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A few months later..

After I got done showering, I slipped on my normal black attire and left the dormitories. For the first time in months I felt motivated to leave my dorm. For the first time I felt almost.. happy.

I reached in my pocket for my keys and approached my car. It was a shitty dark blue Nissan that my dad bought no from some lot but I didn't complain. A car's a car, well to me it was. It felt so good to have my own car. After failing the driver's test twice a few tries later I was good. I knew I wasn't the best driver but that didn't phase me because it was better than having someone pick me up and drive me around all day.

Once I arrived at the diner, I could recognize his car. I parked and walked inside. I missed this place so much, the smell, the environment. Although it reminded me too much of Hayley, I still liked being here. I basically grew up here. I tried so hard to ignore it and her memory but she kept popping up in my head. I had to stop though, we were over and I needed to move on.

Did she forget about me?

I shook my head and focused on Brendon waving at me.

"Taylor! So good to see you" he stood up and I gave him a hug. I noticed that Luke was sitting at the booth. He looked so different. They both looked so different, so grown up. It seemed like so much time passes when they were gone.

"The crew united again" Brendon exclaimed as we sat.

"How've you been Tay?" Luke asked as he placed the blue cap on his head.

"Eh.. I've been fair ." I mumbled before rolling my eyes at him. I still didn't like him and I don't think I ever will.

"Fair? What the hell does fair mean?" Brendon asked

"Fine I guess?" I smiled, pushing the curls out of my face.

"Speaking of fine, where's the chick you told me about?"

I sighed as the waitress started to come my way.

"We uh .. we didn't work out."

"That's sucks" Luke stifled out a laugh.

"Sorry man," Brendon pulled out a joint and flicked on his lighter.

"It's nothing" I mumbled. It wasn't nothing. I missed her, so so much. It would be silly to say that now, they didn't even know her, but I did and I still love her. I wonder what she'll think of me now? Who am I kidding?

She's probably out there, actually happy, living her life with Chad. As much as it pained me, it had to be true. She was still in love with him. I don't think I'll ever forget those words. There's nothing I can do now, I am too late. As much as I wanted her back, there would be no way she wanted me. There I go again, thinking about her again.

"Ugh," Danielle rolled her eyes at Brendon who had a blunt in between his lips.

"No smoking in the diner.." she said as he sighed and dropped it on the floor. He smashed it with his foot.

The waitress, Danielle, rolled her eyes and took our orders. I couldn't stop thinking about Hayley as we ate. I strung off from what they were talking about and got consumed in my own mind. I kept thinking about how things could have been different.

Was there even a future for us?

There couldn't have been. Maybe there was a reason why she left back home. She need Chad and... maybe I needed to be by myself for a while.

The sun started to set outside the diner. After Brendon told his crazy stories of him in Nevada, I got up and said goodbye. I sat in my car outside the diner for a while before driving off to campus.

I parked the car in my usual spot in the lot and headed inside. I lit a cigarette. Tonight was going to be like every night I spent here. Staying in my room all night and going back to sleep. It was a pattern that became so dull and repetitive without Hayley.

"Taylor! Hello?"

I turned around and saw that Rachel was walking up to me. She was wearing a black dress and her blue hair was curled and touched her shoulders.

"What's wrong?"

"Its Hayley-"

Hayley? She's here?

Rachel lead me to her room where Hayley was outside her room hugging her knees. Her hair was back to her signature red color.

"Hayley?" I asked and she lifted her head. It felt so unreal like I wasn't looking at her when I was. Was she really here?

I dropped my cigarette and kneeled down towards her. She cried harder.

"Taylor.." she whimpered out, "I should have told you from the start but I fucking didn't."

"What's wrong? What are you doing here?"

I was so confused.. she was supposed to be in Meridian? What happened?

"What happened Hayley?" Rachel asked with concerned eyes.

She was really scaring me now. Where's Chad?

"I'm pregnant.. Taylor and it's yours." she said before dropping her head and crying in her knees.

I felt my breathing almost stop once the words left her mouth and I felt my entire body freeze up.

The End.

A/N: It's done! I am going to do an author's note considering a sequel but it's done for now so don't kill me*

- Jade Valrie

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