16. The Lord's Attack

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Trish's POV

I woke to the loud sound buzzing, making me groan. I lifted my head, blinking at the light and reaching for the source of the noise. I felt the edge of my phone and placed it against my ear.

"Hello?" I said. 

"Finally! What the fuck Trish? I've been calling you non stop since last night." A panicked Jhene sounded through. 

I sat up quickly, arousing Cole from beside me. "What happened?" I asked, getting up and smacking Thayer to wake him up. " What the fuck?" Thayer groaned as I woke the others in the same manner.

"We were keeping tabs on Wiz, taking shifts. Jason and I just switched out with Austin and Becky when cops asked them what they were doing. They asked for license and registration and when Becky went to reach for it, they grabbed her out of the van and beat her to a pulp, right in front of Austin."

"Shit." I swore, the others were fully alert and watching me.

"We're at Austin's, come quick." She said, hanging up.

"Something happened to Becky last night and we need to move, now." I explained, as I rushed down the stairs.

We arrived at Austin's house not that long after. Memories washed up from New Years, goosebumps appearing on my skin as I remembered Cole's and I first kiss. The flare between us and the desperation that came off the both of us was something I had never experienced before.

"Jhene?" Theo called out. She appeared down the hallway, gesturing us from her spot. We followed, all tense and quiet. We were met with the back of Jhene as she stood behind a couch, looking down.  I looked down, feeling disbelief and anger grow. Becky's once beautiful face was now a mess of blood and bruises. Her eyes were closed, but opened slightly as she heard us come in the room. Her cheeks were swollen as were her eyelids and as she met my eyes a sob escaped her throat.

"Becky." Dakota soothed, coming around the couch and sitting beside Jason who was kneeling by her. I watched Dakota begin to soothe her as Jason got up from his spot and nodded towards the hallway.

"Where's Austin?" Thayer asked, glancing around.

"Garage. He hasn't left there since we got back." Jason answered as the boys left, besides Cole.

"What the fuck happened?" I hissed.

"You know the gist of it. But I got one of the cops license plate and it turns out he's not a cop at all." Jhene said, as she took a piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to me.

Cole peered over my shoulder, looking at it with me. It was a picture of man, his eyes having a dead look in it as most people do in mugshots. He had to be in his mid thirties and his name, Williams Lamont was printed on the top. On the right side of the page, Jhene had written 'Goodwill Enterprises.' The same company Wiz worked for as a cover up.

"He works for Wiz, doesn't he?" Cole said, drawing the same conclusion as I did.

"From what we can tell, yes. He seems to be one of his personal bodyguards." Jason put in, leaning against the door frame. Hell. Looks like Wiz had finally made his move. I looked back into the room where Becky lay and Dakota still consoling her. There had been three people that I know cared for who had been hurt and almost died. We had to do something.

A crash sounded from the garage, yells coming down the hallway. We all looked at each other, before going to find the source of the noise. We walked in the garage,  seeing Austin throwing random and objects around the room. Thayer and Jacob were making their way over to him, trying to stop him. Paul and Theo were yelling at Austin to stop but he continued as if not hearing them.

"Austin!" Jhene joined in as Thayer and Jacob grabbed him. The three boys seemed to struggle a bit before Thayer and Jacob got the better hand and were able to stop him.

"What the hell are you doing, dude?" Jason asked, making Austin snap his head in his direction.

"What am I doing? I'm trying to find something to murder those guys who almost beat my girlfriend to death in front of me!" He yelled, veins in his neck sticking out.

"That's not going to help anything. " I said, his head angling towards me. 

"What do you know, Trish? We did this for you guys as a favour and look at what fucking happened!" He screamed at me, his voice rising.

"Don't yell at her like that! We wouldn't have known what was going to happen. Do you really think Trish or any of us would've sent you guys out if we knew something was going to happen?" Cole came to my defense, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well after Jacob getting crushed and you almost losing your life you'd think she'd learn something!" Austin spat, trying to get out of Thayer's and Jacobs grip. I couldn't help but flinch at his words. None of us would forget Jacob being in so much pain and still was in even though he didn't show it. The same as for Cole, the memories still to fresh for all of us as I saw him instinctively place his hand on his shoulder that he'd been shot in.

"Austin?" Dakota called, walking into the room. His eyes went from me to hers. "She's asking for you."

I saw his eyes soften at the indirect mention of Becky. Thayer and Jacob dropped their grip and Austin brushed passed them and us, before stopping in the doorway, gazing at all of us. "He's finally made the move you've been waiting for. Do something so no one else gets hurt." He said before leaving the room.

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