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"Finally" I said as I fell into her arms. It felt as if I walked into heaven once I felt the cool air of her house. She led me to the couch where I sat down.

"What are you doing here? How'd you know where I live?"

"Let's not talk about it okay... you're here. You're real.." I took her warm hands and looks around. The place was big and fancy prettier than my parents house back home.

I pulled her closer where she climbed on top of me. I pressed my lips onto hers as she pushed her hands against my shoulders.

"I'm sorry..I'm so sorry for everything. I.. I've tried so hard to love you and make this work please believe me I tried. I can't live without you Hayley. I ruin everything I know.."

"Don't talk like that" she said before bringing her lips to mine. "there's something I need to tell you..."

"If you come back with me I promise I'll be the guy you want me to be.. I promise."

"I'm with Chad now. I can't be with you."

I sat up in my seat. "What?"

He was the one who talked to me on the phone. Was he with her now?

She moved from on top of me.

"I'm so sorry Taylor, I can't do it anymore. There's something else I need to tell you.."

I rubbed my hands down my face. She couldn't be serious.. she couldn't be saying these things.

"What is it?"

"I.. I'm... I'm in love with him Taylor. It's best if I stay here.. I'm so sorry.."

"That's what you needed to tell me?" I stared back at her with confused eyes.

As I sat there I thought about everything we've been through. I looked into her eyes and I saw it fading. She dropped to the floor and hugged her knees. I watched as she sat and cried. It was the worst thing ever. I felt my eyes pool just from watching her and I slumped in the seat. For the millionth time in my life I felt myself .. giving up. She was everything to me. I didn't care about anything else. As I sat there, I felt that there was something more. Something she wasn't saying.

"Are.. you sure that's all you had to tell me?"

She tucked a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear then nodded. Her eyes were a deep red and heavy bags hung under them. Why did I feel there was something more?

I stood up. I should be heading back. I had several missed calls from my parents including Amanda - they were probably worried sick.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have came here." I told her as I walked to the door.

She followed.

"Bye Hayley" I kept her face in my mind as I left the huge house and walked down the lonely sidewalk.

A/N: 1 chapter left!

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