{41} Everything finally planned out!

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Damon's P.O.V

"Okay, so all our clothes and everything is done. Caroline said she's got the rest sorted and won't tell Elena anything about her plans. And-" Alaric went through every wedding detail possible as we left yet another shop.

"And Elena has just got all the bridesmaid dresses done, and her own dress too." I cut him off with a grin and the text she had just sent me. "Everything is done." I slipped my phone back into my pocket and readjusted the grip I had on the shopping bag I was holding.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I was about to say." Alaric showed me his phone screen, he too had the same text from Elena.

"Now all we have to do is the Bachelor party." Jeremy grinned as looked into his own shopping bag, admiring his new purchases.

"Yes, a bachelor party that you won't be invited to." I replied with a grin, knowing it would irritate the young Gilbert. I glanced over at him with my huge grin, he rolled his eyes and didn't reply.

"So, what were you thinking for a bachelor party?" Tyler asked, suddenly intrigued by the conversation. We approached my car. I unlocked it swiftly and let the others hop inside before myself.

"I'm not sure. I guess it's up to my best men to arrange?" I glanced at Alaric who was in the passenger seat, and Stefan who was sitting in the back seat between Jeremy and Tyler. Stefan shrugged, causing Tyler to readjust his seating position so that Stefan had more arm room.

"I guess I could try?" Stefan replied, looking from me to Alaric. Alaric nodded with him.

"You know me, I'm a party animal." Alaric tried to dance whilst his seat belt had him pinned back against his seat.

"Just... Just don't even try." I laughed, slapping him on the shoulder. "Thanks, both of you." I started up the car and backed out of our parking spot. We drove down the main road in Mystic falls, on our way we approached the town square.

"Hey! Look it's Elena, Bonnie and Caroline." Jeremy exclaimed, rolling down the window before anyone else even got the chance to look "ELENA!" He shouted a lot louder than he needed to. A few heads turned as well as Elena's. She made brief eye contact with me and smiled before turning to Jeremy, I pulled over to the side of the road for a chat.

"Hey guys!" Caroline greeted us, "I'd give you all an awkward 'car between us' hug but as you can see my arms are full." Caroline was carrying everything you could possibly imagine, but luckily for her her vampire strength and energy kept her looking perky and alive.

"So, everything's settled? All the wedding plans are done?" I asked, avoiding the topic of everyone getting out the car and hugging Caroline.

"Yep, me and Bon just have a couple of things to confirm with the baccalaureate party situation and then we're all good to go. And I'm not telling you nor Elena a thing about what I've been planning for you two." Caroline squealed, I couldn't help but feel like I was marrying her instead of Elena. Caroline had completely taken control of the situation as always.

"Yay..." I replied unenthusiastically. "Elena, are you sure you want her, aka Miss Over-the-top, planning everything without you?" I tried to smile.

"Yes, I trust Caroline. And would be cruel to not give her what she wants." Elena replied with a real smile.

"Thanks Elena! At least someone appreciates my efforts to cancel my entire school dance plans. Yep, Damon that's right I've decided to hand over my head of committee badge EARLY just so I could focus on your goddamn wedding-" I lost concentration in everything Caroline was saying, my concentration focused on a figure in the distance. I was too lazy to use my vampire 'powers' to focus my vision and get a real look of who it was. All I knew was that they were just standing still, staring back at me as I was staring at him. Again, I didn't need to focus on his facial features or body structure. I knew who it was, Max Fell. I then decided to focus on his face, noticing that his hazel eyes were full of excitement and positive anger. His lips were curled up into a twisted-looking smile. this guy had a plan on his mind and he also looked like he had many, many backup plans if his first failed. He almost scared me, intimidated me and made me feel threatened. Even though there was a possibility he wasn't even coming after me, he was coming after the people I cared about. I felt a warm, sick sensation inside of me when I realized I had classed Caroline as someone I cared about. Caroline... Suddenly the thought of her bought me back to realization and back into her conversation.

"You can thank me all you want to, I will accept any praise that you give me, Salvatore, because I know it might be the only gratitude I'll receive from you. So yeah, you're welcome. You're welcome for me planning your entire wedding without a single acknowledgement from you and your empty, little, black notepad!" Caroline spat. My eyes bulged open.

"Hey, since when did your 'feel-sorry-for-me-I-cancelled-my-pathetic-school-dance' speech turn into a 'have-a-go-at-Damon' rant?" I raised my hands in defeat before I'd even tried to defend myself. Caroline rolled her eyes and managed to balance everything she held in her right arm on her left for a few seconds so that she could link her in Elena's, Bonnie slid her arm into Caroline's left arm. 

"Goodbye, boys." She said, trying to sound mature and sophisticated. I flung my foot on the pedal and steered away from the curb, bringing the car back onto the main road.


Stefan's P.O.V

Damon dropped Tyler and Jeremy home, leaving me and Alaric with him in the car. He quickly slammed his foot on the pedal and drove off towards our home.

"So, for my bachelor party I would prefer nothing too big. And that means no strippers or anything like that. Maybe, just all the guys go to the grill or something." Damon suggested, focusing on the road that layed out in front of him.

"Sure, just a simple gathering. Easy." Alaric replied, nodding along with Damon's idea.

"So should we just let everyone know they should meet at like six-thirty in the evening at the grill or something?" I cut in with my suggestion.

"Yeah, sure." Damon said. I could picture a smile plaster across my elder brother's face, even though I was in the back seat and could only see the back of his head. 

We pulled up onto the boarding house drive next to where Alaric had parked his car earlier. "So what are we going to do about the Max Fell situation?" I asked. "Surely it won't take him that long to realize Caroline won't be a the school dance anymore."

"I don't know." Damon replied with a sigh, "I don't think he'd sabotage mine and Elena's wedding. But the problem is we have to invite him otherwise he might start suspecting that we know what he's up to." Damon grabbed all his bags alike me and Alaric and we all walked inside.

"I'll need to leave soon, you know how incapable Jeremy is with cooking." Alaric rolled his eyes as he took a seat on the couch.

"Why don't you just tell him it's close family friends only?" I suggested, sitting down next to Alaric.

"Because it's not. You know how Elena is, she hates the thought of someone being left out. Nearly half the town or something is going. Plus, the invites have already been sent out." Damon explained with a neutral expression on his face. "The wedding is in exactly..." Damon checked his phone for today's date, "ten days."

"Not long, then." I replied.

Okayyyy! I've had a change of plans! On the 20th of April, which is coincidentally a Sunday (my updating day) I will be posting the finale of this book... And then, don't hate me too much, I'm going to take a couple of weeks away from this site. I just want a tiny little break before starting book three:)

So, the wedding is all planned out! Yaaaay! 

And I promise there will be more Delena scenes, I haven't been writing too many in lately >_<

ANDDDD! There are only two chapters left for me to write of this book! Which means I can update again this Sunday (or Monday, considering I've updated today which is a Thursday btw) and then I'll have roughly a whole week to write the final chapter :3 Yaaaay

Sorry it's a short chapter! I literally had like no time to give you a full update :/

Comment and tell me what you think of this chapter?! And voteee! Woooo :D

Okay, well I'm off to a concert now aha! So byeee!

MollyTvd xx

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