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Josh's POV

I pulled out of the driveway fuming. Why would he have Jenna over when he knows she represents a dark time in our relationship? Of course I was going to make it a big deal; it broke me to see him with her and now she's acting buddy buddy with him. I needed to take my mind of things or I would drive off the road. The thought of Brendon came to my mind; he always knows how to take my mind off things. All of the guys do, it's just he does it with alcohol which I would prefer right now


The hour drive was shortened since I was speeding but I could care less about being reckless at the moment. I finally made it to Dallon and Brendon's house. I walked in without feeling the need to knock and instantly regretted it; they were in a heated make out session on the couch and I was standing there shocked. Dallon shot up from his position on his boyfriend  and his cheeks turned pink while Brendon's face held a smirk.

"Sorry about that." Brendon laughed "-where's Tyjo?" He slipped on the shirt that was thrown to the side of him without taking his eyes off of me. The mention of Tyler made me roll my eyes and he snickered again. "I swear you guys fight so much." I shrugged my shoulders in response and he came over to me and patted my shoulder "How about we have a few drinks and relax downstairs." Before I could reply Dallon walked over and put his hands on his hips.

"The last time you guys got drunk downstairs you broke my guitar, not having that." He shook his head while Brendon and I laughed at the memory.  "We can go to the bar outback on the patio." We did just that while Dallon stayed inside and watched a movie. He poured us two glasses of jack and coke  from behind the small bar. He then plopped down on the bar stool next to me. He took a small sip "What troubles you brother?" He smiled.

"I don't know I just got upset when Tyler had Jenna over this afternoon. I came home without the knowledge of her even being there and poof there his ex girlfriend is right next to him." I sighed before taking a large gulp of my drink. Brendon nodded his head in reply and downed more of the drink. "I see where your coming from bud but wasn' that like for show?" I rolled my eyes as he finished his sentence. "Yeah but still she kissed him and stuff, I saw that shit." He nodded his head again. "Yeah I guess I'd feel the same if I were in your situation. You still going to propose Sunday?" He raised his eyebrows. "I don't know, there is so much planned for it yanno? I got that event guy to meet up with me again today to finalize things for Sunday. But now that Jenna got in the way I don't know." I finished what was left in my cup and motioned Brendon to make me another.

"But you have five days still? Do you think you guys will be alright tomorrow?" He asked while sitting back at the bar stool. "Most likely, it wasn't much of a big deal we'll be fine tomorrow." I shrugged while he smiled. "That's the positivity I love to hear!"

We ended up having multiple shots and mixed drinks; we were beyond intoxicated and I could laugh at anything Brendon does. This is what I wanted to gain from being here; get drunk off my ass with someone who's relatively hilarious while buzzed. We did shots into the night until Dallon dragged us inside and we passed out on the couches.


I woke up cold and blamed myself. I wouldn't be cold if Tyler wasn't with me and then I realized how much I fucked up yesterday. I overreacted and it took me leaving Tyler and driving an hour to find out. I got up and within an instant my head began pounding. I scrunched my eyebrows and slowly made my way to the bathroom. I got an Advil from the medicine cabinet and swallowed it dry. I rubbed my head and made my way back to the living room. Brendon was up and stretching. He yawned before sending me a smug smile.

He got up with no trouble and walked into the kitchen area. I was amazed to see he wasn't hungover and didn't struggle to walk with a major migraine. He grabbed a energy drink out of the fridge and sighed. Before I could get up and grab cereal or something for breakfast Dallon's footsteps were heard rushing down the stairs. He threw a shirt at Brendon and looked at the two of us with wide eyes. "We have to go right now." He grabbed keys off of the counter, walked to the door, and got a pair of shoes. "Where? What's the hurry?" Brendon mumbled as he was handed the pair of shoes. "Please just hurry" he looked at me before continuing, "-it's Tyler he's in the hospital." Brendon finished tying his shoes and put his hands on my shoulders.

I hurried into the car with the other two. Brendon sat in the back seat with me attempting to comfort me. I could not even process what could have happened to Tyler so I was freaking out the whole drive.

Once we arrived to the hospital I jumped right out of the car and ran right in. Patrick was in the waiting room and stopped me from going to the receptionist. "Where's Tyler?" I asked helplessly. He looked at me with sad eyes and was too distracted by the guys rushing in behind me. "Where is he?!" I exclaimed."

A/n; my other fic actually seems rlly good but idk when to publish it, like I know this one is kinda dragging on and boring but I don't think I could keep up with two, halp

also sorry for not updating i have been just kinda depressed idk sorry

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