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A/N: I am sooooooooo sorry for the wait i suck I'm having a lot to deal with I'm moving and packing up is horrendous right now but u guys r so patient ❤ I will try my hardest to update more frequently I swear, now on with the story-


I held her close and suddenly felt eyes on us. I hated it. As soon as the music blasted, I took her arm and led her upstairs to my room.

I shut the door, making sure to lock it. I swore I had locked the door before..

She sat down on the floor and hugged her knees.

"What happened this morning Hayley?" I asked standing just a few feet in front of her.


"You just took off and.." I didn't understand. I text and called her all day and she didn't even respond. I was worried sick about her.

"It's my parents Taylor.. my mom..."

I silenced myself, leaning down to her height. I felt my stomach churn and turn. I could feel something bad coming on.

"..What happened Hayley?"

I was genuinely scared to hear the outcome.

"I got a call from my father this morning .. it wasn't good. My mom .. she's.."

"Mom?" I felt my heart drop. This wasn't real, this couldn't have been what happened.

"How'd she..?"

Her eyes stared into mine, tears were pooling out the sides of her eyes. Her eyes were glossy out this world and her body was shaking.

"I- I just.." she started to cry harder and all I could think of was to hold her.

"I never should have moved here, I should've stayed home in Meridian.."

"Hayley don't talk like that.."

"I've been fucked over since I got here.. my boyfriend I thought I loved cheated on me, I lost my mom-"

I reached for her and tried to hug her but she scooted away from me. I sat on my knees, not knowing what to do or think. I could feel the vibration of the music from downstairs and the drunken shouts of people below us. A pang of guilt suddenly hit me as I thought about the girl. Chad had to be apart of it, the way he looked at me before I left told it all. I couldn't believe this was happening. While she was grieving I was being straddled by some bimbo. I felt horrible as I sat there, staring at Hayley as she buried her head in her knees. Her bright red hair fell over her legs as she cried. I should have known it was something worse happening when I saw her this morning. I should tell her. I need to tell her about Chelsey.

It was going to kill her and myself but I can't keep this on my chest any longer.

"Hayley there's something I need to tell you I-"

Suddenly, she covered her hand over her mouth and lurched her head forward.


"Oh god.." she jumped up and ran out the room.

I quickly sat up and followed her out the door. Scared and confused all at once, I looked around the hall and saw her run into the bathroom at the end of the hall. I opened the cracked door and saw her hunkered over the toilet.

"Are you okay Hayley? Are you sick?"

She wiped her mouth and slowly sat up. "I dunno.. I think I have a stomach ache"

I took her arm and led her towards my room. She laid down on the bed and covered her face with her hands.

"I'll get you some water and I'll be back. Stay here" I told her then left the room. I felt terrible not telling her but at the same time it was best not to. Now is the worst time. So much bad shit happened today. Right now I needed to be with Hayley and help her through this.

Fuck, this was bad.

I grabbed a red cup from the kitchen and turned on the faucet. As I filled the cup, I saw Chad on the couch with Chelsey on his lap. They were laughing and drinking and seemed to be having a great time. Kyle sat beside him.

What a bunch of assholes.

I tried to calm down as I went upstairs. Seeing Chad's face made me want to punch him and seeing Kyle hanging with them made me want to punch them both.

I handed Hayley her water and she took a few sips. She looked horrible and I bet I did too.

I stretched out next to her and I felt her fingers interlock in mine.

"Please promise me you'll never leave my side?"

"Hayley, I would never ever lie to you or hurt you in anyway.. and I promise to never leave you." the words hurt as they left my mouth.

She scooted in closer to me and I felt my heart break.

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