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a/n: Hai c: Excuse my awkwardness I've never really written a fanfic but uh yeah ? I'm a tad bad at writing but I figured i would give it a shot. I will update every 2-3 days :)

Tyler's POV

  I stare out the window in annoyance watching the trees go by as music blares in my ears.  I'm on my way to my fathers house down in Ohio unwillingly along with my younger brother. It was my moms idea since I haven't  acted my best in New York but I doubt a different environment will change my ways. I have coped with my depression by partying and other things I'm not proud of and I guess my mom got to her last straw after last week when I was too wasted to know what I was doing. I fucked the whole kitchen up and she didn't let me forget about it. Yeah I regret the way I acted and the things I have done but I just can't seem to change.

My dad was the same way when my parents split up. He was an asshole to my mom and she took awhile to leave him. I'm not happy about this because I'm staying with the man I resented for years and I'm leaving my friends behind, well at least the closest thing I have to friends. My brother tries to talk to me as we near my fathers but I just turn up my music and he gives up.

My dad wasn't always that bad; before he changed we would play basketball in the driveway all the time but when he and mom split I quit basketball and started drinking. I have always been a downer but it didn't get severe until I moved to a new school where not one person acknowledged my existence. Eventually it didn't bother me but then my thoughts did. When I don't listen to music or trip my thoughts invade all I can hear. Whispers of all languages are always there when music isn't.

We pull up to the driveway I haven't seen in years and I wish I could go home already. As the car halts my dad exits the  house and smiles. God I want to punch him so fucking bad. I step out of the car and he looks at me with joy. I cringe and walk away while my brother yells my name. Oh well. At least I remember the way to the tree house.

Down in the forest I crunch sticks beneath my feet as I walk. I look up at the old tree house and the closest thing to a smile appears on my face. I head up the ladder ready to be met with five years worth of dust. Instead I'm met with a boy around my age with long brown hair in the corner staring at me in shock.

"What are you doing in my tree house?" he says in a welcoming way.

"I should ask you the same." I reply as I pop out my ear buds hoping my twisted mind doesn't bother me while I speak with the guy in front of me. 

I soon find out his name is Joshua and he's 16 like me, only a few months longer. He remembers I went to the same school as him after we talked about our personal lives. He laughed when he said he would have recognized me if my clothes were more vibrant. I actually laughed with him. When I realized it was the first time I did more then grin in over a year I stopped. Something about this boy gave me a small pinch of happiness and I couldn't figure out why.

"You're a chill dude yanno I'm happy you'll be spending the summer with me." He said smiling. I returned a small laugh since we never mentioned hanging out again. Not that I would mind of course, perhaps I could use some company.

"Yeah you too, it was nice meeting you."

"You too."

he probably just feels bad for you

Why can't the voices just stop for more than a hour?

"Everything okay?" Josh asked observing my distraught features. I simply nodded and shortly after it was growing dark so we exchanged numbers and we both left heading in the same direction while making small talk.

"Why'd you move back?"

"My mom had enough of my shit." I replied simply hoping he wouldn't ask more and judge me.

he's already judging you

"Yeah sometimes my parents are pretty over my looks and my drumming."

"You didn't mention you played." I probably should've figured he was a drummer or something cool.

"Oh right well I do but I'm not all that good." He smiles at me while scratching the back of his neck making me realize he's kind of attractive.

"I'm sure you are Josh." We grin at each other and then we get to my dads house. I tell him goodbye and I watch him walk down the street and into his own home a few doors down. I sigh and walk in the house avoiding any conversations with my dad or brother. I walk into my old room and see all of my bags and keyboard are on my old bed.

As I put my things away I can't help but think about Josh and wonder if he actually wants to be friends with me.

he doesn't

Maybe that's not true why can't you leave me alone.

because I am you

I shake my head, I'm really not in the mood for the one big voice and the distant others. I wish they would leave me alone. Just give me the silence I yearned for. I get in my bed and the voices grow stronger. I curl into fetal position with my hands over my ears, attempting to make them stop. The voices remained loud as I remained awake listening to them.

a/n; Okay I know it has started out really boring but I assure you it'll get better :)

May 4th, 2016; I'm going to be going back and fixing some chapters so I'm sorry if you get the update thinking it's a new chapter

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