43. The Last Competition

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"Are you nervous?" I asked Trish the next night. She was looking out onto the basketball court of the Staples Center, our stage, for our final competition.

"I'll be fine when I get on stage," she replied. "What about the rest of you?" She looked over her shoulder at us.

"Ready to win," Paul said, grinning.

"Definitely," Dakota put in.

"What rapper do you think it is?" I had been speculating for months, all of us had. But I had no idea who it is and after a year, we would find out.

"Are you ready?" The host called out walking into the middle of the court. The audience clapped and cheered as I felt their excitement rise. "We have only four crews left and after tonight there will only be one left. How about we meet this year's final four?"

"Representing North Side we have The Kings and Queens," our friends came out, smiles on their faces and looking good. "From South Side, we got the B.D.L." They weren't familiar with any of us, but looked like they meant business with their black and red outfits. "From the other side of town, West Side, we have The Mischiefs!" The lights and eyes of 18,000 people fell upon us as we made our way onto the court. People were whistling and clapping for us, as I looked to the crowd. I could see some faces that were closer to the floors before I couldn't make any out.

"Ladies and gentleman, this next group dominated last years competitions and have made it all the way to the finals again this year. Give it up for The Raiders!" They walked out, all decked out in black and their faces blank. They needed to win this just as much as we did.

"You made a huge mistake coming to the finals. I thought we told you to stay away?" Javier asked.

"You did and then we decide, fuck you," Trish smiled. We laughed as they glared at us and gritted their teeth.

"Big mistake," Zeke said stepping forward. The roar of the crowd was easy to drown out as Trish and Zeke met eyes. They hadn't seen each other since their blow up months ago. They had been both emotional but neither of them seemed to remember that as they stared one another down.

"We'll see," Dakota said, loud enough for us to hear. That earned another glare from Monique and Jasmine, directed towards her. She didn't react, as the host finished his speeches and started the competition.

"We're starting down South today, give it up for B. D.L." He yelled into the microphone. The lights turned off and the music started.

We watched as they performed, then our friends and eventually The Raiders. I hadn't seen them dance before and the crowd was enjoying their performance. We were on next and then the final two would be announced and they would battle it out for the title.

"Did you guys like The Mischief's?" He called after we finished our dance. We we're all sitting on the sidelines, too nervous to say anything. "Well judges who will be this year's final two?"

I looked towards them, the same people who had been deciding our fate the entire year. Two of the guys whispered to each other as the woman nodded her head to what they were saying. I felt Trish grab my hand and squeeze. I squeezed back, showing her I was as nervous as she was.

"It looks like this year's final two are... The Raiders and The Mischief's!" I jumped out of my seat, grinning as the spotlight fell on us again, congratulating each other. "Ladies and gentlemen give it up for the finalists and their final performance!"

The Raiders started their routine, their mix a combination of the most recent hits on the radio. Their moves on beat, energy up, attitude was good, and the audience was enjoying them. They finished a few minutes later and we made our way to the floor, not giving the audience time to relax before we came on.

We chose a mashup from online, the hits from 2015, that made the charts, won awards and the people enjoyed. Even with the playlist being two years old, the crowd was enjoying it as we began dancing. It was a hard dance, all of us having to change moves every time the song changed. We gave it our all as my energy spiked, the crowd feeling it and feeding off of it. I didn't have to think, I acted, knowing that we had worked hard to get here and we deserved it.

I dropped to the floor as the static sounded at the end of the song, the lights turning off. The crowd roared as I got up off the floor, grabbing Trish and spinning her around. She laughed loudly, as I put her back down, all of us doing a group hug as the lights came back on.

"Those were two amazing final performances! Give a last applause for The Raiders and The Mischief's!" The crowd hollered at us, as my nerves spiked again. The judges had a few minutes to decide the winner and then they would announce it.

"You didn't listen to us," Samir came up behind us. "Did you forget what we have over you? A video showing that you're witnesses to a murder."

Trish surprised me by shrugging, "Go ahead and send it. I don't care."

"What the hell? No, don't send it." Thayer looked at Trish like she was out of her mind. "Are you crazy? If he sends this video, there goes this tour and everything that can come with it. Don't send it."

She looked over his shoulder, at Monique who had a cellphone in her hand. Once again she shrugged, "Send it."

Samir looked at her, not blinking, before he turned his head back to Monique. She looked down at the cell phone and pressed a button, sending the video to the cops. Thayer started to curse, going back to his usual attitude, Dakota looking shocked and The Twins merrily shaking their heads, until my phone buzzed. I had a new message from an unknown number. I opened it and there was an attachment, the video showing Thayer and Dakota driving away from the scene. I looked to see the others all had their phones out to, getting the same message.

"Is this what you meant to send to the cops?" Paul asked, showing his phone screen to Samir. His eyes widened as he made a grab for Paul's phone but he pulled back fast.

"How?" Zeke asked angrily, his face a bright red.

"Easy, we found where you had all your copies and changed the number from the police to all of their numbers," Becky said as she and everyone else joined us. "When you sent the message it deleted your copies so now you have nothing on them."

"You knew?" I asked Trish. The Raiders started to argue with each other and the others breathing a sigh of relief. She nodded her head, "They didn't tell me until last night and if I didn't like the plan, it was too late to do anything."

"I'm glad it worked," Theo said as the screech of a microphone sounded.

"The judges have made their decision," the audience got somewhat quiet waiting for the answer. "The winner of this years competition is The Mischief's!"

Dakota screamed, grabbing Trish as I gave chest bumps to the guys and high fives. I was in a state of shock, the good kind as I grabbed Trish away from Dakota, dipping her and finally kissing her hard.

"I love you." she said when we broke away. I heard Dakota squeal behind me, hearing her best friend saying how she feels for me the first time.

"I love you too," I said as the host got our attention.

"For winning the competition your prize is going on tour with Drake!" He yelled as Drake himself, along with Rihanna, came out from one of the doors. Dakota burst into tears and my jaw dropped. The guys were in a state of shock as Trish reached out to hug Drake.

"You guys are great, I can't wait to have you guys on tour." He said

"Well we all can't wait to go on tour with you," Trish responded smiling hugely at him.

"We'll talk later but right now my girl and I have an audience to entertain." He kissed Rihanna on the cheek who was grinning at him as the first sounds of their sound Work sounded overhead.

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