39. Exposed

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"This better work," Thayer huffed as Austin told us the details of tonight's plans.

"You've done loads of crazy shit in the past and the plans have worked. This one will work too," Austin said with confidence.

The plan had The Kings and Queens and us stationed around the area where the deal was going down. Austin told his friend to set the time and place at an parking garage that was empty after dark. Wiz took the bait, desperate to get back to business after the loss of his wife. He would be coming himself, with only a driver with him, who he said, wouldn't be getting out of the vehicle. When he arrived, the deal would begin and while it was going down, Jhene would be getting photographs of Wiz from a distance. She assured us that her photography skills were enough to get the evidence we needed to expose him. After the deal was done, Jason was going to take the camera and upload it to a computer and print the pictures off. They would be everywhere come Monday morning. The rest of us, would be stationed inside the parking garage, out of view or at a convenience store up the road.  Luckily I got to be parked in the garage with Trish, close to the action.

"Anything yet?" Austin's voice came through the walkie talkie. Every car had one and his friend playing the Crip had one to.

"Nothing yet," he replied. The area filled with silence again but laced with  a feeling of desperation. This was the only shot we had at doing this. As if feeling the same thing, Trish grabbed my right hand off my armrest and placed it in both of hers. I looked at her to see she hadn't looked at me when she moved but her eyes were locked on the garage entrance.

"He's here," the Crip said making Trish and I both sit up straighter. We couldn't see anything from where we were parked but we could hear things. We heard the sound of one car door opening before closing quickly. We couldn't hear anyone talking after that, just silence. I didn't know how long it was silent for, before a blinding flash obscured my view.

"Jhene turn off your fucking flash!" Becky's panicked voice came through the walkie.

"Sorry, sorry!" She exclaimed. I put my hands over my eyes, rubbing them before taking them off again. Spots danced in front of my eyes briefly, before they adjusted back to the darkness.

"Are you okay?" Trish asked and grabbed my hand again. I nodded my head and blinked rapidly.

"You don't think Wiz saw the flash do you?" I said. If he had saw the flash, the whole plan would go wrong and he'd want revenge even more for setting him up.

"No I don't think so," she replied," If he did I'd think he would've reacted in some way and the others would've said something. " We lapsed back into silence and we both continued to look at the garage entrance. It wasn't long after when we heard a car door open and close again before the sound of it leaving. Seconds later, a guy entered the garage and signaled Austin. Austin got out of the car at the back of the garage and we got out of ours. The guy who was acting as a Crip, had to be twenty five, sporting a beard, an overlarge t-shirt and jeans.

"What the fuck was that light all about? You almost ruined the whole damn thing," the guy said angrily.

"I thought I turned it off beforehand," Jhene said breathlessly as she came into the garage. She had the camera around her neck, holding all our evidence.

"Whatever. Make sure I'm out of those pictures if you show it to anyone, I can't be doing anymore time," the guy said. Austin nodded his head and handed the guy a roll of bills. He took and it walked away, not asking anymore questions.

"How did the pictures come out?" I asked and Jhene grinned at me.

"Look for yourself," she said. I peered over her shoulder, Trish  standing beside her as she began clicking through the photos.

Jhene had been modest when she said her photography skills were good enough for the job. Her skills were amazing, as I looked at them. She caught Wiz, who looked incredibly thin and unhealthy, shaking hands with Austin's friend. She also caught him with drugs in hand, looking at the bag.

"These are going to work," Trish nodded her head, impressed. I texted the others saying the deal was over and everything went smoothly. The Twins and Dakota replied, saying they'd meet us back at my dad's place. While I finished that, Trish thanked Austin and his crew again for the help before they left.

"What should we do to celebrate?" I asked her and grabbed her by the waist.

"Meet me at the Sheraton Hotel tomorrow,"'she said with a smile. "Dress fancy," she added before she pecked me on the lips.

"Fancy? What are we going to be doing?"

She shook her head at me, "You'll have to wait and see."

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