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Josh's POV

I woke up determined to fix myself up. I couldn't be dragging on when I know Tyler has it worse. I slept a decent five hours and climbed out of bed the minute I woke up. It was way earlier then any other time I've ever woken up since I saw the sun rise for the first time in a year or two.

I started out cleaning the bedroom; clothes were that have been there for about a week were finally picked up. I vacuumed the floor and dusted the dressers, something Tyler would always do. I finished the bedroom and cleaned the two bathrooms before I took a needed shower. 

Once I finished my shower I went downstairs (still in my towel) to clean up the kitchen. I cleaned the counter tops and just as I got a hold of the garbage I heard a car pulled into the driveway. Within seconds the front door opened and revealed Tyler holding his large duffle bag. He closed it behind him before he caught sight of me in the kitchen. 

He glanced over and his eyes widened. We both stood there not saying a word and remained a few feet away from each other. "C-can I hug you?" I spoke quietly and looked down at my toes and back at him. 

"Yeah." he dropped his bag to the floor and I dropped the garbage bag before speed walking to him. I roughly wrapped my hands around him as he stood there. "I missed you so much Ty." My eyes watered since I was overcome with such emotion. He brought his arm up from his sides and returned the hug gently. "I missed you too." He whispered. I pulled back and wiped my tears. I just couldn't believe he was standing right in front of me. 

I forgot I was still wearing only a towel when I looked at my feet. "Oops, I'll just go and take out the trash and then get dressed." I did a small laugh before I did what I said.  When I came back inside he was gone and most likely upstairs. I went upstairs to the bedroom and there he was taking clothes out of his bag very slowly. "Hey are you tired?" I asked with concern. He looked back at me and sighed before he nodded his head. "Well I know you so I know you don't sleep well in other people's beds. Take a nap here, I won't bother you." I spoke gently and walked over to the bed. I took his large bag off the bed and set it on the floor. "Okay." quietly he replied to me and looked down at his feet.

I switched the blinds so they shielded out any light and Tyler laid back. I picked up his bag from the floor and made my way out of the room to do his laundry until he spoke, "Can you stay?" His frail voice made me frown and I set down his bag. I changed out of my towel into boxers and I walked over to the bed and climbed over him to the side on the wall. I didn't feel tired until I relaxed with Tyler's hand in mine. 


When I woke up I wasn't cold this time. In my sleep my arm must have found its way around Tyler. I didn't want to upset him so I retracted my arm carefully so I wouldn't wake him. As soon as my arm was at my side once more he turned over to face me. We didn't say anything; we stared at each other in comfortable silence. A few minutes passed before he looked away and left the room. I rolled out of bed shortly after he left me and just sat there.  I was surprised Tyler was even home and that he wanted to lay down with me. 

I went down the hall and heard the shower running in the bathroom. I went in and the room was steamy. He pulled the curtain over a tad so it was only his head that peaked out. "Do you want me to give you space?" I asked timidly.

"I've had enough space from you." He replied and I did a small smile.

"Come in." he said. I was surprised he would suggest that but I undressed and went into the shower with him. We didn't say anything; he stood under the water and traced lines on my stomach with his index finger. I picked up the shampoo and squirted some into my palm. I brought it to his head and washed his hair without leaving his eyes. Once his hair was rinsed I grabbed the bar of soap and lathered the washrag. 

He watched as I rubbed the cloth all over his body. With my free hand I grabbed his and interlocked our fingers. I missed the touch of his skin.

Once he was rinsed off we both exited the shower. I dried him with a towel as he stood and watched me. Earlier I had showered but I didn't care, I just wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. 

He was sat on the couch staring at nothing, the TV wasn't even on. He just sat there while I made lunch. I felt terrible. I gained the confidence to go over to the couch where he was sat. 

"Do you want anything to eat?" I asked carefully. His head shifted from in front of him to the side where I was kneeling. "No, thank you though." he sounded distant and it hurt to hear him so fraile. 

"Will you go on a walk with me?" 

"Sure." I was surprised he actually agreed to go with me. 

a/n; ThAnK GOd this story is almost over I was so done with it twenty chaps ago ngl CANT WAIT TO PUBLISH MY NEXT ONE 

Also I didn't really check for errors so excuse them if they're there sorry

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