37. Panic

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"I thought I lost you," Cole whispered in my ear later that night. He didn't let me out of his sights and always kept a hand on me, even when I was being smothered by the others. I had one hand awkwardly around Dakota as she cried and held onto me. Cole had one of my hands clasped in his so I couldn't properly embrace her.

"I'm right here," I said and took one of his hands off my waist and pressed it against the side of my neck, feeling my heartbeat. He smiled down at me, remembering that he had did the same thing to me. He took his hand off my neck and traced my face with one of his fingers. He pressed his forehead to mine and we stood there, in his bedroom at Greg's house, embracing.

There was a knock on the door and we leaned away from each other slightly. Greg popped his head in, "Are you two okay? I'm about to turn in." He had generously offered for all of us to stay at his house, since we were all basically homeless. We were allowed to stay until we left for college or until we found places of our own.

"We're okay dad," Cole said and I nodded at Greg. We went to bed not long after that and I told Cole I had seen Martinez after the blaze. We both agreed that he was escalating and after that we fell asleep only to be woken up from what felt like minutes later.

"Wake up you two! We're all going out today for some much needed fun," Dakota said. She opened up the blinds as if she was our mother and not like my best friend.

Cole and I both groaned, as his grip on me got tighter. "Are you insane?" I mumbled.

"Yes. After you almost dying last night and that we're all homeless for the time being, I have gone a little mad. Now get up you two!" We both grumbled at her but listened and got up. I didn't have anything to wear, so I was stuck with the outfit I had on yesterday. A black top, a pair of blue shorts and converse. There was some blood on my thigh and my shirt smelled slightly of smoke.

"You could always wear some of my clothes," Cole said as he searched for a shirt. I looked at his slightly tanned back and all the muscles outlined on it. I smiled at myself, not answering his question. The smile faded as he put a shirt on and turned around, catching me looking at him.

"Looking at something?" He asked cheekily. I shook my head at him and grabbed him by the neck, kissing him. He placed one of my hands on his waist and pressed me against him. Our mouths became hungry as the kiss got heated. He unattached his lips from mine and bit my earlobe gently, causing me to gasp. I ran my hands down his back as he started to bite my neck and suck.

"Are you two coming?" Thayer's impatient voice sounded up the stairs. We broke away from each other, forgetting that we had somewhere to go. He nipped on my lip gently once more before pulling me down the stairs and out the house after the others.

"Looks like you're going to get something crossed off your bucket list," I said as we rolled in behind Thayer. We were at a local paintball place, a favourite among our group.

Cole was the only one who needed instructions on how to play, while the rest of us geared up. The play area was a big space, there was shacks to hide in for cover and places to duck behind. They were all placed evenly apart, you'd have to risk getting shot if you wanted to get behind another structure.

"Are you ready?" A staff members voice came over the speakers. He blew a whistle and we scattered away in pairs before we started to hunt each other.

"Trish," Cole nudged me gently a few minutes later and pointed. Across the field, in a hut, was one of the crew. They had their barrel sticking out of a cut out in the hut, surveying the area. We could go for them but it would be to risky because they had the advantage of seeing the field.

I shook my head at him and he nodded. I looked out from behind the structure we were behind, a wall made out of wood. I couldn't see anyone until I saw movement to my left. Thayer was edging his way closer to the hut where the shooter was in. I grinned at the sight, knowing that he would be the only one fast enough and cocky enough to try and get to the hut.

I pointed my gun at him, not letting the barrel go out in front of the wall. I aimed at him and fired. The shot was silent but the sound of the paintball was not. It hit Thayer with a loud smack as if he had been shot and he started to swear.

I laughed and re positioned myself behind the wall so I was covered. "I think I can run to the next structure, but I'm going to need you to cover me," Cole said as he looked at the next structure.

It was another wall and it was only twenty yards ahead. I nodded at him as I stood up and began shooting at the player in the hut. He didn't fall for the bait but aimed at Cole and shot. He fell to the ground and skidded a bit before stopping.

I turned back to the player in the hut and continued to shoot until Cole could get behind the wall. I crouched back down as the player in the hut started to shoot at me. My heart was racing and Dakota was right, we needed this. I didn't remember the last time we all did something fun together.

I peered out from behind the other sit of the wall, to see Cole was sitting where he had been shot. He had taken his helmet off, something you were not supposed to do. He had his head in his hands as my stomach dropped.

I ran out from behind the wall, not caring if I was going to get hit or not. I dropped beside Cole and pried his hands from his face. He was pale, sweaty and dazed. I saw where he got hit, in his stomach, almost exactly the same spot he had actually been shot.

"Cole? Cole? Are you okay?" I asked him as I took my helmet off. A staff member was making his was over to us to see what was wrong.

He blinked at me, his shock seeming to dim. He grabbed me by my hips and pressed me to him. "I'm not going anywhere, not now anyways. I almost lost you last night and I can't wrap my head around it. I can't picture living in Chicago or anywhere without you being there." He locked eyes with me, "Trish, I-" I cut him off as I pressed my lips lightly to his.

"You don't have to make a choice right now," I said to him. I cradled his head to my chest, holding him to me.

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