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Trish's POV

Much to my annoyance, word had got out of Cole being hospitalized. The somewhat quiet waiting room was now full with his 'friends.' They came in, in groups of two or three making the room crowded. They talked and joked around, irritating the shit out of me.

After a few hours the last person to visit was that girl Emily. She was the one that annoyed me the most. Despite Cole falling asleep before arriving, she insisted on seeing him anyways. She then sat on one of the chairs, holding his hand and babbling on about everything.

I groaned into Cole's neck, wishing that I was asleep to. Anything to get her annoying voice out of my head.

"Are you two dating?" She asked suddenly, breaking off of whatever she was talking about now. I glared at her, wanting to snap at her. I was still cradled into his right side, as I had been almost all the time in the last few days, ignoring everyone that had come into his room. 

Yes. Just over a  few weeks now." I said in a tight voice.

She raised an eyebrow before breaking into a smile. "We'll see what Cole has to see when he gets up." She said, smiling at his sleeping form.

I glowered at her, before getting an idea. She started to babble again but stopped when I tilted Cole's head so my lips could meet his. I quickly pecked them a few times, slowly waking him up. His warm lips responded to mine, as he parted them, deepening it.

I pulled away after a few seconds, letting him wake up properly. "What was that for?" He hummed against my mouth.

"Nothing." I answered, as I moved back to my original position. I looked at Emily, seeing that she was flushed and she was glaring at me. Cole, seeing where I was looking, realized she was there.

"Hi Emily. How long have you been here?" He said in a friendly tone.

She blinked, before trying to smile. "Awhile, but I think I'll come again another time." She said hurriedly before leaving the room in the same manner.

I smirked as she disappeared from view.

"Was she here long?" Cole asked against my hair.

"Too fucking long." I grumbled, causing him to laugh.

"When are the others coming?" He changed the subject.

"They're all getting information on what happened. I can call Dakota and ask them to come by." That was partially true. From what Dakota told me, Thayer wasn't helping at all. Paul, Dakota , Theo and Jacob helped when they could since they were always with Thayer.

"They'll find out who it was. Then we'll get them back." Cole said confidently. I closed my eyes, not wanting to think of anything gang related. We laid there silently, Cole playing with the ends of my hair. I cringed not remembering the last time I had brushed it.

"I'm sorry." Cole whispered suddenly.

"Sorry for what?" I mumbled against his neck.

"Not telling you about my dad." With everything going on I had forgotten about it. I remembered the anger, but it felt like a lifetime ago.

"It's okay." I sighed.

"No it's not." He made an exasperated noise, before pulling my head back and cupping my face. " I had five months to tell you but I didn't say anything. I guess I was just afraid of how you'd react.

"I still would've been angry but I wouldn't punish you. But Thayer would've argued and I'm not sure about Theo but I think being shot is enough." I said, placing my hand over his that was cupping my face. He didn't say anything but continued to just look at me. I couldn't help but notice that he still looked tired, despite all the sleep he had got.

"You look beautiful." He commented, stroking my cheek.

"Shut up. I don't even remember the last time I brushed my hair." I shook my head as he chuckled.

A knock sounded at the door, making me look over my shoulder. In walked Dakota and Paul, smiling as they entered. "How are you feeling?" Dakota immediately asked.

"A lot better than last time." Cole answered, smiling back at her. I got off the bed, hugging her and Paul.

"You'll be out of here in no time. Kicking those footballs and dancing up on that stage." Paul said, punching Cole in the air lightly.

"Yea I sure hope so. But I wanted to apologize for not telling you guys about my dad." He admitted surprisingly.

" It's not that big of a deal. After all that's happened this week. Besides I like your dad, he's nice." Dakota sat on the edge of the bed as she spoke.

"Yea he is. He's not like most cops I've met. But then again the ones I have met were trying to arrest me." Paul joked, causing them to laugh and me to smirk. Dakota and Paul stayed for awhile, making things almost seem back to normal. They left, promising Cole that they would come back when they could.

"It was good to see them." He said, automatically wrapping his arm around me as I laid in my usual position.

"Night, babe." He pressed his lips to my forehead.

"Babe?" I questioned.

"It fits you. Since you're hot, I'll call you babe but if you were cute I'd call you baby." He explained. I shook my head since I was never keen on the whole nickname thing. But I was too tired to argue, so I fell asleep quickly. 

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