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My mom looked worried as I sat down next to her. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, as if she was crying. Wow, was it really this bad?

"Mom, you alright?" I asked.

"No, we don't know where she is Taylor... we've been trying to call her but she just won't answer her phone."

I sighed. What the hell Amanda.. how could you leave our mom and dad worrying like this? And I'm getting yelled at?

"When was the last time you've seen her Taylor? Hello.. over here?" my dad asks, his hands on his hips.

"Frat party.. she was there but she wasn't with Edward."

"How long ago was this?"

"A few days ago, a week, fuck how would I know?"

This was bullshit. How the hell am I supposed to remember every single event or happening involving her. She lives her life and I live mine, that's how it goes. Maybe if we were closer, this would be a different situation. But we simply weren't.

"You need to know this Taylor," my dad starts, "your sister could be in danger. You don't care, it's written on your face. You never cared since the beginning-"

"Since the beginning of what?" I frowned at him.

"You're supposed to protect her and you just don't care." his face was a bright red and his eyes were on fire. I knew if my mom weren't in the room, this could be worse.

"Okay whatever, I don't have to take this shit. Maybe I don't fucking care.." I stood up and began to walk away.

Fuck this. He's doing what he does best, humiliating me and blaming me for something so stupid.


I looked around the living room and saw that Hayley wasn't there. I stopped at the stairs when I saw Hayley sitting there with her arms crossed. I walked up without saying a word.

I clicked on the lamp when I reached the room, careful not to trip. As I laid back on the bed, I heard my door creak open. I lifted my head and saw Hayley sit down in my rolly chair.

"Friend?" she spoke and I dropped my head back on the pillow.

"Hayley please.. not now.."

She sighed. "Is that what I am to you, really?"

I sat up. "No, of course not. I'm sorry okay I only said it because I was.. I was scared."

"Scared of what?"

"My dad okay, he's not.. not like he seems he has a temper."

"I can tell.." she rolled her eyes.

"You don't understand.." I choked out, feeling my eyes water. Goddammit. You cannot cry.

"Understand what?" she moved from the chair and sat opposite of me. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she was confused as ever. How the hell was I going to say this?

"My dad he.. he hits me. He's a very violent person. He blames me for fucking.. everything even for the smallest things. We've never had a good relationship. Ever." I managed to say without crying. I imagined myself to be balling by now but looking into her eyes were the only thing holding me up.

Her expression was blank, unreadable. She's never seen me like this, weak and all and I never thought I'd act like this around her. I never told anyone of my father's violent side, ever. Telling Hayley seemed right. She was looking at me -- actually listening to me. I don't think I could have found anyone more perfect.

She let out a deep sigh. I hugged my knees and dropped my head. I was tired and felt like utter shit. I had enough fighting with my parents. I just wanted to sleep.

"I had no idea Taylor..."

I turned over, closing my eyes, hoping to go to sleep.


I awoke to an arm around my chest. I sat up, moving Hayley's arm from around me. Sitting at the edge of my bed, I reach under and grab the familiar tin box. I open it, staring at the blades inside. It's been a while since I've done anything close to cutting and I was.. tempted. I ran my finger over one of them flinching as I cut myself.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom. Closing the tin lid, I tossed it in the garbage bin.

"What're doing?"


"It's 6:58, we have class-"

"I don't feel like going," I plopped on the bed. Hayley climbed on top, straddling my waist.

"Well, if you're not going, I'm not going."

"You'll be late.."

"I don't care. I uh.. I'm sorry about your dad you shouldn't have to deal with that."

"It's fine."

"It's not fine he's.. he's an asshole."

I sighed. I knew she didn't understand fully but it's something I had to deal with for a long time, even at a young age. Of course he wouldn't lay a finger on Amanda but I was always the target, the bad kid. I get yelled at for smoking but when she's gone for not even twelve hours without a call or text, and they're all worried and anxious.

"You're not the one who has to deal with him"

"Yeah I know but-"

"Taylor, your dad wants you." my mom came in and Hayley moved quickly from over me. I should've locked that.

I groaned, sitting up. I found my dad sitting in the living room with his phone on his lap. His curls were slicked back and he had on his work clothes.

"Amanda finally called. She's safe."

"Okay.. what does that have to do with me?"

"This is exactly what I'm talking about... who was that girl?"


"Don't play stupid Taylor, that girl with the bright hair you brought to my house-"

"I told you she's my friend.."

He sighed. "Friends don't sleep together like that. Seriously Taylor, who is she?"

"Her name's Hayley. We're dating." the words sounded weird coming out of my mouth. It sounded even weirder saying it in front of my dad.

"You don't call, you don't check in with your family, you don't even check in with your sister. Most importantly, you have this attitude that you use on your mother and I and I don't like it. So... you've had sex with this girl?"

What? No.

This is exactly why I hated coming here. Why would he assume that? Just because I come home with a girl he thinks I've.. done that?

God, I hate him so much.

"No, I haven't.."

"Don't lie to me Taylor-"

"I haven't! Geez.." I ran my fingers through my curls and sigh deeply. My cheeks had to be fucking red by now.

"You can't see her anymore."

"What? Don't be ridiculous-"

"Does it look like I'm joking?" he stands to his feet and walks to the kitchen. I follow.

"You don't even know her-"

"You don't know what you're talking about, Taylor. I saw her. She's just using you."

The words shot me through my chest and I grew tense. My fists balled and I just wanted to hit him.

"Fuck this.." I turned around to leave the kitchen but stopped when I saw Hayley standing in the living room.I approached her.

"Let's go, I wanna to leave now.." she whispered.

I took her hand and we left the house. We walked outside together, with no way of getting anywhere, just us hand in hand.

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