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Tyler's POV

"Good morning sunshine." Josh said. This is the first time Josh has ever woken up before me and more importantly the first time I slept an entire night. I squinted my eyes trying to get them to adjust to the light coming in through the window. "Morning." My voice cracked making Josh snicker. I punched his side and he only laughed at me more. I went to the bathroom and looked in the large mirror. There are purple hickeys trialing down the right side of my neck and chest making me smile thinking about last night.

My thoughts were interrupted by Josh's strong arms wrapping around my waist. He rested his head on my shoulder and mumbled an 'I love you' with a tired smile plastered on his face. I looked to my left and saw the empty bathtub was decorated with flower petals and glitter from the bath bomb. Last night was one of the best of my life.

a few days later

Today was the fourth of July and we had planned to go over his friends house for a party but canceled last minute when Josh decided he wanted me all to himself. I thought that was adorable and parties make me anxious if I'm not buzzed out of my mind. Currently, Josh and I were sitting on my dad's roof waiting for the fireworks to start. I remember as a child I would sit out here and look at all the blooming colors of the sky.

Josh leaned his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist. Just as I kissed his forehead I heard the fireworks go off in front of us. I turned back and together we watched the different colors explode in the sky.

Soon the fireworks stopped and me and Josh were left with nothing to do. It was about ten and Josh said going to the party for a little bit wouldn't hurt. I agreed since it's been awhile since we've hung out with the guys. Plus it's early; only half of the people there would be drunk by now considering the party started a hour ago.

We make it to Pete's house and the driveway is filled with cars along with the road and I start to get nervous. Josh looks over at me and smiles, the house is blaring music that we can hear from outside. When we walked inside we saw Dallon and Mark hanging around girls on the couch and Brendon by the stereo. I try spotting the other guys but before I can Patrick comes up behind us and puts his arms around us. "Hey guys." He cheers, he's not intoxicated but he sure is tipsy.

"Josh why don't you grab TyJo a drink to calm him down." Maybe he could tell I was uneasy. I looked down and noticed the hand Josh wasn't holding was involuntarily shaking. I put it in my pocket when I noticed and chuckled awkwardly.

"Do you want anything Tyler?" Josh asked me kindly.

"Yeah just something simple, thanks." Patrick takes me over to a second couch making simple conversation with me. He asks stuff about Josh and I and about our music along with other things but I really just have my mind on Josh and why he's taking so long. Pete comes along and joins us on the couch. He joins in the conversation completely sober. He mentioned his mom was a drunk and he could never touch alcohol. I admired how he avoided it all costs but I was still not distracted from where my boyfriend could be.

"Have you seen Josh?" I ask Pete. "No." he shrugs.

"He might be in a bedroom away from everyone." Pete suggests. I agree but it's not like Josh to shy away from people. Together we checked every room but his parents. If Josh wanted space why would he not tell me? The last door was his parents and my stomach twisted.

Pete opened the door and it revealed Josh. He wasn't alone, his lips were attached to another guys and Pete instantly closed the door for my sake. I couldn't help but let tears fall down my face and clutch my fingers in an instant as Pete dragged me away.

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