29. Enemy Talk

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"Have you talked to Austin yet?" Theo asked as he popped a pill. We were sitting in the dance studio of our school, all of us having a free period.

"Yes I did and he said they'll help. Looks like he got over his anger at us." After Becky's beat up, we hadn't heard from the Kings and Queens but when I asked Austin after the weeks of silence, he agreed to help.

"Good to see they're not pissed at us anymore," Dakota said as she finished stretching.

"Do you have any ideas how to expose Wiz?" I asked everyone. Thayer, who was surprisingly present, shook his head as did the others. "What about The Raiders?" I moved on because I didn't have any decent ideas either.

The Twins looked at each other, everyone looking at each other besides me. "Cole didn't tell you what we did?" Paul asked as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. I looked at Cole, an expression on his face I couldn't decipher.

"No I told her you guys went off to do something but I didn't tell her what you did. They burnt down The Raiders turfs." Cole explained.

I felt a jolt of electricity move through me. My guys didn't go for such extremities or at least they didn't before. "What ones?" I asked. I knew they were bigger on turfs than we were.

Thayer grinned, "All of them."

I felt another shock go through me. The Raiders had a lot of turf, more than we did. "All of them? How did you do that with only five of you?"

"We split them up amongst us. Thayer did two, Dakota and Theo did two and Paul and I did two. We set the first ones off simultaneously and moved onto the next, setting them off at different times. The LA firefighters had a busy night because of us," Jacob said fist bumping his brother.

"Who came up with that idea?"

"Me. I didn't think of anything else and you were not yourself so we acted on our own," Dakota responded as she sat crossed legged beside me.

"Very good idea," I praised her and she smiled at me. The Raiders knew we weren't big on turf so the idea of them burning down ours wasn't that good of a comeback. They would have to think of a better idea.

"What about Martinez?" Cole asked tentatively. I pressed my lips together, not sure on what to do or what to say.

"Trish said we're not doing anything so we're not doing anything," Thayer said as he thumbed his phone. He was right, we didn't need someone else out to get us and Martinez was the biggest threat out of all of them.

"I'll call Austin about Wiz," I changed the subject and unlocked my phone. I put it on speaker as it rang and he picked up on the third ring.

"Hey guys!" Becky's enthusiastic voice came through. I grinned at the phone, knowing that they we might've interrupted them.

"Hey Becky, where's Austin?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from cracking through my grin.

"He's uh," Becky's voice said as we heard shuffling in the background. "He's getting out of the shower," she replied. I pressed my lips together knowing that was a lie.

"Lies, we can hear him in the background and we know he's getting dressed," Theo said as he tried to keep from laughing. I heard Austin's voice quietly, "fuck," he said causing me to start laughing. Everyone else joined in as there was shuffling on the phone again.

"Fuck you guys, " Austin's voice sounded through. " Tease me all you guys want but leave my girl out of it. She's redder than a tomato right now."

"Aww Beck's!" Dakota laughed, which got no reply from the background.

"Aren't you guys in school or did you two have a quickie in the bathroom?" Paul asked, causing Cole to shake his head but he was still grinning.

"I repeat, fuck you guys. We have a day off school today, some teacher meeting or something going on." He said, no sounds coming from the background this time.

"You're lucky dude, I haven't got laid in ages." Jacob said, causing Austin to laugh. "I'm assuming you guys are calling to talk about Wiz?" He asked.

"Yes, we were wondering if we could hang out and get ideas of how to expose him," Thayer said as he looked up from his phone. He seemed to be more attached to it than Dakota was to her's.

"We got some ideas already and I think you'll like them but when do you want to meet up?"

"As soon as we can."

"How does this weekend sound?" He asked as I looked around to everyone  nodding their heads. "It's good. We'll see you guys then," I said as Austin responded with his goodbye.

"You think they have any good ideas?" Cole asked.

"Yes. They've been doing this for as long as us," I replied and looked at the time. The bell would ring soon and send us back to classes we all hated. He nodded his head and grabbed my hand as the bell rang. He tugged on my hand and smiled over his shoulder at me because he knew I didn't want to go to class. " C'mon babe," he said and dragged me into Math class.

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