5. ICU

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The ICU was much more quiet than the ER downstairs. The only sound was footsteps as nurses when to go check on patients.

"Excuse me? My friend Cole was just brought up here, can you tell me what room he's in?" Paul asked one of the nurses.

"Room 360. Just down that hallway and to the left." We thanked her, following her directions and stopping outside the room. Greg was already inside, blocking my view of Cole. His shoulders were hunched as he stood over him, making my stomach tighten. I reached for the door handle preparing for the worst but just wanting to see him.

"Trish. Wait a few more minutes okay? His father should get some alone time with him before we do." Dakota placed a hand on my arm, tugging it away. I didn't want to wait anymore but I reluctantly agreed and sat down on the floor outside the room.

The ICU was now silent. Deadly silent. I could hear my own heartbeat in my chest and Dakotas quiet breathing. My mind was blank as I sat staring at the walls all over again. I continued doing that until an echo of Thayer's voice appeared in my head.

"Just because he giving you good dick, doesn't mean you get to keep things from us Taze!"

I placed my hands on my stomach, looking down at them. Thayer didn't know about that. None of them did. Zeke was the only one who knew and I know he definitely didn't tell anyone just like I never did. The sound of Cole's door opening, made me take my hands off and look up. Greg looked haggard, as if he had aged greatly in the last hour. His sad eyes met mine. "It's pretty bad." He said.

I felt my heart constrict at his words as I slowly got up off the floor. "I'm going to go get coffee and talk to the guys at the station. You guys need anything?" He asked politely.

"I think we're good." I replied quietly. He nodded, heading towards the nurses station.

"Do you want us to go in with you?" Paul asked.

I shook my head, I wanted to be with him alone. They both gave me sad smiles before I opened the door. I walked to the edge of the bed before looking down at Cole. He was shirtless, big and many bandages were covering his chest and shoulder plus one on his thigh. He had a tube coming out of his mouth, helping him breathe. His color was no longer grey but instead pale, paler than Jacob had been when the explosion happened. His sharp facial features were blank, making him look peaceful if it weren't for the horror of it all.

I collapsed into the chair beside his bed, taking his hand. It was cool. There was no detection of the warmth I was used to when I touched him. I pressed my lips to his palm, crying again.

"I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with. I know I'm cold and I answer your questions with the simplest answers when you want to know everything about me in detail. You've been nothing but slow and hesitant when showing your feelings towards me. You've never pushed them on me but showed them in the simplest ways. You spent nights upon nights with me when I had my concussion. When I'm not looking at you, you're looking at me. Dakota told me about it while ago and I never noticed it, but I have been lately. After putting up with me through the bad and the good, don't you dare give up on me! If you die on me Cole Hall I'll never forgive you!" I cried into his hand, pressing it to my face. I continued crying, the tears making my vision blurry.

Loud beeping noises caused me to look up, I blinked, the tears subsiding. I looked at the monitor only to see the numbers decreasing, and noises becoming louder and louder.

"Help!" I screamed causing Dakota to look in the room and yell down the hallway. Nurses came running in the room, one grabbing me and pushing me into the hallway. Through the glass I could see them lower the bed Cole was on and quickly grab objects on the shelf. I continued to watch as they rushed around him. Through them, I got a glimpse of the monitor. All the numbers were at zero.

My legs gave out from underneath me, as I fell into Paul's arms. "We have to find them. We have to find whoever did this, please, guys." I sobbed.

"We will, we will." Dakota said, as she stood in front of me and blocked my view. I heard one of the nurses say "clear," and the zapping sound of a defibrillator.

"Get me away from here please." I choked out and I felt them drag me down the hallway. If Cole was going to die, I didn't want to see it happen.

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