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He grabbed her hand and I felt my heart beat quicken. What the hell is he doing with her?

His eyes shot up to me and his smirk faded.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him, placing my hand on my hip.

"This guy.." he scoffed, removing his hand from hers. He rolled his eyes before staring straight at me.

I hated that stupid look he was giving me, like he was better than me. Did he not get the message that we were together? I knew something was wrong like she was hiding something. It seems like every time I look up he's around.

"C'mon Taylor-" Hayley took my arm but I snatched it away. I didn't want her touching me.

"No, I'm not going anywhere."

"You know what, I'm really getting sick of you-"

"Well do something then," I said, walking further towards him. I was really getting sick of him as well and I've had enough of his bullshit. First it was him cheating and then taunting her with Morgan.

"You know what you are Chad, you're a coward. She doesn't wanna be with you-"

"Oh please, Hayley don't act like you were all over me just now.."


"What did you just say?" I shoved his shoulders and before my eyes, he had my collars and pushed me up to the wall. I managed to push him off and land to my feet.

I felt Hayley's hand grip my arm but I ignored it and walked away. This was bullshit, I don't have to deal with this.

"He was lying.." she claimed, following me. Why wouldn't she just go away?

"Can you slow down?"

"What do you want? Just go away.."

She grabbed for my hand and held it for a second. He touched that hand. I pulled away from her as she came closer.


"I can't do this - not with him around.."

She sighed frustratingly, "Nothing happened between us, he was just saying the same shit before, he just wants to be with me-"

"Well be with him then" I snapped, running my fingers through my hair. I was fuming and I just didn't care anymore.

"What are you saying?" she asked, following me as I left inside the building.

"Since he wants to be with you so bad just go-"

"Go?" she asked, and for some reason I imagined her with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. I chuckled.

"What's so funny? What's wrong with you?"

I reached my dorm, turning around to face her. Her arms were crossed and her red hair was a mess. Her frown was deep, angry, pissed. Was I breaking up with her? I wasn't sure.

"I would like it if you just go.."

"You're breaking up with me? You're just gonna... fuck me then break up with me?" Hayley shouted making heads turn throughout the hallway.

I felt my cheeks burn causing me to open the door of my room. She grabbed my arm and once again, I pulled away.

"You're an asshole, you know that?" I heard her say as I plopped on my bed. Her voice was shaking as if she was on the verge of crying.

I grabbed the pillow and covered my ears. I just wanted to sleep and forget everything for a couple hours. Couldn't she just let me do that?

Before I could tell her to leave again, I heard the door slam and I looked up. She was gone. I took a long exasperated sigh, turning over and closing my eyes hoping for sleep to come.


A/N: To those of you who didn't know I changed the extension of the chapters, I was gonna end it at chap 50 but it will be a bit longer. Thank you so much for the votes and lovely comments, I hope you guys are enjoying it so far :) <3

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