44. Bliss Gone Too Quick

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AN: Thank you guys for reading and supporting this book and the previous. This is the last part of The Streets Higher Stakes, it's been an incredible adventure going through all the emotions with the characters, the highs and the lows.

With that said, there will be one more book from The Streets Trilogy. The next part I post will have the details about it, like how I did in the last book.

I will be editing again like I did last time so sorry for the spamming you're going to get every time I change something.

I want to thank all the readers, I appreciate you beyond words. You've dealt with all the problems these guys have been through since the beginning and you're still here, meaning I must be doing something right.

The next two chapters will be titled "Changes." Like in the last book and then the next chapter will be called "The Trilogy." It'll have all the details about the final novel of The Street Series. 

Anyways enjoy!! 


Trish's POV

"I called the University and told them I wouldn't be going," Cole said.

I tilted my head on his naked chest peering at him. Some of the sun rays that were breaking through the curtains hit his face, his eyes looking a lighter brown then they were. His cheekbones and jaw both looked extra sharper due to the angle I was at. "How'd they take it?"

He sighed, rubbing his left eye. "Surprised and disappointed. I talked to the scout who wanted me and he tried to reason with him but I told him I made up my mind."

"What about your dad? Did you tell him?"

"No not yet. I don't know what to tell him," he sighed again.

I moved myself, sitting on his pelvis and leaning toward him. "I think I could help you get your mind off of it for awhile," I whispered into his ear and began kissing his neck.

He chuckled, stroking my naked back with his hands. He sat up straighter, moving his hands to the back of my neck and kissing me. His lips were warm and a little rough as he slipped his tongue into my mouth, making me smile. I gripped his hair in my hands, my arms making their way around his neck as our chests touched. I broke away for air, Cole not stopping, kissing my chest. I sighed, his lips and body on mine felt familiar and right. I gripped his shoulders, planning on flipping us over only to have a knock sound at the door.

Our actions paused as Dakota's voice sounded through the door. "I know you guys love each other but you've spent the whole day in bed. We have things to talk about and Esmeralda is making our goodbye dinner so you better come downstairs or I'll bring everyone up with me next time." We listened as her footsteps faded away before I kissed Cole again.

"Did we really spend the whole day in bed?" He asked when we broke away.

"Looks that way," I said nodding at the alarm clock that said it was five. I could see the sun lowering in the sky as I got out of bed and threw some clothes on. The group of us had lost all of our stuff in the fire and a lot of people had donated things to us. Cole and I made our way downstairs, seeing the crew lounging around. "You guys have a fun night last night?" Thayer asked grinning. The others grinned at us as Cole stuck up his middle finger at them.

"Fuck off and let's get down to business," I chuckled.

"Alright what are we going to do about Martinez?" Theo asked, not looking up from counting some pills in his hand.

"Nothing," I said, not changing my mind. "He's too big of a threat still but we won the competitions guys. We're going on tour with fucking Drake tomorrow and with the amount of people that are going to be around us, he wouldn't do anything. He won't have surprise or numbers on his hands and besides, we're calm right now because we have no worries. I want this feeling to last for a while before more worries come up and I'd like to think we're all happy right now, I know I am." I squeezed Cole's hand and looked up at him. He was looking down at me and smiled down at me, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Does everyone agree?" Cole asked, looking at them.

"Yes," Dakota replied first, smiling at the both of us. The others didn't need any more prompt as they agreed to what I said.

"Dinners ready!" Esmeralda's voice called from the backyard. We followed one another, to see a large table in the yard that was full of food. There was roast, potatoes, beans, rice and a lot of other food that I wasn't familiar with. We ate, talked and laughed. I looked around the yard, seeing Thayer swaying back and forth with Royalty as Nina looked at them with a smile on her face. Esmerelda was video taping them, an even larger smile on her face and I watched Dakota punch Theo in the arm, laughing loudly at something he had said. The Twins on the driveway, looking at a car their dad had got out of the garage, probably asking them to fix it up. I finally saw Cole talking to his dad on the patio about his decision not to go to university but to go on tour instead.

I smiled to myself as I felt like we were in a Fast and Furious movie, with everyone in the backyard and having a good time. I saw Dakota's face change to confusion as she patted herself and looked on the table. "What are you looking for?" I asked from the head of the table.

She looked at my briefly, " My phone. I can't seem to find it." Her eyes went back to the table.

"It's probably in your car, I'll go get it." She smiled up at me and handed me her keys as I made my way down the driveway. The neighborhood was quiet, only the sound of us could be heard as I opened Dakota's front door. I looked around, on the console, under the seats and in the compartment on the passenger side. I huffed seeing I couldn't find it either and closed the door, locking it. I started to make my way back to the house, before a car that was parked, started and bolted forward, stopping in front of me. I jumped back, not wanting to get hit as the driver and passenger door opened. Two men got out, both in street wear as one of them pointed a gun at me. I let out a noise as the driver shoved me towards the back of the car. He opened the trunk as the passenger kept his gun on me.

"Get in," he said, motioning to the trunk.

"No," I said and I brought my fist up to punch him, I wasn't going down without a fight. He blocked my throw and bent my wrist in an unnatural way, making me scream in pain.

"Trish!" Paul's loud scream sounded from his driveway. He was running towards me, Cole behind him as the others looked to see what was happening. I didn't have a chance to shout anything in response as the driver pushed me into the trunk. I hit my head on the bottom, hard, as Cole yelled my name.

The last thing I saw was the two men standing over me before they slammed the lid close and darkness consumed me.

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