4. Eternity

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Trish's POV

Time was going too slowly. Every second felt like a minute. Every minute felt like an hour and every hour felt like a lifetime.

My legs were stiff from the position I was in on the floor, legs tucked up to my chin and my arms securely around them. I had been repeatedly asked to move into the waiting area by my friends but I shook my head my eyes never leaving the door where Cole disappeared behind.

The Twins rushed in twenty minutes after we had, slightly frantic at what Thayer had told them. Theo too acted in the same manner as they had when he arrived. I could hear their voices now, asking Thayer all the details of what happened. I turned my attention elsewhere, not wanting to know the details.

"You should eat something." My eyes flickered up to see Dakota approaching me. She looked sad, like we all did. She sat down a beside me, placing the container on my knee and holding it there. " I don't think I'd be able to keep it down." I mumbled taking it off my knee and placing it on the other side of me.

"You never know till you try." She said, attempting a smile. I sighed, deciding to try because I knew she wouldn't give up until I ate something. I opened the container seeing that it was just a salad, most likely from the cafeteria. I took a few bites, not really tasting it but continued to eat anyways. When I finished, I put the container down and went back to my original position.

I heard Dakota sigh, seeing that her plan to feed me and get me talking didn't work. I didn't want to talk. I just wanted to know if Cole was okay. No one had updated us on how he was doing and when I had asked the nurses, they said someone would come and tell us. But no one ever did. So I sat here, my mind thinking over the worst possibilities.

"Should it be taking this long?" Theo asked, as the others joined us. They sat on the opposite wall, facing us.

"He was shot three times, it's supposed to take long." Thayer commented, not realizing the effect it had on me. Three times? I felt the food I ate rise in my throat, I couldn't imagine even being shot once. But three times? I couldn't wrap my brain around it.

"Will you shut up?" Dakota hissed, throwing an empty container at him. Thayer eyes met mine before dropping a quiet "I'm sorry".

I looked away, putting my head on my knees. Nurses and doctors kept rushing about, the overhead speaker going off enough times making me want to scream. Despite the noise, I heard with clarity a familiar voice laced with panic asking if there was a boy who came in earlier with gunshot wounds.

I shot up from my position, eyes locking on the person. It was Greg, still in his police uniform. I could see his chest rising and falling rapidly from his rush here, his eyes wide and fearful.

The nurse replied, saying yes and that's when his eyes found me. His face crumpled in pain, as he came around the nurses station and pulled me to him. I felt my composure slip once more, as a cry rose from me and tears spill over. Greg held me tighter, as I felt his own tears on my neck.

"Have you heard anything?" He choked out as we pulled away. I shook my head, not trusting my voice. He nodded his head, before turning back to the nurses.

I turned back towards my crew, only to see Thayer standing up and glaring at me with fury. "Cole's dad is a fucking cop?" He hissed, as he tugged me by the arm down the hall, the others following. 

I nodded my head in answer to Thayer's question. "When did you find out?" He questioned, jaw taunt.

"Yesterday." I replied.

"Yesterday? You didn't think it was important information that you'd want to tell your crew?" He shook his head in disbelief.

Ignoring him, I turned my eyes to Dakota. "That's why I wanted you to meet me at the restaurant. I was planning on telling you. Asking you what you think I should do."

She frowned before hugging me. "Cole's a great guy and his dad being a cop doesn't change that. We'll just have to be a little more careful from now on." She said.

"Yea well I'm still fucking pissed. You had twenty four hours to say something but you didn't say anything. Just because he giving you good dick, doesn't mean you can keep things from us Taze!" Thayer spat.

I gasped, hand flying down to my stomach unconsciously.

"Fuck off Thayer." Paul said. Thayer have him a glare before turning back around the way we came. Theo dashed after him as did Jacob, not saying a word.

I ran my fingers through my hair, everything was a mess. "Screw Thayer. I still like Cole even though he didn't tell us and neither did you." Paul said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and giving it a squeeze.

"Excuse me?" A nurse came around the corner peering at us. "You're friends of the boy who got shot right?" She asked.

"Yes." Dakota said immediately.

"They're taking him up to ICU, you'll be able to see him there." 

I shot out of Paul's grip, making my way to the stairs and taking them three at a time.

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