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"Oh my god, we're like twenty minutes late.." I climbed off of the bed and grabbed a T-shirt and jeans from the floor. The room was a mess but I wasn't trying to focus on that.

I heard a groan escape from his mouth. "..We don't have to Hayley-"

Without thinking, I pulled the shirt from over my head and felt a cool draft. Oh yeah, I wasn't wearing a bra. Before I can put on the clean shirt, I felt a pair of lips connect to mine. Suddenly I kissed Taylor back in a rhythm that turned me on. Had I been that distracted that I didn't know he was right in front of me?

He started to pick me up and the clothes fell right out of my hands. Surprised as hell, I kissed him all the way to the bed. He gently dropped me on the soft comfortors and I cracked a smile at him.

"What're you going to do to me?" I asked softly, biting down on my lip. I had my shirt off but I wasn't in the slightest uncomfortable with him. He hasn't quite broken out of his shell around me but soon.. he'll be comfortable. I was still upset about the Chelsey thing, which I am indeed still going to kick her ass for touching him. I had thought he wasn't going to come look for me. I was a mess this morning and even though part of didn't want to see him, I was relieved when he came in the door. This was so strange and hot for him to make the first move so I had to see how this ended.

He pressed his hand over my panties and moved his hand up and down. His lips kissed right above my panties, all the way up my stomach. Then he did the unthinkable. I breathed in a sharp breath as his lips brushed over my breast. Oh ..my ..goodness..

I arched my back, causing his mouth to cup over one of my boobs. He was warm. I wanted this to go on forever but I had to stop it. We were late to class.

I sat up and he kissed me on my cheek.

"What's wrong?"

"Class Taylor.."

"Hayley..." he pouted.

"We really need to go now.." I got up and snapped the bra on. Even though my panties were wet from him touching me, I decided not to change them. I will shower later.

I practically dragged him out of the dorms and to class. Kyle was a no show and to be honest, it was pretty typical. Probably "getting high." Hopefully not with Chad.

The professor was late, as usual, and I wondered why he was always so late. What could you be doing that was so important that caused you to show up late every class? Overslept?

The lecture was boring and slow, and I caught Taylor with his head in his arms, sleep throughout the entire thing. Once it was over, he assigned us bookwork. Again. I sighed, opened my book and got to work. Taylor just slept.

"Sorry I'm late," a familiar voice sounded, breaking the silence. I looked up and to my horror I saw Chad holding a book in his hand and walking towards me. He sat down a seat in front of me and glanced back at me.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked, so confused. What was he doing here?

"This is my first class, Hayles." he grinned, chewing on the tip of his pen cap. What?! "Where's Kyle?"

"I don't know" I rolled my eyes, getting back to work. Why the hell does he now have this class? Is he seriously taking these stupid measures to get near me?

He shook his head at Taylor before turning around and getting to work. What an asshole.

The bell rang and I shook Taylor to wake him up. He slowly rose from his chair and took a hold of my hand. I carried my books in the other. Chad began to follow us out the classroom. I wasn't planning on talking to him so he should keep on walking. It's bad enough that he's in my class now.

"Hey Chelsey!" I heard Chad call someone's name. Chelsey.

I turned around then saw the bitch. She had short blonde hair and wore a floral dress. She smiled at me then continued to talk to Chad. This was the bitch who touched my man?

I let go of Taylor's hand and strode over to the blonde girl who was laughing with Chad. Her smile faded once she saw my expression. I wasted no time, pulling on her tangly blonde locks and slamming her face to the wall.

The entire hall gasped.

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