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"You really want to know?" his thick eyebrows narrowed and he rested his chin on his fist.

Is he fucking serious?

"Of fucking course I want to know.. you're my best friend.."

He sighed. Before he could say anything else, I heard clicking of heels. At first I thought she was a waitress but she smiled at me and sat down.

What? Of course.. a girl.

She had short dark black hair and wore all leather.

"Hi," she kissed him on the cheek and then looked at me. She smiled.

"Taylor.. this is Sarah. My girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you," she held out her hand and I refused to shake it. Instead, I smiled and shook my head. He has a girlfriend. He's never told me he had a girlfriend. He's leaving because of a.. girl?

"Well this is awkward now.." Brendon chuckled in his glass and she smiled a wide smile. She was very pretty.

"You're making it awkward Brendon..." she took his glass from his hands and took a sip. Her face twisted before the corners of her mouth lifted.

I jumped slightly at the sound of someone hitting the ground. A mop of bright blue hair came into view from the table a few tables ahead of us. My eyes shot over to the red head girl laughing, hard. My heart beat quickened at the sight of her and I was sure I was going to have a damned heart attack.

"Tay?" Brendon's voice broke me from my trance. Every time.


"I asked if you were hungry?"

I nodded and Brendon called over the waitress. I ordered for myself while Brendon and Sarah talked among themselves. I ate as they talked and laughed - but I didn't care to listen to what they were giggling about. I turned my attention to the bright haired girl and her friends. The douche - the guy I was guessing was her boyfriend - scooted closer to her and hugged up against her neck. My stomach churned and I put down my fork. The sight made me physically sick.

I frowned as I looked back at Sarah whispering something in Brendon's ear. She laughed once she saw I was looking. Where.. they talking about me? I suddenly didn't like her.

Brendon ordered us more drinks shortly after I wanted to get in on the conversation. I found myself downing my fifth drink. The liquid was sweet yet bitter but I liked it. I hardly ever drink and it was surprising that I drinking so much. Looking up from my sixth drink, I noticed that the red head er.. Hayley was gone along with the douche. I should really stop calling her red head. Oh well.

I wondered what her hair felt like. It probably was really soft, and her skin, I imagined touching her skin. The fairness in her skin was like mine, like my skin. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that she had to leave with that.. that douche. Again, I had another chance to say something to her. But no, I sat here and stared at her like some creep. Oh well..

Next time, next time I have to say something. I need to.

"Are you f-fucking kidding me?" I slurred, "How the hell did he find me?" My body tensed once I saw him in his black button up and beige jeans. The curls in his hair set shivers down my spine. The bar like place was dark and dimmed with little light but I could still see the angry scowl plastered on his face. He mumbled something when his eyes locked in mine. God, why did he have to look so much like me?

"What's wrong?" Brendon asked, a smirk on his face. He was drunk, so fucking drunk and if my dad saw me hanging with him.. it won't be good. Oh my god, he's gonna kill me.

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