12. Street Fight

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Trish's POV

"You know the rule. No weapons." I said as Thayer and Zeke glared each other down. Everyone created a loose circle around the two boys, West Side on one and East Side on the other. Either side was grinning or rubbing their hands together, eager to see action.


Thayer wasted no time, aiming a punch at Zeke's jaw. His fist connected, Zeke's head snapping back. My crew and friends letting out whistles and encouragement to Thayer. Zeke shook his head, aiming a punch to Thayer's head. He blocked it, but Zeke swung his other fist, hitting Thayer in the stomach. Thayer groaned and started coughing as the air was knocked out of him. Zeke turned around, giving his side of the circle a grin. They whistled and cheered his name as our side told Thayer to get up and beat him. Zeke turned back around, only to get a punch in the face. Blood spurted out of his nose, as he fell to the ground. This time I cheered along with everyone and knowing now that Thayer would win. Zeke groaned on the floor, Thayer hovering over him before dropping to his knees and starting to punch him. I could hear Thayer's fists meeting Zeke's face, before he blocked Thayer's hands a head butted him. Thayer rolled off Zeke, who got up and now hovered over Thayer. Thayer gained his composure before trying to get up. But Zeke put a foot on his chest, holding him down before reaching behind his back. He lifted his shirt, pulling a gun free from the waistband.

"No weapons asshole!" I called out. I felt a bit of disbelief as he pointed it to Thayer's head. 

Zeke shot daggers at me before pointing the gun at the sky and pulling the trigger twice. The shots rang out, as both sides fell silent and stepped away from the two boys.

"Screw you bitch! I'm in charge now." Zeke spat before pointing the end back at Thayer. "Give me one damn reason not to shoot you dead." His face turning bright red in anger.

"You and your crew will look like little bitches! Everyone will know you're dirt." Thayer spat back at him, trying to get Zeke's foot off his chest.

"Z he's right. What the fuck are you doing?" Javier yelled at him. 

Zeke now aimed at gun at Javier. "Fuck you! You let me rot in jail for days. We're all rich, you could've had me out in hours. But you let me rot!" He screamed, spit flying out of his mouth. The hairs on my arms rose as the two started yelling back and forth. I was the referee in this street fight and I had to do something because he could kill anyone. I stepped forward. 

I felt someone come up behind me and I looked up to see Cole, as he met my eyes briefly before positioning himself in front of me. Protecting me.

The movement caught Zeke's eye, distracting him from Javier. His face was wild and he laughed seeing what Cole had done. He moved the gun towards Cole now, pretending to shoot him twice. I felt my stomach drop as I heard Cole gasp at the action. 

I moved out from behind him, making him make a noise of protest. "Put the gun down. You've already lost." I said.

"I thought I said I was in charge bitch!" Zeke roared at me, finally aiming the weapon at me. I heard Cole's intake of breath but I didn't look away from Zeke. 

"In charge of what?" I laughed. "The fights over and you've lost."

"You think I'm doing to win the fight? I could give three fucks about it. I got other reasons for doing this." He said, the gun never wavering from me.

"Like what?" I asked.

He shook his head, grinning still. "All you have to know is that you're not prepared for what's about to come."

I felt another chill run up my arms. Another threat from someone else is the last thing we needed.

At that moment, Thayer took took out one of his blades as he stabbed Zeke. The gun fell out of his  hand, skittering across the gravel. I quickly picked it up, as Paul and Jacob grabbed Thayer to keep him from hurtling himself at Zeke. He limped towards his crew, none of them bothering to help him.

"Mischief's win." Javier stated the obvious, sending a dirty look our way.

"You're going to regret pulling that gun out!" Thayer yelled at them, as the Raiders started to leave without another word. The people with them slowly left as well along with some of people who came to support us. I know they'll spread the word about what happened here.

I let a long breathe out, looking at the gun in my hand. It was silver and most likely only has a few bullets left. I dropped it on the floor, leaving it there. I turned around only to walk right into Cole's chest. He wrapped his arms securely around me, holding me there. I welcomed the warmth and the safeness of his arms, after what had just happened. "Are you okay?" He breathed against my hair. I nodded slightly and he slowly released me.

I looked up at him, seeing his eyes were glassy. I kissed him on the cheek, figuring that was the best way I could reassure him right now. 

I looked to see my crew astonished at what happened. Dakota would've said something but it seemed that she was at loss for words. It was one thing to shoot one of us behind our backs, but to do it in front of all of us was completely different. Zeke's nights in jail did something to him and was obvious seeing what he did today.

If I've learned anything in the past two weeks it's that what we do keeps getting more and more dangerous. If Cole had died, I don't know what we or I would've done. My feelings for him are too strong  and it feels different from what Zeke and I had. I could feel myself starting to soften, beginning  when he had got shot. I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing but it was happening whether I liked it or not.

Now we all had to make a choice. Wait to get attacked or attack first.

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