{40} Stupid Mistakes

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Lacey's P.O.V

"Lacey?" Sky asked in her cute little girl voice, "who was that man?"

"That was uncle Max, the last time you saw him you were very little so I'm not surprised you don't remember." I explained as I unzipped the biggest bag I had with me. I had my back facing Sky so I was unaware of her actions, but I heard her sigh and plop onto my bed and unzip the smallest bag I had.

"When can we do my room?" She moaned, I turned around and saw her holding the bag upside-down so everything inside fell out and onto her lap. I rolled my eyes and stopped what I was doing to pick everything up that she had just poured out.

"You can go and start now if you want. You probably have a small cabinet and a bedside table so maybe you can arrange your toys and I'll help you put your clothes in your closet later." I tried to pick up everything from Sky's lap in time, but she beat me to it as she hopped up from the bed which caused everything to fall from her knee-length skirt to the wooden styled floor. I sighed and picked it all up and placed in a neat little pile where Sky was just sitting... Well as neat a pile could be. I got back to work on rearranging my clothes, which was tough, boring and time-consuming.

Sooner or later Max appeared through my door holding too steaming cups of what looked like hot cocoa. I grinned at him and immediately sprung up from my seat and grabbed the cup that looked the most full up.

"You're a life saver." I told him as I took my first sip, the chocolatey taste simmered on my tongue as I swallowed it, immediately making me take another gulp.

"So, what did you get up to on the other side of town?" Max rested the tray on my bedside table and sat down on my bed.

"Oh not much, Elena got engaged to Damon.  But everyone is against them being together." I sighed as I took another sip.

"Oh I've known Damon for nearly three years, he's a nice guy. Why would they not want him marrying Elena?" Max asked. I stared at him suspiciously.

"I never said they didn't want him marrying Elena, I said that they weren't crazy about the two together."

"Oh, sorry. Easy mistake." He shrugged and got up, grabbing the tray. "I'll give Sky her cocoa." He walked out of the room.

"Okay." I replied, eyeing him still. 

Was he up to something?

Elena's P.O.V

"And... Done!" Caroline announced from the other side of the curtain. "I've got everything figured out for your wedding! Now, we'll leave the tux situation with the guys. All we have left now is the dresses! So out you come!"

"Just a minute!" I had my eyes tightly shut as I tugged at the zip that was cascading down my spine. I didn't like this dress one bit, I was too... Caroline-y, too flouncy, too extravagant. I sighed as I opened my eyes and stared into the mirror, a giant poof of a dress gazing straight back. It looked better than I'd thought, but still not amazing, either. I opened the curtain and stepped out to find Caroline and Bonnie gazing at me wondrously. They were both in matching pale purple dresses that cut off just above the knee.

"You look amazing! Let's get this one!" Caroline decided for myself. My eyes nearly popped out of my head as I shook my head in disagreement.

"Nuh-uh! This dress is too flouncy, it's more me than you, care." I shrugged, searching for the zip.

"Here." Bonnie span me around, "let me get it." I suddenly felt the relief of the cold zip moving down my back. 

"Thanks. You both look great by the way." I smiled and went back behind the curtain as they chose me another dress. I waited for another five minutes, listening to the constant bickering between the two of them.

Eventually Bonnie appeared through the curtain with a dress that looked rather promising. I grinned at her and she handed it to me. "Thanks." I said as she disappeared again. I quickly slid of the monstrosity that Caroline had chosen and hooked it back up onto the hanger. I span around and grinned at my next dress, it was a simplistic white dress that stuck to my figure, following down until it hit my knees where it spread out a little more in a tiny mermaid-tail style. I was in love with it before I even had it on.

But as soon as I did have it on... I loved it even more. It was the perfect fit, not skin tight but not baggy either. It sat perfectly around my hips and curved inwards at my waist.

"Elena?" Caroline called, she sounded worried. Considering there was no where for my to go in the little changing room she had no reason to be worried. I took in a deep breath and slid the curtain to the side. I walked out into the open spaced room where Caroline, Bonnie and our shop assistant were staring at me with polo shaped mouths. 

"You look gorgeous." Bonnie uttered as she stroked the silky fabric around her hips, her and Caroline were both wearing cream coloured dresses. they both looked stunning. Caroline's 'O' shaped mouth had disappeared into a smile.

"I agree. We don't need to look anymore. This dress is perfect." She said to the shop assistant, who nodded and hurried behind the cash register. 

"You look lovely." I stranger tapped her on the shoulder and smiled at me. She looked about mid fourties, she was with a younger woman who must've been her daughter.

"Thank you." I smiled back and hurried back into the changing rooms.

Max's P.O.V

"Okay, thanks Lisa. Bye... Bye." I sighed as I hung up. I was making a few changes in arrangements to attack Miss Forbes and her little friends. Lacey hopped down the stairs, smiling at her phone screen. "What's got you all happy?"

"Oh, Elena's just picked out her wedding dress." She showed me her phone, Elena was in a silky white dress, with Caroline and Bonnie in purple dresses standing on either side of her. "That's the dress I'll be wearing." Lacey poked the screen, aiming and Caroline's dress. I nodded.

"I see, how far away is this wedding?" I asked, stroking my chin.

"About two or three weeks." She replied and hopped back up the stairs calling Sky's name.

"I see." I responded after she'd left, "perfect."


Sorry, now that's over... Is Max going to sabotage the Delena wedding? O.o ...O-M-G that evil specimen!

Remember to comment! I love reading all of your last comments, they were all so kind! :D

Only two or chapters left O.o ...

I think. 

I know it's a little short, but there's not much left to go with this book... So yeah :P

Baaaiiiii!!!! <3

MollyTvd xxx

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