15. SouthSide

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The air was warm as I pushed my way through the crowd, looking for Trish and everyone else. Other gangs were clustered together, laughing and having fun before they got on stage. I made my way closer to the stage door, spotting everyone. Trish has her back to me as I planted a kiss on her neck, wrapping my arms around her waist. She grew taut for a second before relaxing in my grip. She looked over her shoulder at me, giving me a small smile. I noticed that she had makeup on, covering her face and most of her neck. I couldn't help but grin, knowing she had only applied it on her neck because of the many hickeys that were on her.

"Looks like you could use some cover up to Cole." Paul tried to hide his smirk, seeing my matching marks.

"Shut up dude." I said, causing him to laugh and continue to poke fun with Jacob. I ignored them, turning Trish around to face me.

She looked amazing as usual, wearing tight ripped black jeans, a white t-shirt and a black vest that just reached under her breasts. "You look so good." I said to her, pulling her closer and pressing my lips on hers. She smiled against my lips and I couldn't help but think about yesterday.

After being in the water a bit, we ate and talked more, avoiding what I really wanted to talk about. I wanted to ask her what else bothered her but I didn't because I didn't want to upset her. So for the rest of the afternoon we avoided the subject and ended up getting scolded at by an old couple for making out in public.

We broke away, hearing our crew name being called onto stage. We made way to our positions, the crowd cheering and screaming us on. I could feel my heart starting to pound as the song began.

We all quickly lined up, our movements in sync and to the beat of the song. I quickly ran to the front of the stage, Trish to my back right and Dakota to my back left. Our hand movements were on the 'clap' point of Beyonce's song, before the Twins quickly joined us. We moved our feet to the left and right, all of us spaced out enough before Thayer and Theo finally joined us. The crowd cheered louder, seeing all of us being together as the music just seemed to get louder. Our performance continued like this, us splitting up into two groups and then coming back together. It ended with Trish, Dakota and I pressed together as we slide our hands up the side of Trish. A sexy way to end the song.

The crowd screamed and yelled as the lights dimmed, the other teams making their way back on stage. We quickly did a breathless group hug and I kissed Trish on her cheek.

The lights came back on, the crowd cheering seeing all the teams on the stage together. Another light appeared, on the judges who were on a platform suspended in the air. The crowd quieting down as they started going through the groups. We waited, catching our breaths as the groups became less and less. They were all getting high scores, making my heart continue on racing. Finally they got to us.

Technique : 8

Performance: 9

Choreography and Musicality: 8

Overall Appearance: 9

We all let out loud 'whoops' as our score was read out. This was our first time coming in first place.

"We should go celebrate." Dakota said as the competition ended. We all agreed, seeing that some good had happened.

I welcomed the warm night, as I walked hand in hand with Trish towards our vehicles. A few people from the crowd yelled congratulations at us as they saw us walking.

The mood was different inside Dakotas car, compared to the way it had been for the past few weeks. Those were filled with tension, silence and uncertainty. But now, there was a lightness to it and the smell of excitement as we went looking for fun. We arrived at a busy club not that long later, as the excitement in the air reached its peak.

I opened Trish's door, pulling her out and smiling down at her. The tiredness that seemed to be with her for was gone for now. Her eyes were a little lighter and she gave me one of her brilliant smiles, indicating she was just as happy with tonight's events as we all were.

"Let's party!" Paul whooped as we made our way inside.

The music was deafening, but we were all used to it. People were pressed up together, moving to the rhythm of the beat. Trish led me to the dance floor, looping her arms around my neck as I put mine on her hips. We looked at each other, not saying anything and let our bodies move together. We danced, just looking at each other as everyone else continued moving to. We danced to song after song, before Trish stopped and kissed me.

Her skin was warm against mine, as I gripped her closer to me. She tugged on the ends of my hair, making me let out a soft moan. She grinned against my lips, placing them back onto mine. Her lips were cool, compared to her body, driving me crazy. She backed away from me suddenly, grabbing my hand and dragging me outside.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked out of breath. Not answering, she dragged me around the corner of the club before spinning around and kissing me again.

It was different this time, the heat raising drastically between the two of us. Her touch was more demanding as she pulled me to her, her tongue darting past mine in an act of dominance. My breathing quickened, as I pushed her against a nearby wall, placing my lips on her neck.

"More hickies?" She gasped, her voice low and incredibly sexy.

I trailed my hands down her waist, before sliding them up her shirt slowly. Goosebumps raised on her skin, making me smirk against her as she let out a small groan. I tugged on the back of her bra, trying to undo it but her hands stopped me.

"Not here." She breathed against my neck. I moved back from her, taking my hands off her smooth back. She looked delicious as her chest moved up and down quickly and her hair slightly ruffled.

I couldn't help but let out a groan at the the sight. "Okay. You look so damn sexy, this is hard to walk away."  I emphasized the word hard and she shook her head, placing a kiss on my neck as she led the way back inside.

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