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one week later...

After class ended, I went straight to my dorm. I sighed, opened the door, and found another flier for the frat rush that was coming up this weekend.

I sat down on the span of my bed that I didn't even dare to make up. I had pulled out my brand new phone that my dad had bought me last week and unlocked the screen. I hated the feel of my new phone, I just so used to my old one.

Maybe if you didn't go to that damned frat party, you probably wouldn't have lost it, my dad said the night I finally told him I lost it. Like always, he brought my mom into it and it was one huge ass argument.

It was so typical. Anything that had to do with me, he had to let my mom know so I can look even more pathetic.

I had no new text messages from Brendon and one new text from Amanda. I guess it was for the best, he's out living his life and it's time that I live mine. Or try to.

*Taylor it's ur sis mom wants to know if you're coming home 2nite?*

I sighed.

*no, now leave me alone, please*

*You really have to have the attitude now? Are you on campus??*

*Why do you need 2 know?* I sent, knowing that she was up to something.

*cut the crap, I just want to know if you even went 2 class*

*So you can snitch to dad if I didn't?* She was so predictable.

*Snitch, really? Just tell me if you went 2 class or not*

*I did OK? goodbye*

I locked the phone and shoved it in my pocket. I had enough talking to her. I knew she was going to tell dad. He hadn't been contacting me for the past week and I'd have to be stupid not to think that he was using Amanda to get info from me.

It was so low of him.

What will I have to do for him to trust me?

I shook my head and stretched a little. My phone buzzed, once again.

*Open the door ;)* a text from Hayley popped up on my screen.

Smiling, I strode to the door and opened it slowly. There she stood, wearing a short black flared skirt and and a long sleeve black sweater. Her hair was a lot different from when first saw her; a short bang was cut in the front and the rest was straightened and stopped at her chest.

She looked beautiful, as always.

Before I could say a word, her arms wrapped around my neck and her soft lips pressed on mine. I kissed back, at first softly but then rougher as she backed me up to the bed. I sat down and she climbed on my lap, still kissing me.

"There's a frat party tonight," she started running her finger over my bottom lip, "wanna come? Or should you ask your dad first?"

"Shut up," I laughed grabbing the back of her head and bringing her in to kiss me again.

We made out for another thirty minutes before leaving the dorms and meeting up with Kyle. He gave us both teasingly smiles when he saw our fingers interlocked. I ignored him and the smiles as all three of us squeezed in the truck.


"Hey Chad!" Kyle shouted and ran up to him as Hayley and I stepped over cup after red cup on the lawn.

I tried not to look at him as we reached the entrance but my eyes dared to wander.

The douche was wearing a blue and white button up shirt and black jeans. He talked and laughed with Kyle, not even noticing Hayley and I coming inside. Good.

"I didn't know he was here?" I whispered to her.

"I didn't know either, it'll be okay alright?"

I nodded. As long as he didn't come near any one of us.

The place was packed, filled with a lot more people than the last time I came. As much as I hated crowds I knew I was going to be chill - as long as Hayley was around I felt okay.

Her hand disconnected from mine and I saw that she left for the kitchen. I followed. She picked up a drink and tilted her head back, chugging it down. Why not. I stared down at the pinkish liquid, questioning myself what the hell it was.

"Don't worry, it's a strawberry vodka mix" Hayley chuckled, bringing the cup to her lips again.

I looked at her for a second before allowing the liquid to to pass my lips. The mixture tingled my tounge. It was sweet.

Hayley then took the cup from my hand and sat it down on the counter. She took some of her drink in her mouth and brought her lips to mine. She opened her mouth and spilled the liquid from her mouth on my tounge. I swallowed down the warm mixture.


We made out (again) then left the kitchen to find Kyle. We both spotted him on a couch hugged up with some other girl. Chad wasn't far, sitting on a couch next to him.

"Rachel!" Hayley screeched and they both hugged each other in their drunkingly manner.

Chad looked away, squeezing the blonde haired girl closer to his chest who was sitting on his lap. She looked familiar. Hayley took my hand and sat me down on the couch. She began to kiss me, moving to sit on my lap. She kept looking back at Chad. I decided to ignore it.

Time passed quickly and I found her getting up from my lap.

"Come with me," she took my hand and lead me to the stairs, "I want to show you something.."

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