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"I think you'll love him, Mom" I turned off the oven and reached around in the upper cabinet. I pulled down three glass cups. I had no idea if Taylor was coming.

"I hope so.. kidding. From all the things you told me, I think he'll be wonderful."

I smiled at the attitude she had towards him. She hadn't met him yet but I knew deep down she would love him. He was kind, caring, and sweet. Except..

"I called your brother earlier. Is he staying for dinner?"

"I don't know. He should be in school still. Who knows what he's doing.."

"Amanda, I'm worried about him. You've seen his arms right?"

I sighed. "He'll be okay, Mom."

"Will you be a doll and call him please? I want to know if he'll be coming.." she pulled the casserole out of the oven and placed it on the counter.

I pulled out my phone and started to dial Taylor's number. I ran my hand over the painful scars on my arm and saw that they were bleeding again. Panicking, I ran up the stairs and put the phone up to my ear when I heard Taylor's voice.

"What?" his voice was annoyed, groggy. He must have been sleeping. Or high.

"Mom wants to know if you're coming for dinner.."

"Dinner for what?"

I ran the water and frantically grabbed the bag of cotton balls from under the sink. The water was cold once I pressed cotton against the wound.

I winced. "I'm.. Edward is coming over for dinner.. you should come and meet him."

He chuckled. "You think I'm going to sit at a table for an hour and hear you gloat about the love of your life?"

"Everyone will appreciate it.. if you come. Just for one night?" I lifted my weight and pushed myself up on the counter. There was a long pause on the other end before he hung up. He was going to think about it, he had to.

I tossed the bloody cotton ball in the bin next to the toilet and sighed deeply. Never again, I thought. Never again.


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