38. Graduation

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Cole's POV

I should be excited that graduation was here. But the principal was droning on about how much he would miss this group of kids as if he hadn't made the same speech to the last group of graduates. As he continued to talk, all I could do was stare at the back of Trish, who was seated a few rows ahead of me.

I couldn't believe I had almost lost her. If I did, she would've died knowing that I had been considering leaving. But that all changed the moment I saw the flames burst through the window of our former home. I couldn't leave her now, when she had just opened up about her mother and her daughter. I couldn't leave because she was right, there was still so much to do with The Raiders and Wiz and I shouldn't have took the scholarship without telling her first.

"Graduates please rise," the principal said. We stood as they started calling us to the stage one by one, alphabetically.

Trish was the first one of us to graduate, she smiled at the principal, shook his hand and grabbed her certificate. I clapped for her and whistled as she walked across the stage.

"Hall, Cole, attending The University of Chicago on a football scholarship." The principal called a while later. I shook hands with him and smiled as I grabbed my certificate and made my way off the stage. I made my way back to my seat and waited for the ceremony to end.

A half hour later it was over and I made my way through the crowd, coming to a stop behind Trish. I wrapped my arms around her from behind, "Congratulations," I breathed. She turned around, her blue green eyes shining. "Thank you," she said and gently pecked me on the lips.

The rest of the crew met up with us, along with their parents. I met Dakota's mom, Diana and her stepfather Eddie. I learned she has two sisters, Maddie and Dallas. I met The Twins father, Eduardo, who completed the family. My father met them all and congratulated all of us." You're mother would've been ecstatic," he clapped me on the shoulder proudly. I smiled at the words but wished that she was here with me.

"Why don't we all go out to dinner?" He proposed. They all agreed and we ended up at an 1920's styled Italian place. It was a popular place, most of the tables full.

I looked around the table, seeing Jacob pour some salt in his brothers drink when his back was turned to the waitress. Eduardo grinned from across the table and Edlmira rolled her eyes, used to her son's behaviour. Thayer had his arm around Nia, with their heads close together, talking about something. My father and Dakota's parents were talking at the other end of the table while Dakota covered her mouth so she wouldn't spit out her drink due to something Theo had said.

"They all look really happy," Trish said from beside me. I had my arm around her shoulders and I was stroking her bare arm slowly. She had on a black dress underneath her graduation gown, it cut low between her breasts and it was almost sleeveless.

"I was just thinking the same thing," I replied. I looked at her to see she was already looking at me. She had dark makeup on, making her eyes pop out.

"I forgot to tell you how amazing you look," I pressed a kiss to her shoulder. She smiled at me and pressed her lips lightly to mine.

"I don't want to ruin the night but are you okay after what happened a few days ago at the paintball place? You were pretty out of it." She said quietly and looked at me intently.

I looked at her, not saying anything. When the player had shot me, who turned out to be Dakota, I panicked. It felt too much like I had got shot again, even with the vest on. She had almost hit me in the same place I had been shot earlier this year to. That brought back the flashes of pain and the vision I've come to think of it as, of my mom.

"I'm okay now. It just felt like I was back in that moment." She nodded her head slowly at my answer before she leaned in and kissed me again. Our food arrived and there was no more talking about the past. We took pictures around the table with each other and laughed. We all enjoyed ourselves and the night ended too quickly.

"Are you guys ready for tomorrow?" Trish asked as we all hung out in my father's living room, later that night. Tomorrow was the day we would expose Wiz to the public, ruining his image.

"Austin's finalized everything right? No surprises like last time?" Dakota said. I couldn't stop the grin coming over my face remembering Dakota telling us she got chased by Zeke's dog before being able to plant the records.

"He said they've planned everything," Trish responded as the corner of her mouth twitched. She must've remembered what happened last time.

"I know what you're thinking of," Dakota huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, but I couldn't help but notice the light smirk she had on her face too. I started laughing and the others joined in at the memory. It happened almost six months ago and it was hard to believe how much had happened. We were all graduated now and things with the gang we're almost finished. The final competition this year was coming up and Austin still wouldn't reveal what they planned on doing about The Raiders. I knew that everything was going to change soon and for better or worse, I wasn't sure.

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