10. Home At Last

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A/N I know obviously that getting hurt the way Cole did, he would be in the hospital a lot longer. But I want to keep things moving so its good for you guys and the plot. So please no hate
Cole's POV

"Thank you, for everything." My dad shook the doctor's hand as I eagerly made my way around the nurses station. I would be grateful for the rest of my life for what they did, but I was dying to get out of here. I breathed in a lungful of fresh air as I walked out of the automatic doors. It had only been ten days, but ten was too long for me. Besides I wanted to know what was going on.

I knew the crew was keeping things from me, so I could focus on getting better. I kept on seeing Trish glance at her phone often, making me want to ask what was happening. But I didn't because Dakota had probably told her not to tell me anything, even though she wanted to.

"Ready to go?" My dad came up beside me, patting my good shoulder.

"Yea." I said, making my way to his car.

We didn't live to far from the hospital so the ride wasn't long. I got to watch the gas stations and buildings go by, all of them now familiar. It was nice to see them instead of nothing but a bland hospital room.

"Looks like you have a welcome home party." My dad stated as we pulled up into the driveway. Trish and the rest of my friends were outside, standing or sitting on the walkway. 

"You're looking better than Dakota told me you were." Jacob said, interlocking our hands and butting shoulders. The small force sent a small shock of pain through my other shoulder, causing me to wince. I was still on medicine and if I hadn't been, the chill would've been more painful.

"Still sore but I'm going good." I grinned, as Theo gave me a small nod. I took that as his message asking if I was okay, I nodded back. My dad opened the door, letting as everyone went through besides Thayer and I. He gripped the back of my shirt, pulling me from the door.

"What, Thayer?" I said, not knowing what he was going to say. But if I had to guess, he's about to yell at me for not dropping to the ground when he instructed me to the night I got shot.

"Listen. I know I'm an asshole but I just wanted to say sorry. You didn't deserve all the crap I threw at you." His tone was sincere. I don't think I'd ever heard him talk like that.

"It's alright." I replied, as he held out his hand, which I shook. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering why he would apologize. Guilt maybe? I pushed the thoughts out of my head, it wasn't important right now.

My friends had gathered in the kitchen, sitting on stools and the counter tops. Trish looked comfortable as she leaned against the fridge while the others looked around.

"I love your house Mr. Hall." Dakota said, as she looked at the openness of the room and expensive materials. It was hard to remember that my friends were basically homeless. None of them had good home lives or were working towards good home lives besides The Twins. If it weren't for Jamal, they wouldn't have a roof over their heads.

"Thank you. You guys make yourselves at home. I just got a few things to do around town." He told us, as we all called out goodbye.

"Okay, cut to the chase. What's been going on?" I asked as soon as the door closed.

"Damn. Straight to the point, are we?" Jacob stated.

"I didn't say anything for ten days. It was very hard not to say anything when my girlfriend is always looking at her phone and when you guys came to visit, it was never for long."

"You noticed that?" Trish asked, raising her eyebrows.

"I notice everything you do." I said, giving her a small smile which she returned.

"It's the Raiders or specifically Javier. We know he was there but I don't think he's the one who shot you." Dakota answered my question.

"Why do you think he's not the one who shot me?"

"Believe it or not Javier is a better driver than Zeke." Theo unlocked his phone, before handing it to me, a video on display and I clicked play. The Raiders were all there, Zeke and Javier in two separate cars, ready to race. The person holding the camera yelled "Go" and the two cars took off. There wasn't anything more in the video besides Javier beating Zeke by a long shot.

"Where'd you get the video?" I asked as I handed Theo his phone back.

"The Kings and Queens. They've been helping us." Paul answered. I gave him a confused look, not knowing who he was talking about. He smiled before saying "Austin's crew."

I nodded my head at all the information before thinking of something else.

"Is Zeke still in jail?"

"We believe so. Austin's crew has been taking shifts to see if he gets bail or not but so far nothing. The rest of us have been getting information to see if it was the Raiders. After ten days, its been confirmed." Trish explained.

"Who else did you think it was?" I asked, catching the way she spoke and her words.

Her eyes flashed down to me and to everyone else. "Wiz."

I felt an uneasiness rise in the room. I had forgotten about him and his threats. By the look on everyone's faces, they had forgotten to.

"We can't do anything, besides wait. Ruining the Raiders is a different thing, I have no idea where'd we even start to get Wiz." Dakota said, already sounding defeated.

"She's right. All we can do is wait. But for now we can get ready for the fight with the Raiders tomorrow." Trish said.

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