{19} Two Leave, Two Move In

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Thanks for all the feedback guys! Ahh! I hope you like book 2? Please let me know you do! I have the entire storyline planned, everything is also on track for a big explosive ending (hopefully) ahaha.... okay on with chapter 19!

Molly xxx

Elena's P.O.V

Panic struck through me like lightening, what had Stefan done to Damon? The worst part of all of this was I knew exactly what Alaric, Caroline and Jeremy would tell me when I grabbed my coat and yanked the lock off of its chain. Caroline immediately snatched the locked from my hand and slid it back onto the door.

"No. Elena, no way! You're heading straight for the Boarding House, where Stefan is most likely. He could do anything to you!" Caroline snapped, she was obviously asking for an argument from me. My mouth parted to say something, I shook my head. Stefan wouldn't hurt me.

"I know Stefan. Caroline he wouldn't hurt me purposely! I know what I'm doing, if he's hurt Damon then I might able to stop him!" I retaliated. Caroline's eyes bulged out of her head, I just realized what was wrong about what I'd said.

"Do you hear yourself Elena! If Stefan won't think twice about hurting Damon, the person he might love more than you, imagine what could happen if you showed up!" Caroline screamed at me.

"I know, Caroline! I understand now! But... It's Damon we're talking about here! I have to help him, please... Caroline, help me." Caroline's eyes melted, she knew how I was feeling. She felt the same way when Tyler first became a werewolf, it wasn't safe for her to be near him when he turned every full moon. But she stayed with him, helped him through every transformation. Even though her life was endangered the entire time.

"Elena... I'm sorry. I know you're hinting at me and Tyler, but that was different..." She mumbled, not making eye contact with me.

"How? How was it different? He needed help and you were there for him. Why can't I help Damon?" I questioned. Caroline looked at me, as if she wanted to say something but she knew she couldn't. "Go on, say it. Say what you're thinking Caroline."

"Fine. The difference between me and Tyler and you and Damon is one: we are still together, two: he's a werewolf I'm a vampire. We both heel if we get hurt. And of course, three: If Tyler hurt me, which he wouldn't, Klaus would probably heal me! You would either die or be forced to take more vampire blood. Do you really want that? No! You don't! So stay here and I'll handle it!" She spat, shoving me away from the door as she opened it and walked outside.

Leaving me, Alaric, Jeremy and the tiny little kitten stunned to silence.

Stefan's P.O.V

God... Lacey was irritating, could she just leave already? No... She couldn't, she'd be in danger. Wait, why did I care? I couldn't care... There was just something about this girl that made me want to protect her, as if Klaus had compelled me to, like he did with Elena. I sighed and got up off of the couch, spinning around the gigantic living room on the heel of my boot. I was super bored. Normally I would go and annoy Damon, but when I used my vampire hearing I could just pick up a slight hush of breathing escaping his lips. He was awake, barely. The heat from the fire was warm on my back, almost unbearable as I pictured the flames dancing behind me. I ignored the stupid annoyance the flames were giving me and went to see my brother.

I tried to be as loud as I could possibly be, wearing my heaviest and loudest pair of boots as I strolled down the stone steps to the basement where I was keeping Damon. I also decided to whistle a happy tune, I figured my good mood would irritate him to shreds. I imagined myself walking to a beat as I hopped over to where I was keeping Damon. I rested my chin on the tiny ledge of the window to Damon's cell that was covered by stern metal bars with chipped black paint.

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