41. As One

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I shoved Cole down onto the bed before straddling him and kissing him hungrily. He kissed me back hungrily as my dress rode up, exposing most of my thighs. He tugged on the bottom of it, breaking away to lift it up over my head.

"Nice lace babe," he breathed in admiration. I chuckled and began kissing him again, taking off his shirt. I threw it on the floor and slowly ran my hand down his chest, admiring his muscles. I stopped when I reached his belt, as he groped me from behind. He bit my earlobe, a low moan erupting from my throat as I started slowly palming him. He gave a small moan before he moved his hands to my bra. He unclasped it and threw it on the floor as he kneaded my breasts and attacked one with his mouth. I gasped, his other hand pinching my nipple on my other breast as he flicked his tongue over the first one. I moved my hands faster now, making sure he was ready.

He stopped his actions suddenly, standing up, turning around and laying me on the bed. He laid over top of me, his lips barely brushing over my skin. I felt goosebumps arise on skin as he knelt between my legs and took my panties off. He kissed between my thighs, before getting up and taking his pants and boxers off. He was fully hard now as he took a condom out of his discarded jeans, rolling it on himself.

"Did you figure you were going to get laid tonight?" I asked jokingly.

He laughed, shaking his head as he lined himself up with me. "I carry them with me all the time because you never know," he said and pushed himself into me. I let out a small moan, getting back into the mood. He grabbed my hands and placed them over my hand, gripping me tightly. "I love you," he breathed, his voice raspy as he started to move. He slid out of me and back into me slowly, as he kissed me hungrily. I gripped his shoulders, nails digging into his skin.

"I love you too," I said shakily. He continued his slow pace, showing me exactly how much he loved me, until I locked my legs around him and flipped us over. "Since I love you, you're not doing all the work," I grabbed his shoulders and lifted my hips, slamming them back down.

"Fuck," he moaned and grabbed my breasts, playing with the nipples. I continued my fast pace, moaning as we kissed. He lifted his hips to meet mine, making me moan louder. He sat up, our chests touching as he thrusted up to my sliding hips.

"You feel so good babe," he said as he picked up his pace. I moaned again, stalling my movements because him moving felt so good. He gripped my hips to keep them up, pounding into me.

"Keep going," I moaned, my climax growing higher and higher. I raked my nails down his back as I found the energy to start moving again.

"You're so sexy," he breathed and nipped at my neck. I gave a shaky sigh, feeling myself getting closer to my high.

"I'm almost there, keep pounding me," I said, trying to get him close. He let out a loud moan.

"I'm almost there, babe," his thrusts started to get sloppy. I felt my orgasm approach, my back arching away from him as I moaned. I felt him release in me and mine erupted seconds later. He kept moving in and out of me, making both of our highs last longer.

He pressed his sweaty forehead against mine, our heavy breathing mixing together. He traced a line on my cheek down to my chin, hooking it around his finger and bringing his lips to mine. They were warm and were slightly rough because of how much kissing we did.

"I love you," he repeated as we broke away.

I smiled as our lips brushed, "I love you too." He smiled against our lips as he laid back on the bed, pulling me with him. I unattached myself from him, with a raise of my hips before laying down beside him. He pulled me close, my head resting on his chest and my legs tangling with his. He wrapped a strong arm around me as I listened to his breathing and fell into a deep sleep.

I hope you guys enjoyed it, it's my first sex scene and I tried my best.

But anyways, The Streets 2 will be coming to an end soon. I know it feels like I just started this book and I'm sad that it's almost over already.

Enjoy the next few chapters guys and thanks for everything!


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