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Warning: pretty graphic . . .

I warned ya.


I stumbled once I reached the door. She had brought the cup to her lips again which seemed like the twelfth time she's done that tonight. She was so drunk, and I didn't mind.

She led me inside and turned on the lamp. It was the same room I first met her in. The blue covers were placed neatly on the bed as if no one touched it and the dark black curtains covered the windows.

The only light that was showing in the room was the yellow glow from the lamp. She closed the door slowly and then turned the lock.

What was she going to show me?

"Lay down," her voice echoed in the large space. The music could still be heard from downstairs and vibrated softly through the floor.

I laid down.

A small smile crept on her face before she sat down the cup. She pulled up the ends of her skirt before climbing on top of me. Her lips soon touched mine. Butterflies fluttered throughout my stomach.

We began to kiss, slipping our tongues past each others, romanticizing the kiss. I never knew anyone would kiss like this it was so deep and.. hot. Her lips were so soft. I tried not to think of her lips touching the douche's lips.

She stopped kissing me and looked down at my pants, where she was unzipping them.

I suddenly sat up. "Hayley wait,"

Her eyes met mine and she gave me a drunken smile.

"Hayley I don't think... I don't think I'm ready.." I felt my cheeks growing hot. It's been a week and I didn't even know what we were doing. I guess we were dating but I barely knew anything about her. One week, and we were going to have sex?

It just didn't feel right. I felt so embarrassed.

She rolled her eyes and placed her finger on my bottom lip, a thing I absolutely loved her doing.

"You've never had .. sex before? You've never tried anything?"

"Never" I shook my head.

She sighed, "Don't worry, I'm not going to have sex with you... yet. Just lay back and.. relax. You're going to love this"

I watched as she continued to unzip them. I was so anxious and nervous to know what she was going to do. She wasn't going to have sex with me so.. what happens next?

She tugged at my jeans and I helped her pull them down a bit. She ran her fingers over my boxers. Her smile widened.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good.." she purred, bringing her head up to kiss me before hovering over my waist again.

I couldn't fight the urge to smile. I was so excited but so nervous.

I sat up on my elbows and watched as she reached under the flap of my boxers.

"Lay back.. and stop breathing so hard" she laughed and I did as told. I laid my head on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. I felt her cold hand wrap around me.

I suddenly grew excited.

She was touching me... down there. A million thoughts ran through my head. I've never been touched like this, it was so strange but.. I liked it.

She then began moving her hand up and down me, slowly at first but then faster as my chest moved up and down rapidly. The sensation sent fire to my stomach. It suddenly felt like a hundred things were building up inside me and wanted to come out. She slowed down her hand movement.

Why was she torturing me?

I jumped a little when I felt something warm wrap around me. The warm sensation wrapped around the tip then further down. I shot my head up, I had to see what she was doing.

I almost gasped at the sight. Her mouth was moving up and down me, her hand wrapped around me as well as she sucked. Excitement shot through my body. It was the most hottest thing I've ever seen, something I never thought a girl could do.

The feeling was amazing, I can't properly explain it. Every emotion mixed in with each other creating this sensation that was demanding to burst out. The way her eyebrows furrowed as her mouth moved around me, the way her lips looked all red and plump. I threw my head back and pushed the curls away from my sweaty forehead.

"Don't stop," I barely whispered out, furrowing my eyebrows at her. The feeling was too amazing.

She lifted her hand and pushed me down. I rested my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. I was close, so so close and I wasn't sure what to do. Knowing it was too late, I felt my stomach clench and my eyes roll in the back of my head.

I released and my body felt relax. My vision blurred once I opened my eyes but blinked again and everything was clear again. I found her wiping her mouth and kissing me again. I felt her zipping back up my pants.

She laid down next to me and I pulled her close.

"How was-"

"That was.. amazing"

I chuckled before squeezing her body close to mine. I still tasted the strawberry vodka mix on her tongue. I hugged her tight.

For the first time in my entire life I felt safe, peaceful. And I enjoyed the feeling as I stared off at the roof again.

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