Recap From Book 1 and What Will Be Coming In Book 2

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  • Dedicated to Britney Marsland

Okay, just a little recap. It might be completely unnecessary for you. Also what you should expect in this book.

So at the end of book one, Damon was spiraling out of control, destroying Stefan's room. Let's just say, he doesn't handle the death of his beloved brother too well. Because he is a vampire, he feels everything a lot stronger than someone like Jeremy or Elena would. I think I'm planning for it to only get worse for him. I know, I know... You hate me for doing that to Damon but I need to... How should I put it? I need to destroy him before I can build him back up again. Sheesh, I sound so horrible. I'm sorry Damon, forgive me :(

Elena: She feels that she has to be there for Damon more than she ever has before. Because everyone but Bonnie and Jeremy still think Stefan is dead, I'll get to that part in a minute. Elena will be dealing with a lot, she feels like she is responsible for saving Damon and I think that might start to become hard for her to handle. Having to take care of a ball of emotions like Damon is right now is definitely challenging for her. I think she might start to take to diary writing again, and for a certain amount of time she might feel like her diary is the only thing she can turn to. God I'm a monster... Again, Elena I'm sorry! :(

Caroline: Her main emotion at the start will be confusion. Since Caroline became a vampire on the show I've always seen her as that sturdy rock everyone turns to. That will still be there in the second book, but obviously Elena will not be turning to her for obvious reasons that you will find out as the book gets going. I'm going to try and bring Tyler into this book a bit more so she will be with him a lot.

Bonnie: Obviously she is a bit shaken up after what has just happened. She bought back Stefan only to be ripped open by his fangs. Not very good for Bonnie... She will feel guilty and she won't know how to deal with it. i haven't really planned when she will reveal what the spell has done to Stefan but it will come out definitely. 

Jeremy: Of course he will be feeling the exact same as Bonnie. He will feel the guilt and will want to help out his older sister with taking care of Damon, that may just start a little friendship between Damon and Jeremy which I've never really seen on the show.

Stefan: Finally, Stefan had been killed by Klaus by having his heart ripped out while trying to desiccate him. Bonnie then managed to bring him back to life, that has resulted in him not having his humanity with him. Stefan will be completely different. I'm planning on keeping away from the Stefan we saw at the beginning of season three. That Stefan has already been used too much in my opinion. So hopefully I will be creating a whole new 'No humanity Stefan' and I hope you'll enjoy him :)

I know you will want to know how long Stefan will be without his humanity but that I cannot tell you because I have not thought about it myself yet. That part I will just have to wing and see where it takes me. If you have some questions then please ask :) I don't know when the first chapter will be up. I think I need a little break from writing so you will have to be patient. I hope this was helpful?

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