42. Prom

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Cole's POV

Trish was the first thing I saw when I woke up the next morning. Her naked body was in the same position it was before we fell asleep and the sheet was wrapped loosely around us. I smiled down at her, lazily running my hand gently up and down her back.

I thought about last night, how she confessed her love for me. I thought I would've been the one to say it first but it pleased me and surprised me that she beat me to it. Though I'd never forget her face when I told her that I returned the feelings, her plump lips spreading across her face and giving me that once rare, now more common smile. I couldn't forget the way journey to the room either. I couldn't get enough of her, wanting nothing more than to stop wherever we were and have her right there. She'd look so sexy in her lingerie and even sexier when she was naked, her body fully on display for me. When she attached herself to me, I didn't expect her to be so dominant or for her to ride me. But I loved it.

"Good morning," she said sleepily, looking at me with her bright blue green eyes.

"Good morning," I said and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "You were amazing last night."

She grinned up at me, "You weren't so bad yourself." I chuckled and wrapped my arm tighter around her.

"I want to lay here all day but I have to use the bathroom and we have prom tonight." Her legs, which were tangled with mine, clenched around mine tighter.

I chuckled again, sitting up and then stroking her cheek. "You're cute when you're clingy," I admitted, pecking her on the lips softly. I left her there on the bed and to my disappointment when I got back, she was fully dressed. She had on black jeans and a grey top, showing off her stomach. I fought off the urge to undress her but instead focused on finding my own clothes.

"You look good," I told her as we made our way to the elevator.

She smiled at me and pressed our foreheads together. "I love you," she breathed.

"I love you too," I said and started kissing her face and neck. She chuckled at my gesture as the elevator opened up and we parted ways. She was spending the whole day with Dakota to get ready for tonight. While the rest of us did our own thing and got ready later on.


I adjusted my tie as I waited for Trish and Dakota to arrive. Around me, my classmates wore dresses and tuxedos. They were in pairs or small groups, the energy excited for one last night to have fun together. Thayer and Nia were inside, dancing and eating the food provided. The Twins scoured the area, giving the girls appreciative looks and compliments. Theo was a few feet from me, wearing a tux that allowed his tattoos to show and  smoking a blunt.

I saw Dakota and Trish make their way around the building a few minutes later, smiling and clinging onto each other. Her eyes met mine as I made my way down the steps to take her hand from Dakota's. She was wearing a usual black dress that split half way up her thigh to show off her leg. The top half cut low between her breasts, the rest of it lacy and long sleeved.

She kept getting more beautiful every time I saw her. I told her that, earning a large smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"You look hot," she said and grinned up at me. I laughed, looking down at the all black tuxedo I was wearing.

"Are you ready to party?" Paul asked as more and more people made their way inside Ebell. Ebell was a wedding venue but did hold proms for local high schools when they could. It was an impressive building with the walls being white and the archways high. There was a courtyard we could go into if we needed fresh hair and a massive area with tables decorated for tonight. There was an equally as big dance floor and DJ set at the back which was currently playing Rihanna.

We found Thayer and Nia, sitting at one of the tables next to the dance floor. Thayer had her arm around her and she was pressed against him, they both looked in love with each other. Trish and Dakota greeted them, complimenting each other on their outfits.

The song changed as they spoke, to a slow song and I grabbed Trish by her hips and spun her onto the dance floor.

"What was that for?" She asked, startled by my actions. I smiled at her and pulled her close, starting to slow dance.

John Legend's All Of Me got to the chorus and she smiled back at me when she heard the lyrics. They reminded me of her. While I was all for the relationship at the beginning when I met her, she wasn't. For good reasons she kept her distance but she opened up to me, like a flower opening for the first time in Spring. Helping her through everything and trying to do the best I could and last night she gave me all of her. In return I gave her All Of Me.

"I love you," I said into her ear, keeping her pressed against me.

"I love you too," she replied, adjusting her arms around my neck.

The others joined us on the dance floor, the song changing to something more their style. We danced for most of the night, either as a group or in pairs. We ate too, only a bit because a song we liked always came on when we were attempting to do so.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" I asked Trish hours later. Prom was over and we were one of the last ones to leave, all reluctant that the past few days had been all fun but tomorrow would be all business.

"Yes. It was a good way to end the past four years," she said and I grabbed her hand, spinning her around. She chuckled before I cupped her face. Her eyes met mine as I stroked her cheek and I couldn't help but notice her makeup was still on. Most of the girls had taken their makeup off or it sweated it off but hers still looked as good as it did when she arrived hours ago.

"Come on you two!" Dakota called from the side of the road. The Twins parents offered us to stay with them to give my Dad a break, which we took.

"We'll catch up!" Trish said.

"You and I both know we won't," she chuckled again as I cut her off, kissing her.

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