32. Hollywood Overlook

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Trish's POV

"C'mon babe," Cole said as he tugged on my arm. I grumbled and opened my eyes to see it was still dark out. I snapped my eyes shut and rolled over, not wanting to get up until the sun was high in the sky.

"Please? Where I'm taking you it'll be worth it," he begged quietly as he tried not to wake the others. I didn't understand why whatever he was planning couldn't wait until the day started. Yesterday had been an shocking and emotional day so I deserved to sleep.

"Fine," I said moodily and got out of bed. I got dressed in sweats and a shirt, not awake enough to put anything decent on. But Cole smiled at me despite my lazy outfit and grabbed my hand. We got into his new ride that The Twins made him and he handed me a piece of cloth. I stared at it and realized it was a blindfold. I gave him an exasperated look, "You dragged me out before dawn and now you want me to put a blindfold on?"

"Please?" He begged again. I rolled my eyes and then tied the blindfold over my eyes. I couldn't see anything in the pitch black and maybe I would be able to get some rest with the darkness.I heard the car start and the feeling of the vehicle gliding beneath me. We made a few turns and I felt the car stop suddenly, " I'll be right back." Cole said before he kissed me on the cheek and I heard the car door open.

I sighed as I closed my eyes behind the blindfold and tried to get some sleep. I started to drift off quickly but Cole came back too quickly and jolted me awake. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he chuckled as he started the car and I smelt the aroma of food. It smelled fresh as if it was just made and my stomach made a noise, which made him laugh.

We drove for awhile longer and I felt the hood of the car raise as we went up a hill. We went up for awhile until the ground felt flat and Cole stopped the car. He quickly got out of the car and opened my door for me and guided me out. "Don't move," he said and I heard him move away. I felt a light breeze on my face and breathed deeply as I tried to keep my mind on the present. Luckily, Cole came back and distracted me as he shuffled around doing something until he came up behind me. He untied the blindfold and I looked to see where we were.

We were on top of a hill, the city sprawled out across from us and the sun had begun to rise passed it. It was an incredible view and a few feet in front of us was a blanket with breakfast food laid on it. "Surprise!" Cole said as I smiled, cupped his cheek and kissed him. "I see all the attitude is gone now," he chuckled. I couldn't help but laugh at his comment.

We ate, talked and looked at the view as the sun started to rise higher in the sun. "I wanted to talk to you about last night," Cole said, his forehead crinkled as he looked at me.

After my breakdown, Thayer explained to us that he didn't want us to know about his daughter, Royalty, because of how things had changed. He didn't want her in danger from Wiz or The Raiders and especially Martinez who had been silent ever since he killed Amber. I didn't blame him for that but it was what the woman, Nia, Royalty's mom, said that shocked me the most.

"I know you just found out about her but would you like to be Royalty's Godmother?" She asked. The little girl had still been clinging to my leg as I looked down at her and she smiled at me. "Thayer and I have talked about it and he told me about what you did last year," she said hesitantly. I gulped and tried my hardest to keep my composure. I smiled at her and told her I would love to be her Godmother.

"I'm happy for him," I said and took a bite of my sandwich. That was the truth but I had to get through the shock of it all and the emotions I would go through having Royalty around.

"Anything else?" He prompted and I shook my head. "What about your mother's death and baby? How are you doing with that?"

"My mother was stabbed thirty six times and it's all my father's fault," he gave a gasp at my bluntness. "My baby was murdered too if you think about it and I'll never be able to forgive myself for that," I finished.

He scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around me. "Why was it your Dad's fault?" I explained to him the whole story and he listened intently to me. " Have you talked to your dad at all about how you've been dealing with it? He's suffering too."

"No I haven't and let him suffer. I have you to lean on to make me feel better now," I said and leaned my head on his broad shoulder. He pressed his cheek to the top of the head and we were silent for a few moments. "The baby?" He said quietly.

"I'll never stop wondering what my life would've been like if I kept her," I answered. I never stopped trying to picture my life with her in it. "It's going to be harder with Royalty around."

"I think being Royalty's Godmother will give you insight on what could've been, he said and kissed the top of my head.

"What about your Mom?" I asked him and he shook his head. "There's nothing to remember. You got it worse because you got to love your mom and get to know her but I never did. I think it's better that way." I frowned at him.

"Don't you think about what your life would've been like if she was still alive?" I questioned. I wanted to see if he thought like me when I thought about my baby. He nodded and leaned back from me. "I think about it all the time but there's nothing I can do to bring her back," he said and gave me a small smile.

I pressed my lips together and moved my head back on his shoulder as the first sun rays of the day shone on us.

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