14. Alive

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Cole's POV

"You shouldn't have done that." I said quickly, the peaceful silence bothering me.

Trish turned her head towards me, raising her eyebrows. She was perched on her elbows, legs flat against the towel and the wind ruffling through her hair. She had that blue bikini on that I saw her wear only once and she was driving me crazy. I wanted to run my hands over her body and never stop kissing her.

"Shouldn't have done what?" Trish asked, making me lessen my ogling.

"Moved in front of me at the street fight. I was trying to protect you."

I watched her adjust her position before answering. "You didn't have to protect me. Zeke wasn't even pointing the gun at me."

"But he did eventually! I know how it feels to get shot, I don't want you to have to go through that pain." A flare of discomfort traveled through my body at my words, my wounds aching slightly.

She shook her head, getting up and making her way to the water. I blinked, not expecting that to be  her reaction. 

"Trish!" I called out to her as I followed. She didn't turn around but kept walking further into the ocean. I caught up to her, standing in front of her. Her sunglasses were on her head, her lips were pressed tightly together and her eyes were brimming with tears.

"Babe what's wrong?" I asked, pressing my hands to her cheeks.

She let out a sob, tears flowing down her cheeks. "You died." She cried, moving closer until our chests were touching. I moved my arms down to her waist, holding her against me. I didn't know what to say, so I moved one of my hands up and down her exposed skin on her back.

Around us, I could hear people splashing in the water and kids giggling as they had fun. There were sounds of boats and jet skis farther out  and the sun felt soothingly warm on my back, but none of it mattered to me as I stepped back from Trish.

Her face contorted as I moved away from her, breaking my heart. "I'm alive, babe. I'm right here in front of you." I said.

"I know, but I keep seeing you dead and grey in my head. That picture won't go away." Her lip wavered at her confession. I hated seeing her like this. I had seen her cry too many times in the past two weeks and it hurt every single time.

I grabbed her hand in the water, getting an idea. I placed her palm on my neck, placing one of mine over hers. The other one I kept on her hip.

"Do you feel that?" I questioned. She looked confused but she nodded her head.

"That's my pulse. I'm alive and I'm not going anywhere. Instead of picturing me dead, I want you to picture us, right here right now." I looked directly into her eyes. They lightened at my words and she gave me a brilliant smile. She moved her hand from my neck, putting it around the back as she stepped up to me and kissed me. She pulled away before things got heated, looking up at me.

"You can't protect me from everything. I've been doing this for years and it's impossible to get protected." She said seriously.

"You said everything. I can protect you from somethings then. " I caught what she said. She kept looking at me, thinking.

"You can try. But I don't want you to get hurt again." I smiled down at her, seeing that I had won.

"Is there anything else bothering you?" I asked, watching her. She pressed her lips together, looking at me but not answering my question.

I opened my mouth to ask, but she shook her head in protest. "I've cried once already today, I don't feel like doing it again." She replied. My thoughts whirled, making me wonder what else could be wrong. Something with the Raiders? Wiz? I couldn't think of anything that she would be worried about that the rest of us weren't either.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be okay." She added, seeing me space out.

"Let me properly kiss you then." I ignored what she said, pulling her by her hips and placing my lips on hers. They were soft and moved slowly against mine as she leaned closer to me. My hands moved up her back, to the bottom of her bikini top and I had the pleasure of feeling goosebumps rise on her skin. She pulled me closer, lacing her arms around my neck. My breathing hitched as she broke away only to attach them to my neck. I let her playfully bite me, before pushing her head away so I could do the same. I made my way from the corner of her jaw up to her earlobe, before tugging  gently. I was rewarded with a shudder from her as she gripped my neck more tightly. I leaned away slowly, only to have her lean up once more. But before our lips could touch, I grabbed her underneath her knees and playfully dipped her into the water.

She quickly resurfaced, spluttering in disbelief at my actions. I laughed at her expression, only to have her tackle me into the waves. We weren't in that deep, so I resurfaced just as fast as she did.

"What the hell was that Cole?" She asked.

I laughed, shaking my head and kissing her quick." I enjoy kissing you, but I couldn't resist." I explained as she rolled her eyes.

"Watch your back." She threatened, eyes now glowing mischievously as we continued the rest of the day.
This has been one of my favourite chapters to write so far. I hope you've been enjoying the book so far :)

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