on one hand but that was only hours, hours until I would dread to come back. I hated coming back. Knowing that all the bullshit, all the memories and pain would drown me out again.

It was and still is the worst feeling.

I watched as she moved. I watched her eyes and how her tears glistened and rolled down in the moonlight. I felt her pain, the emotion in her voice was truly heartbreaking. I've been that way for so long although I never expressed in front of anybody.

Only my sister has seen me cry. She'd witness it at my weakest moments - mostly when I would fight with my dad. I did not tell her about my father or those moments because that was too personal, too deep. I did tell her about my clingly yet annoying sister and my mom. I told her I lived here all my life and went to highschool here. She was amazed I live her so long.

She went on about her parents an how they basically forced her to go to college. Like me, she didn't want to go. She got accepted a few months back and moved to Washington with the douche, Chad.

She also told me that she knew he had to be cheating. There was signals everywhere but she ignored them because she loved him too much.

"What happened back there .. at the frat party?" I said as we, finally, reached campus. A full moon was out and it was a gorgeous sight. The red hair shone in the moonlight and the sparkly dress on her danced as we walked.

There was a long pause before her lips parted. "He said that.. that it was a mistake. He didn't mean to do it but I saw him.. I saw him kissing her."

Her voice shook and I felt that she was going to cry again.

"I'm, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought him up.."

"No," she wiped her nose with the back of her hand, "don't be. That.. that bitch Emma. I - I should have known!"

The spike of anger in her voice was surprising. Emma.. why did that name sound so familiar?

I wasn't drunk. I sure as hell wasn't high. I had to know that name, I had to. At this moment, it didn't ring any bells.

"That.. asshole" I shivered, "I don't understand why anyone would cheat on you.."

"I don't understand either," the whimper at the end of her sentence literally set a crack right down my heart. She was perfect, everything about her was fucking perfect and it hurt.

We pushed through the gates and she abruptly stopped. Her hand was over her stomach and her face was twisted.

"I.. I think I'm gonna be sick." as soon as the words left her mouth she ran, literally ran into one of the doors. Of course I followed.

I saw that she ran into the bathroom and I followed the mess of red hair on her head.

She was hunkered over one of the toilets, gagging. I soon heard the contents of her stomach empty into the water and I felt my stomach grow sick. Trying to help her out, I lightly pulled her hair back and she threw up harder.

Poor girl. She was sick and hurt.

She rose from the toilet moments later and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She turned around and stood before me and her emerald eyes pierced in mine. I felt my heart flutter and my stomach turn with each second she stared at me.

"Thank.. thank you." she said.

Before I could say anything else, her lips pressed hard upon mine. Her hands felt up an down my body places I never thought a girl would touch me and I thought any second my heart was going to burst. She backed me up onto the sink and tugged my curls. I let out a soft cry.

Her mouth tasted of liqour and vomit which I thought was disgusting but my mouth was eager for more. I felt myself kissing back and the second I did, she pressed her body close to mine and closed the gap between us.

I started to panic when I heard the bathroom door open. A dark haired girl came in and her eyes widened once I she saw us. I moved Hayley's hands from roaming my body and the girl quickly hid in one of the stalls.


"Let's go to my room.." she pulled on to my arm and practically dragged me out of the restroom.

I almost fainted from her touch.

Halfway to her room I thought about what she was going to do. I stopped walking. This was wrong. She was upset and drunk and .. not emotionally stable to do this. I couldn't take advantage of her.

That's not what I wanted.

"What's wrong..?" she stumbled and almost tripped over her own foot. I caught her and held her arms so she wouldn't fall over.

"I.. can't do this and I know you don't want to do this" I told her truthfully.

"Yes you can.. a-and I want this, really bad."

"I have to go.." I said and internally hated saying it. This was not the Hayley I saw. She was much better than this.

"Please.. just sit with me..?"

Sitting won't hurt anyone.. would it?

Fuck it, I really didn't want to go back to my dorm.

She led me inside and I saw that her room had two beds. One side was trashy as hell and the other one was neat and tidy. She sat down on the bed on the clean side. I watched as she took off her heels and threw them to the floor. She looked so exhausted, so goddamned tired.

So was I.

She laid back on the bed and rested her head on the pillow. She began to cry.


"I'm so sorry.. I'm such a mess. I shouldn't have let you come here..."

"No I.. I want to be here. I just don't want to do anything we'll both regret.." I said and she nodded slowly.

Who was I kidding? I longed to touch her, see her body.. but now didn't feel good. I was not ready and she was too drunk.

I laid down next to her and looked her body up and down. The dress rode up over her thighs and I noticed a tattoo of a black cross on one of her thighs. I flinched when she brought her hand to my face. Her finger moved a tiny curl from my face and the blank expression on her face made me smile.

I had no clue what we were doing, why I was here, or why I wanted her to touch me but deep inside it felt.. right.

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