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I was sitting down at the edge of my bed, holding my head in my hands. This couldn't be real. This had to be a dream.. a really bad dream.

I have to tell Taylor. I have to.


"Hayley you need to calm down. This is not official yet - you'll take another one-"

"But I'm pregnant.." I said in between cries. "I knew it, I knew it.. it had two lines."

I watched as Chad paced up and down the floor, shaking his head. He didn't believe me. I showed him the test several times and he still didn't believe me. This was exactly what I was afraid of.. what the fuck have I done?

"I have to tell Taylor.. I need to go back and tell him-"

"No," he came up to me and held my cheeks. "you're not going to tell him, that's only gonna make it worse."

"But Chad I-"

"Hayley listen to me.. I know I'm a fuck up I've fucked you over so many times. Just forget everything, forget all those girls. You're the only one for me and I know you love me still. We'll get through this together."

I looked into his eyes and emotion, finally after all this time I saw the real him. The one who promised to take care of me, the one who really loved me. No, I need to stop myself, Chad and I never had sex. This was for sure Taylor's. Fuck, how could I be so stupid!

His lips connected to mine before he stared at me again. "Hayley... you'll stay here with me and we will do this together. You don't need him."

"I do.. I can't just not tell him" I reached for my phone that was on my bed. It was ringing, I haven't checked it in days. I tried to reach for it but he pushed my arm away and answered the phone.

"Fuck it's him.." he tapped the screen and paused for a moment.

"She doesn't want to talk to you alright? She's with me now, leave her alone." he shouted into the phone and hung up. It had to be Taylor, it had to.

"I need to talk to him I-"

"No Hayley, he doesn't need to know this. You'll ruin him. What did I just say?"

I began to cry harder. This was so fucked up what I was doing. I wasn't ready for this, God knows I wasn't. Was I going to keep this from him? Fuck, was I?

"Hayley you need to think clearly like I am. You are going to ruin his life, look at him then look at me. I can handle this I know I can."

I placed my hands over my eyes.

"You have to pull yourself together now."

I wiped my eyes and stared at him again. He was right, I couldn't tell him this. How would his family react? They'd hate me and I couldn't even imagine how my Dad would react. First my mom now this? I will destroy him.

I couldn't believe I was deciding to do this, to be on Chad's side. After everything he's put me through I'm here with him again. He's lied to me, manipulated me, and put me through hell and back. This was wrong but I had to do it, I couldn't tell him, not now.

"..What about my Dad?"

"Of course we'll tell him."

"Chad.. I'm scared."

He held my hands and looked into my eyes again. "It's just me and you from now on. No one else just you and me. I love you, always"

His arms wrapped around me and I stood up. I won't tell him. Not now.. fuck I'm gonna destroy him. I'm gonna hurt him when he finds out. I walked downstairs with Chad holding his hand. It was such a different feel than Taylors. I needed Taylor's hand not his.

Fuck this was so bad.

"Mr. Williams there's something we need to tell you.." Chad began.

I tensed up when my dad gave us suspicious glares. No, I can't tell him now.

"Hayley and I-"

"We um.. you should make dinner.. its getting late." I told him and my dad began to walk in the kitchen, eying us.

"What are you doing?" Chad whispered to me.

I took his arm and lead him upstairs to my room.

"I - we can't tell him now... it just doesn't feel right. And what the fuck were you planning to say? That you got me pregnant? We should wait."

"But.. it's your dad. Okay fine, we'll wait but we have to tell him soon."

I sighed, "What about Taylor?"

"We don't bring him up, I take responsibility-"

"This isn't right Chad-"

"You have to trust me. Just me and you okay?" he said as he held my waist. He took my hand again as he walked me downstairs.


I jumped up when I heard the doorbell ring. I moved Chad's arm from over me and walked downstairs. It's been a few days since I've been here and I've felt so fucking horrible with all this. My dad was at work and probably wouldn't be home in a while. I was still dreading to tell him the news.

"Coming," I said as I twisted the knob and opened the door. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Taylor at the door breathing hard, and covered in rainwater and sweat. What the fuck? How'd he get here?

"Finally" he said as he pulled me into his arms.

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