1. Crier

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For a girl, I've never been much of a crier. There's only three times I can remember distinctively crying.

The first time would be when my mother died. That was the worst day of my life. The pain was and still to this day, too great. That's why I don't talk about it. I try my best to not to think about it either. But there are times at night that she slips into my mind, instantly bringing tears to my eyes. I see things that remind me of her all the time, making me remember when I was younger and how different I was then compared to how I am now. She was ripped from me too quickly. There was still things she had to teach me and there was still things I had to learn from her. Now, I would never learn those things, instead I was forced to learn those lessons on my own.

Maybe if she had been alive, I would've known that Zeke had been using me. That's the second time I can remember all too clearly, crying. I put a brave face on for the others, though they knew I was hurting. That night after he betrayed us, Dakota held me as I wept over him. The boys, stood there silently all night. They didn't know what to say, because sometimes there is no words. Their presence was comforting enough even though I knew they were beyond pissed.

It was many long tear filled nights. If it wasn't Dakota who heard me crying but one of the boys, they'd crept into my bunk and held me until I fell asleep. I lost my trust in myself. I didn't know if I would let someone else in, only to have the same thing happen again. I even lost some trust in my crew. Just because we had been friends for years, doesn't mean they wouldn't leave. Of course they noticed something else was off even more so than usual in my state. It was only because of force, did I tell them how I was feeling. After that, they did all everything you could think of to assure me that they weren't going anywhere.

Thanks to them, I got my trust in myself back and the tear filled nights became less and less.

As the third time for crying, it would be right now. Right now as I'm running into the emergency room of West Coast Hospital. Thanks to Dakotas reckless driving, we arrived in a matter of minutes. I stopped out of breath and way past distraught, at the nurses station. I could feel my makeup stained on my cheeks, my eyes feeling puffy and sore.

"Ms? Are you in need of assistance?" A nurse asked from behind the desk. I shook my head, trying to open my mouth and tell her I was looking for someone.

Dakota came running up behind me, answering her question. "No, we don't need anything. Has there been a boy about our age admitted for a gunshot wound?" She asked hurriedly.

The nurse looked back down at her computer screen, clicked a few buttons before answering. "They should be arriving any second now." At that moment the emergency doors opened, making the papers on the station ruffle. I spun around, feeling as if I was moving in slow motion. Two paramedics were moving alongside a gurney, one pulling it alongside him and the other pushing. As they moved in front of the station and in front of me I got a good look at him.

Cole was laying on the gurney, eyes opened in slits. When Jacob had been hurt, he had turned pale so they told me but no, Cole was grey. I felt my heart, which was already beating rapidly, rise in my throat. They passed by me and it was only then my feet seemed to remember that they could move.

The paramedics who turned out to be moving quite quickly, didn't notice me running alongside them until we got to a set of double doors. "Ms," a nearby doctor grabbed me. "You can't go in there with them." I glanced at the door seeing a sign reading 'Operating Room.' A loud sound erupted from my throat before I collapsed on the ground.

"Trish!" Dakota cried, catching up to me. A pale looking Thayer was not to far from her heels. I forgot he was with Cole when he had got shot.

"You're going to have to get her to move or just off to the side, we can't block this hallway." I heard the doctor say.

"Come on Taze, you gotta move." Thayer said, kneeling beside me. He acted calm, but looking at his eyes, he looked like he was going to lose it.

"I can't lose him." I said, looking at him right in the eye. They turned sad as he gripped my leg, trying to comfort me. 

"I can't lose him. I can't lose him. I can't lose him. I can't lose him too. I can't lose him too." I repeated over and over again as the tears came back, flowing at a faster rate. 

"The doctors are going to do everything they can okay?" Dakotas motherly voice sounded from my left side. It was her tone and voice that normally soothed me, but it didn't work this time. I just kept repeating my mantra over and over again, getting louder. This couldn't be happening. Correction this couldn't possibly be happening.

"Trish just move over please." Thayer begged. Robotically I moved over knowing if I didn't they'd force me to or move me out of the E.R. 

"The Twins and Theo are on the way. Everything will be okay." Dakota said sitting beside me and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I hoped her words were true. 

A/N : Welcome back to The Streets Trilogy! I hope you guys like the first chapter. I had a good time off but now I'm more than ready to get back to writing.

You guys have no idea what I have planned...


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