34. Scholarship

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Cole's POV

People whistled and clapped when our team walked down the hallway Monday. We'd brought back the championship to West Coast High for the first time in decades and everyone was a little excited. I even saw the principal stop and clap as we passed by.

"I'm very proud of you boys. You brought back the championship to this school and some faith back into it," Coach grinned at us. We grinned back at him. "There's some reps back to talk to some of you guys and with that said I wish you guys in college or university and life in general." We clapped and Coach stepped back, other men from post secondary schools coming forward.

I leaned back on the wall and watched as reps went up to my teammates. After that amazing catch pulled off, I wasn't surprised to see multiple reps with Brett. There was two with Kevin also, looking at him for a leader or to be an assistant coach at a school. There was a few other people with reps and the rest of the team were huddled in groups on their phones or goofing off. I shook my head at them. Even if the relationship between me and my team had some tension between us, I knew I was going to miss them when the school year was over.

"Cole?" I turned my gaze away from my teammates to the man in front of me. He was white, wearing a University of Chicago shirt and khakis. I recognized him because of the khakis. Martin.

I reached out and shook his hand, like the first time I met him. "Martin. It's nice to see you again." He laughed at my manners, either not expecting them or because he knew I was nervous. "Nice to see you again too, Cole. I've went around to multiple schools in the city, viewing others students as I told you I would do. There were some good kids but none of them as talented or qualified as you are."

I smiled at him and felt my heart rate increase. "We're offering a full scholarship to University of Chicago to you. That is, if you'll accept," he raised his eyebrows at me.

I continued to smile at him and shook his hand again. "I accept, sir. I can't wait to come to Chicago," I said eagerly and he smiled back at me.

"We can't wait to have you," he patted me on the shoulder as the end of the day bell rang. I stayed behind in the classroom we were in and unlocked my phone, calling my Dad.

"Cole? Is everything alright? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" He asked and I heard background noises of the busy precinct he worked at.

"Yea, everything's alright. School just ended but I was wondering if the two of us could go out for dinner together after you get off of work." I wanted to tell him the great news in person, not over the phone.

"Sure, I get off in two hours. Do you want to meet at the usual pub?" I agreed, seeing it was better than anything else. I quickly left the classroom, the hallways almost bare and made my way to the back parking lot. My friends were waiting for me and I swiftly kissed Trish on the cheek, telling them that I had plans with my Dad. They didn't mind and Trish kissed me back, making the others whistle and cheer. I pulled back, and shook my head at them as they continued to tease before they left.

I drove to my dad's house, it had been awhile since I'd been back. It was cleaned well, almost as if no one lived in the house. The only thing that was messy was my room, the bed spread was all clumped to one side of the bed. My desk was cluttered and I attempted to use it as I finished last minute assignments.

An hour and a half later, I finished, changed and put cologne on before I met my dad at the pub. He was already there, sitting at the bar waiting for me. He hugged me when he saw me since we hadn't seen each other in awhile. It was almost like I was already in university.

"How've you been?" He asked and took a sip of his beer. I had a water, since I wasn't legally allowed to drink yet.

"I'm good. We won the championship game at school as you know and there was some reps there at the game and at school today," I said and his eyes flicked to mine.

"Anyone talk to you?"

I grinned at him," Yea Dad they did. I've got a full scholarship to the University of Chicago, I leave at the end of August." He got out of his seat and I stood up as he embraced me. He patted my back a few times in congratulations and told the bartender to bring a beer out for me.

"I'm very proud of you," he said and I was surprised to see he he was getting emotional. "You're mom would be so proud of you and she'd be crying if she were here." He said clearly as he tried to keep it together. I handed him a napkin across the table as our beers came.

He took the napkin but he didn't use it and kept it together. "I'm going to miss you when you go away to school. I know I don't see you that much anyways since I'm busy and you are too. But I know you're in town and you're having fun but it's gonna be different because you won't be here, you'll be across the country."

"I'm a phone call away dad," I responded. I hadn't expected him to get emotional but I was satisfied with his reaction. He smiled at me and I smiled back as we clinked our glasses and drank.

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