11. Surprise

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" I should be fighting today." I said for the thousandth time.

"I know. But you've just got out of the hospital two days ago, so you're not." Trish replied in a clipped tone. 

It was one of those rare cooler days in the city, which now happened to be one of my favourite as I looked at her. She was wearing jeans, a flannel and her running shoes. Her jeans were tight, so I could see every curve of her lower half. The flannel hugged her chest perfectly or maybe a little too perfectly. I put my arm around her hips and pressed a kiss to her temple.

"The decision has been made Cole, you're not fighting." She said, looking up at me. I grumbled under my breath, not happy. But that's not why I had kissed her. She just looked too good for me not to.

"Are they coming or not?" Theo huffed, breaking the moment. We were underneath one of the cities major highways but far enough from the main streets that connected to it. There was empty warehouses towards the way we had come and the way the Raiders would arrive. As usual, they were fashionably late.

"If they don't show, it's an automatic win for you." Austin replied. The Kings and Queens had come to show their support for us. They weren't the only ones who were here, a few other people had come to watch. There were a few crews from Eest Side and you could feel the tension between them and everyone else.

"Looks like you spoke to soon." Jhene nodded her head to the road.

Four cars, all different kinds and colors, came around the corner and parked against one of the warehouse walls. They all cut the engines before getting out one by one. The two girls, Monique and Jasmine and only two guys, Samir and Javier. By the looks of it, Zeke was still in jail.

That is until the last car door opened once more and Zeke got out. People started murmuring, clearly shocked as we were. I felt Trish tense in my arm as she turned to Jason.

"I thought you said he was still in jail!" She hissed.

"He was! We checked before we came here. Looks like he planned on getting out after we left so we'd be surprised." He did look surprised as we all watch them approach the others from Eest Side. Hugs were given, as people laughed at the surprise. We watched as they finished their little entrance, before turning to us. Their outfits all looked expensive but that didn't help to distract us from their tired expressions. Zeke looked the worse but I guess that's what a few nights in jail will do to you. It seemed he hadn't changed one bit, as he looked Trish up and down before landing on my arm around her hips.

"Are you two together?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Trish opened her mouth to reply, but I tilted her head towards me, placing my lips on hers. I kissed her hard, moving in front of her to get better access. Behind us, our friends cheered making me smile against our lips. I continued to kiss her a bit longer before breaking away and pressing my forehead against hers. We were both breathing heavily and when I leaned back to look at her, she had a somewhat dazed expression. I smiled down at her before placing another kiss on her forehead. I looked over my shoulder at Zeke, seeing his face was blank and his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hopping from one guy to the next. Cute." Jasmine jumped in with a click of her tongue.

"Says the girl who's on her third boyfriend of the year all ready." Dakota smirked as the crowd let out laughs and loud 'ohh.'

Colour rose to Jasmine cheeks as she gave us the middle finger making us laugh.

"I wouldn't be laughing that hard. There's three more competitions this year. Word around town says that the Mischief's didn't do well in the last competition." Javier gave a mocking expression.

"I wouldn't describe third place as ' not well'." I replied.

"Not enough to beat our streak of first place." Monique sing songed, pursing her lips to keep from smiling. 

It was my turn to blush. I didn't know they were doing that well in the competitions and it looked like the others around me didn't know this information either. 

"You've both had your fun, now let's get to what we're all here for." Becky said impatiently.

Samir grinned as he came forward. "Let's begin."

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