23. The Garage

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I stroked Trish's cheek as I watched her sleep. Her breathing was even and some of her hair had fallen on her face, obscuring my view. The half of her face I could see was a pink colour and looked swollen. After we had arrived back home yesterday Trish's crying hadn't stopped. Every time someone asked her what happened or tried to comfort her, the cries got louder and worse. It continued like that well into the night before I had crawled into bed with her, not being able to sleep until she stopped. We had laid there for thirty minutes before her cries turned to whimpers and then silence.

"Cole?" Pauls voice sounded behind me. I looked over my shoulder at him seeing that he was hunched over to look at me." Come with us."

Jacob came beside his twin and smiled at me. "Where are you guys going?" I asked, reluctant to leave Trish. I wanted to stay with her and I didn't know how she would be when she woke up.

They heard my hesitance in my voice. They looked at one another briefly before their gazes returned to me. "We're going to our garage," I raised my eyebrows since it didn't seem like a good time to go. "She'd want you to go with us," Jacob added as an afterthought.

I sighed as I stopped stroking Trish's cheek and rolled off the bed. I didn't want to leave her but I knew the Twins wouldn't let me stay. I followed them down the stairs and outside to the humid Californian air.

"Follow us." Paul said as I got in the driver's side of the SUV.  I did as I was told and followed them to a part of the city I had never been to before. There were no houses but garages lined up one after another on the edge of the city. I looked down the road seeing that they went on for miles. There was people out, some of them having their garage doors opened and others were bent over their vehicles as they worked for the day.

I parked my car on the other side of the road where the Twins had stopped. Their garage was painted a faint light blue colour and there was dirt and smudges on it. I laughed seeing they couldn't be bothered to clean. I got out of the car and walked up the driveway as the garage door opened. When it was fully opened I felt my mouth drop open as Paul and Jacob laughed.

Inside was the black and white 2010 Lamborghini I had been wanting to buy. I walked into the garage as I continued to peer at the car. I looked up at the Twins as they answered my unasked question.

"It's not the car you were looking at." Paul said as he propped open the hood. "This one has an engine of a 2013 Lamborghini so it's more advanced than the one you looked at. The paint coat is new, the rims new and the inside has been cleaned best to Jacobs cleaning abilities," Jacob glared at him for that.

"Did you guys build this car?" I asked incredulously. I knew they were good at cars but not how good.

"Most of it," Jacob shrugged as he leaned on the hood and tossed me the keys. "It's all yours."

I looked at both them as they grinned at me. "What's this for?" I asked and they rolled their eyes.

"For reuniting us with our parents. We've worked on it ever since you got the records." Paul admitted as he patted the side of the car, proud.

"You were going to do give it to me even if I messed up?" I asked skeptically.

"No. We would've gave it to Thayer then." I laughed, happy that I didn't mess it up.

We hung around the garage for awhile longer. They showed me where Theo did his artwork, a small room in the garage. His work was good. They consisted mostly of comic book character drawings and some personal ones. I would have to tell him that I was a fan of his work.

"What do you think happened with Trish and Zeke yesterday?" Jacob asked.

I had wracked my brain thinking what they had talked about yesterday. I went through what Trish had told me about their relationship, which wasn't a lot. I couldn't think of anything.

I sighed," I don't know."

"I've never heard someone cry like that." Paul shook his head as I heard her crying too easily in my head. The sounds she had made didn't sound human and I was worried about her. I didn't know if I could get through to her or if she'd listen.

"Should we head back?" I asked seeing that we had been gone for hours. They agreed and we headed towards home.

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