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I jumped out of bed when I heard a loud crash.

The hell is going on out there?

I fished around for the lamp but I hit my hand on something and heard something plummet to the floor.

The lamp turned on and I gasped at the sight. My phone had dropped and landed on the screen.

Once I picked it up and turned it to the front I felt my heart nearly shatter. A large, spiderweb crack covered the screen.

"Great, just... great."

I unlocked the screen and saw that it was 7:30 on the dot. How long had I been asleep?

I could barely remember the day. Everyday seemed like I was just going to class and to sleep. Besides my dad being an ass and my sister being annoying, it's been a not-so-bad week. Although, I hate to admit but, it's lonely.

I dialed my dad's number and he picked up on the first ring.

"Hello?" his tone was the same for everything. Stern and guarding.

"Hey dad, can you pick me up?"

"Um... sure. I was on my way home for dinner. Andrea called and-"

"I'll be outside the gate." I hung up and shoved my phone in my pocket. I didn't have the patience for him to tell me about mom. I was tired and hungry and I... missed my bed. There was no way I could sleep away the night in here.

I pulled on a black shirt and slipped on my vans. I sighed as I left my room and strode down the hall. It was dark even though the hall light was on. Liqour bottles and trash littered the hallway. I rolled my eyes at the clutter. So typical.

Once I reached the gate, I shivered. It was so cold out. I wished I had brought a coat. For what seemed like forever, the dark grey car finally rolled up.

I quickly got inside and my dad barely looked at me.

"What took you so long?" I asked as he drove off.

"Traffic. It's pretty late you know?"

I shrugged and slumped in my seat. I was so tired and all I wanted to do was eat and curl up in my warm bed.

"How was school?"

"Boring, as always."

"You could always do something fun, you know? Get involved in some clubs.."

I laughed. We are actually having a decent conversation. Wow.

"Clubs? How fun.."

"When I was in college, I actually had fun. Joined a fraternity, met some new people, lived a little."

I looked off to the road. "Well you don't want me daring to leave campus so how in the hell am I supposed to have fun?"

"I want you to have an education. It may be a drag hearing this from me but in the end...it will pay off."

I stayed silent. Pay off? For what? I'm in pointless classes learning what I already learned in highschool. WSU won't get me anywhere. I may be related to Kevin York but I sure as hell don't have the same mindset as him.

I sighed as he parked in front of the brick house. The house smelled like cake. Did she bake?

Curious, I followed the smell into the kitchen but stopped when I saw Edward seated at the table. The fuck?

"Taylor.. we didn't think you were coming." my mom turned to face me from the sink. She had just pulled something out of the oven. It smelled amazing.

"Please join us for dinner" she insisted before Amanda came walking in the kitchen. She wore a pale pink dress and her hair was curled. She kissed Edward on the forehead and I almost vomited from the sight.

"I just came to sleep, that's all." I started to walk away but Amanda's voice stopped me.

"Please Taylor.."

I sighed, pulled up a chair and sat down. This was going to be painful. My mom started to fill all of our plates with vegetables and bread. My stomach growled at the meal. I can't even remeber the last time I ate with family. My dad wasn't seated so that was good.

I spoke too soon. I noticed that he showered and changed clothes. His curls were popping out from left to right and was free from the gel he would glob on to the top of his head. He sat down two seats down from me. He smiled at Edward.

It was different. It was a loving, caring smile. Something he never gave me.

My mom sat down next to Kevin and shot Edward a warm smile.

"We are.. a meat free family so sorry if the food isn't what you normally eat.."

How many times do I have to hear her say that?

He shook his head as he took a forkfull of the vegetables. "Amanda has informed me of your.. lifestyle. I actually have been a vegetarian for over a year now and I was.. ecstatic when I heard the news. By the way, you are an amazing cook."

My mom blushed, taking in all the bullshit. "Thank you Edward, I am so glad you enjoy it."

I've been a vegetarian for over a year now, I mocked in my head. It's so easy to say that.

Amanda gave Edward's hand a gentle squeeze and in exchange, he gave her a loving smile. It was moments like this that actually made me believe they were in love.

Still hated him. He has to be all perfect around them. He just has to be.

I rolled my eyes.

"Edward is.. so glad to be here he has been wanting to meet you for the longest." Amanda said as my mom and dad smiled in unison.

"It's true.. I was dying to meet the wonderful people who gave birth to this perfect angel. She is.. my everything."

I laughed and dropped my fork. The clanging of the silverware hitting the plate brought all eyes toward me.

"Well Kevin and I are flattered. It's so nice to meet you Edward. You are always welcome here. Our home is your home!"

Welcome? She had just met him and he is welcome? This is such bullshit. I rose from my seat and started to leave the kitchen. Maybe coming here was a bad idea.

"Where are you going Taylor?" Andrea asked, turning around.

"To bed" I disapeared up the steps and headed straight for my room.


I woke up to a loud noise banging against my wall. The clock read 1:13. I jumped up and opened my door. Rubbing my eyes, I walked down the hall and pressed my ear up to Amanda's room door. I heard Edwards voice and Amanda.. moaning.

I walked back down the hall to my room in disgust. Well, back to bed I go. I curled back in my bed still hearing the banging. I hope they are using protection for fuck's sake. I placed the pillow over my head and closed my eyes.

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