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I took a double take at the letter. No way. No fucking way.

I'm accepted. I got fucking accepted in WSU. How the hell did I get accepted?

I wasn't freaking out. I wasn't excited. I wanted to rip it up, throw it away and never lay eyes on it again. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Amanda got accepted a few weeks back. She kept talking about this boy - I think who's name is Edward, and how she can't wait to tell him. She was out now, with my dad going car shopping. They've been doing that for weeks without any luck.

My mom took the letter from my hands and squealed at the top of her lungs. Ow.

"You got accepted! Oh my god, aren't you excited? I've got to call your dad!" she took off, picking up her phone.

Shit. Why'd she have to tell him?

I stormed out of the kitchen and ran to my room. Frustration built up inside me, I slammed the door and pulled up the window. Bringing the cigarette to my lips, I thought about WSU.

I got accepted. I was dreading this day, and all I wanted to do was smoke and forget everything.

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