17. A Plan

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"He's right you know." I said, breaking the silence. Theo, Dakota and I were at our home, while the rest of the group were doing their own thing. It was the following day after Becky's beat up and my mind was swirling. Austin's words, Thayer's words that I hadn't forgot and the possible threat of Martinez being near by.

"Who?" Theo asked, looking up from a sketch pad he had in front of him.

"Austin. We have to do something. Anything actually." I didn't want to get into another fight with a bigger threat than the Raiders. Which is why I had neglected to do anything and why the others had agreed with me.

"We're going to skip all the small shit. Go straight for him, so he knows we mean business." I continued, realizing that we had wasted time sitting on our asses.

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Paul said, coming in covered with sweat and grease. Jacob coming in after him in the same state. They must've been in their garage.

"What do you have in mind?" Dakota asked, sitting up from the couch.

"Go for his family." Paul let out a whistle as the other two looked at each other quickly and then back to me.

"You sure? I mean that's a big start." Dakota said hesitantly.

"That's what I think we should do. But if it's not a group agreement, then we won't. But remember, he went after ours. Twice."

"I'm in." Theo said, closing his sketchpad and sitting up straighter.

"Anyone else?" I asked. The twins looked at each other shrugging, which I took as a yes. I looked at my best friend, waiting for her.

"Fine." She said, causing me to grin.

"Apparently Wiz has a kid and his names Sebastian." Jacob said, leaning against the table while scrolling on his phone.

"Are you looking up stuff about him?" Paul asked, leaning over his brother's shoulder.

"Yup." Which in return earned Jacob a slap in the head.

"They can track this shit you know! If we google stuff before we do anything, the authorities would be able to find us." Paul exclaimed grabbing his brothers phone.

"Will you two stop it?" Dakota interrupted for I could. "How else are we supposed to get information about him? Stake out?" She said sarcastically.

"Yes, because that worked so well the last time." I said with my own sarcasm. "He's going to know its us anyways. So look up whatever you want."

Jacob grabbed his phone back, grumbling at his brother.

"Where's Thayer?" I asked, turning to Theo.

He shrugged. "He's been acting weird lately. I don't know what's up with him."

I sighed, another problem. "Text him so he'll know the plan. He'll show up eventually."

"What about the Raiders though?" Dakota asked. "It's better to get them after one another."

"Fuck with their family too." I easily replied. "Brothers, sisters, best friends, boyfriends, girlfriends." She nodded, getting on with her own research. It would've been easier with Jhene's help, but with what happened to Becky, Austin didn't want to help. At least for. 

"Hey." Cole called, putting his stuff down and sitting down beside me. He threw his arm around me, pressing his lips to my hair.

"What are we doing?" He asked curiously.

I told him what we had in mind and he was uncertain. "I'm usually down for everything. But going after a kid? That seems kind of low."

"You have to stoop to their level sometimes." I explained casually.

"No he's right." Jacob said, frowning at his phone screen. He got up, coming over to us and showing us a picture of a little boy. "He can't be more than 7. I'm not down with going after him." He was right. The boy had short brown stringy curls, dark eyes and natural brown skin.

My eyes glazed over, the picture changing before my eyes. The child still had short brown hair, but the eyes were now had my eyes, with specks of brown in them. The skin colour faded, turning into white.

I blinked, looking away.

"Does he have a wife?" My voice sounded off as I spoke. But none of them seemed to notice.

Jacob nodded. "Amber. So we'll go after her then?" I nodded, a lump in my throat still present. Ever since Thayer made his comment at the hospital, memories that I had blocked out had resurfaced. Images of doctors, nurses, my own sick figure and Zeke's angry text messages flashing before my eyes. 

"Are you okay?" Cole murmured, rubbing his hand up my arm.

"Yes. Why?" I asked, turning to him.

"You told me there was something wrong at the beach. You still haven't told me what's wrong." He said, voice sounding desperate.

"Not right now,  "I replied, kissing him on the cheek.

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to make a decision on what the Mischiefs would do about Wiz. I've been thinking over ideas nonstop and I didn't come up with anything I really liked until now. I'm sorry again and I hope you'll like what I have in store.


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