20. Stubborness And Memories

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Trish's POV

I was embarrassed. I had been crying a lot more these past few weeks and the way Cole was looking at me right now, didn't help. His angled jaw fell in shock and his brown eyes stilled as they looked into mine. He quickly re wrapped his arms around me, holding me in comfort. In return, I gripped his shirt tightly as I felt yet another lump rise in my throat. He pulled back, looking at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned, stroking my cheek.

"I don't like talking about it." I mumbled, before someone made a slight cough. Cole pressed his lips together, before placing a kiss on my head. I disentangled myself from his shirt, turning to the others.

"Never thought I'd hear about that assholes name again." Jacob said, looking down at the picture.

"I'd never thought I'd have to talk about him aloud again," I breathed through my tightening chest.

"Why do you think it's him? I thought he disappeared?" Theo asked, glaring at the photo.

"My father wouldn't stop calling me when Cole was in the hospital. I answered so he would leave me alone and he told me that Martinez might be around because his brother might be getting out of prison."

Dakota got up, coming towards me with opened arms. "Why didn't you tell us?" She asked as she hugged me.

"With everything going on I didn't want to say anything."

"You should have told us. " Thayer said with a small smile and an eye roll. I had immediately called him back home when I didn't see him here.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"What are we going to do about him?" Cole asked as he gave me a frown.

"We're not doing anything. This man is a killer and he's in one of the biggest gangs in America. We're just starting to go after Wiz and the Raiders. We're not adding another person to go after."

"So we're not doing anything?" Paul asked slowly. I nodded my head.

"That's bullshit Taze! He messed up our plans and you know Wiz is going to come at us harder than ever." Jacob said angrily.

"She's right though. Wiz and the Raiders are one thing but going after a gang leader of one of the biggest gangs on earth? We can't handle that." Cole stood up for me.

"We can't just sit back and not do anything! He killed somebody." Thayer yelled at him.

"He killed someone and that might work to our advantage. Wiz might be off his game. " I argued back with him.

"She was still a person! They had a kid together and now that's never going to be the same. " Thayer said emotionally, surprising me, "Fuck all of you." With that he stormed passed us and loudly down the stairs. The twins both got up and followed him while the rest of us stood silent as their footsteps faded

"I think we all need a night to think." I grumbled, stressed out about the situation.

"Babe. You have to tell me what happened." Cole said as soon as he could get me out of earshot of the others.

"I thought I said I don't like talking about it," I snapped at him. He pressed his lips together, thinking about his next words carefully. "I'm asking because everyone knows what happened besides me. Did you forget that my mom is dead to?" He questioned.

No. Of course I didn't forget about that. "I don't talk about her because it's too painful, okay? I try my hardest not to think about her too." I said as I felt my irritation levels rise.

"I know it's hard to talk about. But I'd think talking about it with someone who understands might make it easier," He reasoned.

"Stop pushing me!" I yelled. " I said it's too painful to talk about." My voice echoed throughout the now silent room.

"Leave her alone Cole." Theo's voice sounded from around the corner.

Cole glanced at the direction of his voice before he looked back at me. "Okay." He said as he walked back to where the others were sitting.

"Thank you," I called to Theo who replied back in the same manner.

I ran my hands through my hair as I decided that I needed to get away from everyone. I walked back downstairs, through the bar and back into the night. People walked the pathways as they laughed and talked as they enjoyed the night. My feet followed a path to the beach and I sat on the shore with my feet in the water.

Memories of my mother had resurfaced and I couldn't push them away.

She had been beautiful. She had dark brown hair and her eyes had been the combination of blue, green and grey. I got her eyes. Every time I looked into the mirror I saw my mother's eyes looking back to me. She had been smart. Being a lawyer she knew her stuff, she was passionate and kind with the kids she worked with. I remembered her coming home, her and my father talked about their day. She had been upset because her case she thought she'd win, she lost. She'd been everything I'd ever wanted to be. I had her looks but I didn't have her brains. She had been compassionate and kind while I turned out to be harsh and forceful at times.

I missed her. I missed her so much that it hurt. I grumbled at myself, angry that I let memories through. But with everything happening things had slipped through the cracks.

I heard Thayers harsh words from the hospital corridor sound in my head. "Just because he's giving you good dick doesn't mean you can keep stuff from us!"

I swallowed. Cole and I hadn't had sex and I wasn't in any rush.

I imagine that if my mother had been alive, the second most painful event in my life wouldn't have occurred. But it did occur and I knew how I would use it to my crews advantage. I would have to go through the pain so it would later benefit all of us.

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