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Tyler's POV

It was really late now and Josh still has yet to come home. Patrick is beyond drunk while Pete remained sober leaving me a bit more then tipsy but not quite drunk. We are laughing our asses off at something I said but I forget what even came out of my mouth. Pete is probably just laughing at Patrick because the most random things come out of his mouth; he's a happy drunk. Very very happy.

We were sat watching an old Disney movie when headlights shined through the window blinds. I excitedly shot up from my seat on the couch but immediately fell over. I struggled to get up and I stumbled over to the door but before I made it even halfway it opened and Josh came in. I sluggishly smiled and tried to hug him but I ended up falling into his arms. He laughed and looked me in the eyes. "You drunk Ty?" He continued smiling and I just wanted to play with his nose. He has a cute nose.

"Nooo." I slurred. "Just. Tipsy." He picked me up and walked over to the living room. "Hey guys look who's herree." I laughed and I couldn't see him for the way he was holding me over his shoulder prevented me from seeing him but I heard him snicker. "Hey, how was tour." his voice was so beautiful and I missed it so much. "It was great, thanks. I'm glad we can be back in town finally." Pete said while he tried to wake Patrick up. Pat's head was on his lap and he was shaking his head attempting to wake him. "What."Patrick whined. Pete and I smiled and Pat finally got up.

Shortly after Pete dragged Patrick to his car, Josh took me upstairs while holding me still. His shoulder must be very sore from my weight. He plopped me down on the bed and I was finally met with his face after not seeing it for five minutes. I reached up to stroke his cheek because it looks so soft and I couldn't reach since he was still standing but that didn't stop me from trying.

He laughed at my attempts to touch his face before stripping down to his boxers. I put my hands down and widened my eyes. He laughed a bit more before walking to the bed and kissed my head. I giggled as he slid my pants down leaving me in my boxers. I laughed even more when he tried lifting my shirt over my head. Once he accomplished that he threw it on the ground before walking over to the light switch. I couldn't help but find myself staring at his legs and bellybutton. They're just really amazing.

He laid down next to me and brought the covers over both of us. "Goodnight beautiful." He snuggled up close to me and put his arm around me. I mumbled a goodnight and I love you before falling asleep.


I woke up on my side with Josh's head nuzzled into the crook of my neck like usual. A quiet snore filled the silent room and it made me grin. I never want to be apart from Josh, he makes me so happy. Why would I ever want to keep our relationship a secret? I was so stupid and I know how much he means to me now that I have him back. I can't wait to grow old with him.

He began to stir in his sleep and I looked over at him smiling. I poked his nose and his eyes slowly opened. He mumbled nonsense making me giggle. "Wanna make pancakes?" He asked tiredly. I love how he just woke up and wants to make pancakes. I kissed his forehead before we both got up and made our way to the kitchen.

Before I even got the flour out Josh hopped onto the counter. "Are you not even going to help me?" I huffed as I got the ingredients out. "Too tired." He mumbled then leaned his head against the cabinet. I shook my head at him then made the batter.

Once I finished whisking the batter I turned on the stove before Josh's arms snaked around my waist. I smiled and poured a circle of the batter onto the pan. Josh then let his head rest on my shoulder as I continued making pancakes.

I finished a few medium sized pancakes before Josh told me to flip the pancake without the spatula. I hesitated before tossing it up into the air and I watched as it fell to the counter a few inches away from the pan. I sighed and Josh kissed my cheek making me feel better about my lost pancake. I cleaned up the mess before we ate. Josh was more awake by the time he finished his pancakes and we ended up cuddling on the couch in the living room before he fell asleep again.

sorry for short chap but I wanted to work on another fanfic plus I wanted to leave it on a cute note.

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